Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Monday, 8 January 2024
30th November 2023 Larisa, Greece
Dear Effie Achtsioglou,
Dear Euclid Tsakalotos,
Dear Members of the Greek Parliament,
SUBJECT Mitsotakis knowingly gave the Greek people toxic covid vaccines, defrauded them of billions and knowingly has joined in crimes against a science reporter warning the Greeks
In a few simple steps, you, who are well known politicians from all parties in Greece, can dethrone Kyriakos Mitsotakis, restore lasting prosperity, make improvememnts to the health care of Greeks, and secure broad, popular, cross party political support for vital reforms.
A reform of the central bank will enable a new Golden Era, for taxes to be cut, tens of billions in extra funding every year for government salaries and services, for businesses, farmers, the environment and arts and culture.
All this can be very easily done in just a few weeks by publicizing prosecutor probes in Larisa showing that Mitsotakis has knowingly been engaged in very serious financial crimes against the Greek people, and engaged in a covid jab campaign knowing it would kill thousands and make tens of thousands sick, to dethrone Mitsotakis and open the way for new elections, which can be fought on the platform of compensation, money reform and other democratic policies.
The probe D 15 218 opened in Larisa in 2015 shows that Mitsotakis has done everything in his power to silence, kill and ruin a reporter, who has written for the British Medical Journal, Nature, Renewable Energy World, The Guardian,
who was warning the Greek and other people, and for no pay or money, precisely because Mitsotakis knew he is engaged in huge crimes and did not want the Greek people to know about them.
These crimes are ongoing justifying the immediate arrest of Mitsotakis and key ministers and officials in the government, and certainly new elections.
Deliberately trying to mass poison the Greek people goes far beyond routine political corruption.It is a clear crime as is trying to murder a reporter.
Please find summaries here.
All the documents belonging officially to probe D 15 218 are here.
The Swiss Federal Prosecutor has emailed me about jurisdiction in the Greek prosecutor probes in July 2023.
How can it be that the Swiss prosecutors noticed the crimes against a Swiss born citizen in Greece of potential significance to it, and Mitsotakis has not noticed? He has and is pretending he does not know about his own crimes for obvious, self serving interests!
As a result of nine years, in fact, of corruption and the abuse of my right to a fair and speedy trial, I have been threatened repeatedly, imprisoned falsely and defamed mecilessly. My situation is now desperate also financially. Local people have had to lend me the money to eat and live this month, although they barely have enough themselves with inflation and taxes. The fact ordinrly people have to help me makes a mockery of any politician taking salaries claiming to serve the people and take up scandals like this.
I ask for URGENT AND IMMEDIATE HELP to protect my life and return also my stolen money. For the probes contain the proofs that 96,000 E was defrauded from me,which I have not been able to get back, precisely to destroy me financially and stop me getting justice. This is a tactic of Mitsotakis to deny me justice for so long that I am ruined. By standing aroud passively, other politicians are also guilty.
Please find my submissions to the Swiss Prosecutors estimating 20,000 people lost their lives in the covid criminal scheme here
Summary here
To avoid making this submission too long, I will refer to these summaries throughout, also when it comes to documenting the harms of the covid vaccines. New evidence,studies, data, autopsies are emerging every day. It would take thousands of pages to summarize this evidence in the meantime.
One key piece of data correlating with the covid vaccine rollout in Switzerland,as discussed in my submission to the Swiss prosecutors, and other countries, also Greece, is an increase All Cause Excess Mortality.
Eurostat data as in the graphic above show that Excess Deaths for Greece soared after the covid vaccine rollout and have continued to be very high since, declining somewhat recently. We have a correlation which proves causation in this case when taken together with thousands of other pieces of evidence, some of which are discussed in my submission to the Swiss Federal prosecutors as mentioned.
The outrage when the Greek public understand the true facts about the toxic covid jabs, that Mitsotakis has knowingly caused the death and sickness of thousands of Greeks and knowingly defrauded them of the 100s of billions of taxes and assets will be so great that he and his partners will be forced from office.
This will open the way for new elections and a new government,which can carry out reform.
Mitsotakis has only been able to hide these prosecutor probes and his associated crimes by eliminating virtually the entire free media in Greece.
Publicizing the probes will require a media campaign that uses social media and old fashioned methods like leaflets, posters, rallies and so on.
A new party can campaign on pragmatic policies of reforming the central bank, and helping the covid vaccine victims, particulary by giving them compensation. Every Greek can get significant compensation following money reform as I discuss below.
In 2023,the public mood has shifted dramatically in Greece as I have witnessed myself in Larisa.
People have seen and heard about the many covid vaccines deaths and injuries if they have not been injured themselves. They have seen that these shocking side effects are censored in the media. They receive no help.
They have also seen their living standards decline due to the lockdown and inflation. Their day to day struggle to live and eat has become harder and harder. Many see little future for their children.
A new party which offers real, pragmatic solutions to the problems of the Greek people and helps the covid jab victims will gain votes, I am convinced, from people of all ages and walks of life and all parties.
A commuications strategy needs to be developed to communicate the new policies effectively and circumvent the censorship media complex.
Once elected, a new party can implement vital reforms quickly.
Very quickly, Greeks will see an improvement in their lives. This improvement show continue to grow every year. By five, ten years, Greece will be a different country, prosperous and democratic.
Any politicians who create this change will be hugely popular!
Mitsotakis and his partners can be put on trial or a deal can be done giving them amnesty in return for cooperation.
No reform will be possible until the determined criminals like Mitsotakis, as he will be seen to be, are removed and legal action may be the only way given the signs the elections may be rigged.
In addition, a swine flu is being hyped by Mitsotakis partners in WHO and the Billionaire elite as a new pandemic with the potential for lockdowns and more compulsory experimental vaccines.
This, despite the fact the same prosecutor probes in Larisa document how the swine flu is also a part of the same contrived pandemic plot as covid was and designed to make profits for Billionaire Bill Gates especially.
Without reform, inflation, hyperinflation, and extreme poverty will likely be the reality for most Greeks very,very soon.
It is not the first time in its history that Greece has faced this problem.
About 2,500 years ago, Solon,the Athenian lawmaker, implemented the first ever known reform of the money system, which included cancelling debts, as dicussed in The Telegraph.
Solon is an example of what political leadership can achieve.
The current crisis requires similar leadership to restore prosperity.
This money reform paved the way for the Golden Age of Athens, for incredible achievements also in the sphere of architecture. The Acropolis was a public works programme to stimulate the economy. Money reform and debt cancellation paved the way for a new era in democracy. It can do so again.
One proposal for this money reform is called The Chicago Plan Revisited as dicussed in The Telegraph.
It is very simple and was described by me on my blog and in the Larisa prosecutor probes from 2015. Here the private central bank fraud is described.
Instead of giving private banks vast amounts of euros every day, the Greek Central Bank, the Bank of Greece, can give it to the government for free.
The Chinese government shows how this is done today. The way their central bank prints money for free is the secret of China s phenomenal economic growth.
Despite covid, despite US sanctions, China continues to grow, printing 100s of billions in stimulus for the domestic economy using a practise called single entry book keeping.
Such a change would bring the Greek Central Bank in line with the Chinese Central Bank. This is also the way the US Federal Reserve printed money before it was privatized in 1913. The government expenditure was funded by the central bank and imports. There was no need for Federal taxes introduced in 1913 to pay for the exorbitant cost of privatizing the money system.
Prioritization of funding programmes is vital to control inflation
Because inflation must be controlled, there has to be list of priority programmes to fund.
For example
covid vaccine screening programmes
This is vital for the health of the Greek people who have taken the covid vaccines
Early screening programmes to detect signs of sickness can help prevent deaths.
Cures and detoxifications can be researched and rolled out.
Thessaly farmers restoration programmes
for food security
business grants to bolster manufacturing
Depending on inflation, more and more programmes can be added.
It is better to move slowly and keep inflation very low also using price controls, then fast and have high inflation,which destroys everyone s wealth.
Vital is that if the Greek government buys products and services abroad,such as solar panels,as mentioned, it should not cause inflation.
The results should be felt very quickly.
However, the real benefits may take one or two years to emerge.
China s GDP has grown about 3 times since 2010.
This should be possible in Greece.
1. The Greek people will support the removal of Mitsotakis and his government when they realize they have been victims of incredibly serious crimes against their health and wealth and many of their friends, family, brothers, sisters,parents have died as a result of a toxic covid jab given to them deliberately and knowingly as part of a scheme.
2. The Greek people will support the removal of Mitsotakis and his government when they realize their growing economic difficulties and since 2015, at the latest, could have been avoided and are the result of deliberate fraud and these problems are going to get worse.
The government has always been able to fund its expenditure for free without taxes or debts to private banks but has chosen to give the private banks the very profitable control of its money and transfer to the banks taxes, interest etc
3. The Greek people will support a new party and new policies if presented with facts showing how it will enable sustained prosperity for all
4. A new party will win the elections.
5. A new party can implement the reforms.
The party can draw up a budget with far more money to spend while slashing taxes,social security contribution
The higher priority programmes can receive immediate extra funding such as the covid vaccine screening programmes
The private bankers and ECB and EU may seek to stop the Greek central bank from issuing free money as it undermines their profits and power
When the European public understand the scale of the crimes, they will also support the removal of Ursula von der Leyen and her team.
Legal action must be in place to ensure that the Greeks also win the argument for monetary financing in the court of public opinion and also in the courts of law
The issuing of money via private banks necessarily entails growing debt,inflation and unemployment and so undermines the very aims of the ECB.
Arrest warrants can be issued for key figures and they can be extradited to Greece because this way of printing money is literally fraudulent.
Breaking the stranglehold of censorship is not just about removing Mitsotakis.
It is about the right of citizens in a democracy to know the activities of their elected government. The government, in return, has an obligation to inform its citizens of its activities. Open discussion is a basic right. Media freedom is a right.
Apart from the vast numbers of studies showing the covid jab harms, there are lawsuits also in the UK High Court by covid vaccine victims.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Monday he will investigate three major pharmaceutical companies for deceptive practices, arguing that they may have misrepresented the effectiveness
of vaccines and the likelihood of becoming infected after receiving a vaccine.
Texas is among the dozen or so US states which has banned the covid vaccines.
Texas House approves ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates by private employers de facto
banning the jab in the state.
Among the countless legal actions in the USA, are lawsuits by members of the US military over
covid vaccine mandates.
Violations could bring a $50,000 fine under an amendment adopted Wednesday. The bill’s
sponsor said the ban would be the strongest in the nation.
US troops are suing the government over covid vaccine mandates
Not only are there no similar legal actions in Greece, the Greek public never hears about all of these legal actions and bans outside Greece in the media.
We now know the US and U K military and governments run covert censorship operation from investigations by the US The House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
The Biden administration, whose mega donor is George Soros, ordered social media companies to remove accurate warnings of the covid vaccine.
The UK Army,as I warned in 2015 in my Open Letter in the probe files, spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including our own Peter Hitchens, long suspected they were under surveillance. Now we've obtained official records that prove they were right all along Military operatives were part of an operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response
It is clear this censorship complex has suppressed information about the crimes of Soros, Gates and Mitsotakis in Greece because the probes should be front page news, yet are never mentioned.
Every day new scandals about the covid vaccines emerge. We find out now the vaccines were not authorized to prevent transmission, meaning the mandates were illegal!
On 18 October, EMA responded. To disseminate the information contained in EMA’s response, Mr. de Graaff, Mr. Kuhs, pharmacologist Willem Engel, statistician Max Schmeling [2] and
medical doctor Vibeke Manniche [2] held a press conference on Tuesday.
“This answer [from EMA] contains shocking facts,” Mr. de Graaf said during the press
Regarding the covid injections not being authorised for transmission control, EMA confirmed the MEPs were correct. “You are indeed correct to point out that covid-19 vaccines have not been authorised for preventing transmission from one person to another. The indications are for protecting the vaccinated individuals only,” EMA wrote.
“This is devastating for governments that have gone full circle with the message that you are doing it [getting vaccinated] for someone else,” Mr de Graaf said.
Not only did EMA not authorise the vaccines against all infections but EMA went even further and admitted they did not have data on transmissibility. “EMA’s assessment reports on the authorisation of the vaccines note the lack of data on transmissibility,” EMA wrote.
“In other words,” Mr. de Graaf said, “the vaccines were not intended to prevent infections and there was no data at all that substantiates that the vaccines help against infections. In fact, EMA states exposure to the virus increases the chance of infections even in those vaccinated.”
“The mass government campaigns to vaccinate yourself to protect your parents, your neighbours, the weaker in society, were not only unauthorised but also completely nonsense and not based on facts.”
It has been known for a long time that governments colluded to hide the vaccine injuries using statistical manipulations. I reported on this on my since suspended fourthempire blog and Twitter feed in June 2021 already. This is also now officially confirmed.
Unfortunately, it gets worse, Mr de Graaf said. EMA also stated that “all safety information
should be considered carefully before administering or recommending vaccination.”
“So, you were only allowed to make a recommendation for a vaccination after a doctor had
determined that this was sensible in your case,” Mr. de Graaf explained.
“And because no one under the age of 60 had a chance of serious complications due to the
coronavirus, no one under the age of 60 should be vaccinated [without exception]. So, the sports halls full of vaccine [jabbers] were completely in conflict with the use of which the vaccines had been [authorised] by the EMA.”
And that’s not all. It gets even worse, Mr. de Graaf said.
“With a large proportion of the general population having had the vaccines, we expect many
reports of conditions occurring at or soon after vaccination,” EMA wrote.
“That means the complaints must be reported especially in the first period immediately following vaccination,” Mr. de Graaf said.
But, “the government supported a policy in which these complaints were not reported [for] the first 14 days after vaccination because the vaccine would need 10 to 14 days to become
“All complaints in this period were [noted] as [due to] the coronavirus. And that is not only
fraudulent but that [has] deliberately endangered people’s lives.
“And I remind you once again we are fighting with a gigantic so-called unexplained excess
“In short, this information from the EMA is destructive to the developed vaccination policy of [Dutch Prime Minister Mark] Rutte and [former Deputy Prime Minister Hugo] de Jonge … [The government] forced the vaccines onto our citizens with lies, obscured the side effects and thus brought the health of everyone who had taken such a vaccine into danger.
All of this is censored in the Greek media.
Publicizing the probes should not just be about removing Mitsotakis, but also about restoring free media, the right to know vital informatio and justice, so vital for a country to function.
Before I go on to describe the crimes of Mitsotkis proven in the probes, I will briefly outline the policies which he could have implemented along with his predecessor and chose not to. A coherent vision is needed for the future of Greece. Crucial to implementing new solutions is funding. Funding can be released by a simple reform of the central bank.
A new government can pass, quickly and easily, a vital money reform to change the central bank to a state, democratic bank issuing money for free like China. It can lay the foundation stone for lasting properity.
The Greek Central Bank can returned to the people with a simple change in the law.
A new government can change the rules which currently limit Greek state ownership at 35% to make it 55% or 100% simply.
“The Bank of Greece is a partially state owned S.A. share company with special privileges, special restrictions, and duties.[8] It cannot operate as a commercial bank and the percentage of shares that can be under Greek state ownership cannot exceed 35%[9] (initially this limit was 10%[10]). It has a staff of more than 1,800 employees.
Because private banks are vital for the payment system, the government should take control of them and pay salaries directly.
One way is for the government to take control of the private banks is to issue certificates of participation (COP) to become the majority owner of the private banks.
Mr Mitsotakis is responsible for an unprecedented health crisis,
a public health crisis due to defective covid vaccines which are causing thousands of Excess Deaths as data shows and which he knowingly and deliberately gave to the Greek people, as prosecutor probes in Larisa prove
a crisis of in the media which censors vital information about the consequences of the above crimes for the Greek people
a crisis of corruption in the justice system, which has had all the evidence of his crimes and has hidden it
These Larisa prosecutor probes prove prior knowledge and intent. Their existence means Mitsotakis and the government officials responsible cannot say they did not know the covid jabs belonged to a broad epidemic disease plot, they were not warned, it was an error. The broad epidemic disease plot and who was behind it was described in the probes.
Who is behind the epidemic disase scheme is captured in the probes.
The Billionaires
Bill Gates, second largest funder of WHO
George Soros, financier
are both captured in the Greek probes as being a mastermind behind the defamation and de facto murder attempts against a reporter,which Mitsotakis has covered up.
The proofs of personal knowledge are sensational, open source and documented in a January 2016 prosecutor report in 2016 already.
Soros and Gates should have been sentenced in 2015,2016 already sostrong were the proofs against them!
Ironically, It has been George Soros has given the biggest boost to my credibility as a financial analyst using the theories of the Austrian School of Economics.
The probes prove that not only did Mitsotakis and his prosecutors not investigate proofs in their possession
that the covid jabs were toxic, as they have proven to be.
that Greeks were being defauded of 10s of billions every year by the private central bank and private bankers
They joined in the crimes.
Every single person in Greece has been impacted by the covid lockdown and vaccines and also by the private bankers looting of their wealth through inflation, taxes, debt and interest.
Through painful, tragic experience of what has happened to themselves and their loved ones, many Greeks have realized they were lied to about the covid vaccines. They have seen their loved ones, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, parents, grandparents, sons and daughters,colleagues, neighbours and friends get sick and sometimes even die after the covid shots.
They have seen the cover up in the media.
Some people in the health care sector resigned rather than take the covid shots.
All of these covid jab and lockdown victims have a right to justice, to get damages for medical expenses, loss of earnings, loss of their job stress etc
Victims of the covid lockdown and jabs as well as of the bailout and tax fraud can and should get a general compensation. In fact, every Greek has been impacted and should get damages.
Using the legal avenue of becoming a party to the existing Greek prosecutor probes, Greeks can pay just 40 E and claim damages.
A prosecutor in Larisa confirmed to me all a person has to do is write out how they have been negatively impacted by the lockdowns and jabs and present a figure.
The compensation process can be streamlined by passing a law to give all Greeks a sum of say one, two or three or more million euros.
The government can instruct the central bank to transfer to all Greeks this compensation in monthly or annual installments either in bank accounts or in cash handouts.
The actual sum will have to be calculated using the current inflation and forecasts.
Compensation will help the Greeks build a new life of health and prosperity. It will restore trust in the government and justice.
They will once more feel themselves to be citizens who are respected and whose concrns are listened to and not just as cogs in a system. There will be a revival of interest in participating in politics and a genuinely democratic renewal.
Mitsotakis cannot say that he does not know that the Greek central bank can print for free all the money the government needs to funds it expenditure and compensation.
He does know. Its been in the public records of the government since 2015 in the prosecutor probes. He cannot say he does not know that taxes and social security contributions are not necessary.
He was warned. It is in public records. It has been since 2015. Alexis Tsipras was warned like Mitsotakis.
It is proven in the probe he also followed my information. He knew everything.
And he, together with Mitsotakis, did everything in their power to silence, kill and ruin a reporter who was warning the Greek people precisely because they knew they were engaged in huge crimes and did not want the Greek people to know about them.
The proof of a criminal scheme in the probe D 15 218 can be used to declare the Greek government s contract with Pfizer and other covid vaccine manufacturers null and void,a fraud, and claim damages.
Apart from funding compensation, a reform of the central bank can fund sustained prosperity.
Because the money the government spends can be printed by the Greek Central Bank for free, there is no need for taxes to fund expenditure.
Taxes can still be raised but their purpose is to steer economic activity and control inflation.
Taxes can also be raised for emergencies like a war.
The government can abolish all taxes, something which will be hugely popular with every Greek person.
This can be done in stages to control inflation. But witin a few years, it should be possible for Greeks to have no taxes.
Taxes can still be used to steer economic activity and fund emergencies like wars but not for government expenditure.
The difference betwee right and left in politics is often only one of different tax policies.
If taxes are abolished, then the focus is not on which sector of society is taxed more and which less, but on creating wealth for all.
Embracing an approach which aims, like the CCP in China, to bring wealth to everyone, will bring harmony and peace to Greece. It means young people can look forward to a future of ever greater prosperity again.
As part of money reform, the government can also
cancel all domestic debts (fines, back taxes) to government
cancel international debts to private banks
cancel all mortgage debt to banks as these are literally fraud as described below
restore property which has been foreclosed
make a compulsory repurchase of the property stock of private banks
fund programmes for young people and families to own their own home
fund the renovation of houses
fund the recovery of agriculture in Thessally following the floods
This will help secure the food supply for the Greek people in the future and control inflation.
fund a new flood protection programme to prevent such a flood reoccurring
fund environmental programmes like reforestation and hydroponics
fund education and the arts
Depending on inflation, more and more programmes can be added.
It is better to move slowly with releasing extra funds and keep inflation very low,then fast and have high inflation, which destroys everyone s wealth.
If the Greek government buys products and services abroad,such as solar panels in bulk to give to people, it should not cause inflation.
The results should be felt very quickly.
However, the real benefits may take one or two years to emerge.
China s GDP has grown about 3 times since 2010.
This should be possible in Greece.
Free money can be given to businesses, farmers and start ups. This is how China s economy grew so rapidly. Young businesses can get cash grants that did not have to be repaid. Rebuilding the domestic manufacturing sector will help control inflation.It will create well paid jobs.
The government can print 20,30 billion euros for free and use them to buy solar panels from China, for example, and give them for free to the Greek companies and people. This will help secure an affordable and stable energy supply for the Greeks and so help competitiveness and to keep inflation low. It will also improve the environment.
The governments budget will be constrained only inflation. As long as the government can control inflation, it can have a budget of two or three or even ten times its current budget leading to an expansion of the economy and prosperity.
Inflation can be controlled
using price controls
by investment in domestic production to rebuild Greece s manufacturing base and supply high quality and well paid jobs
by investment in Renewable Energy and Environmental Protection
by giving compensation in installments or in the form of tangible assets such as land
by encouraging people to buy products from abroad
A special financial and mathematical unit should be set up to model and monitor the economy, products and services, money supply, debt, interest and inflation in every region
For example, funds could be given for a university and airport in Larisa to bolster tourism to central Greece and a special unit would monitor the inflationary effects to determine how fast they are release
A new government can give every student in Greece who needs support thousands of euros a year as grants to send them to university. Young people from cash strapped families will no longer be at a disadvantage.
It can also set up technical schools and apprenticeships to fund jobs in a new manufacturing sector which pay well. There are many young people who want an alternative to university and who like doing practical jobs.
A new government can nullify all provisions in EU laws that allows for Greeks to be conscripted into an EU army especially in The Lisbon Treaty.
Funding for foreign wars can be cut.
Partnerships with the BRICS can be strengthened.
Helping the Thessaly farmers is crucial for food security.
The 2023 floods were a natural disaster which could have been mitigated if the Thessaly governor Kostas Agorastas had implemented a flood protection programme. But this flood has turned into a catastrophe for the farmers and the local economy because of inadequate help from the Mitsotakis government.
According to some reports, many farmers are considering abandoning their farms. There is a danger that big corporations or Billionaires like Bill Gates will buy up the abandoned farms and form a quasi monopoly.
Bill Gates is now the biggest owner of private land in the USA. He has purchased land in Turkey.
It is quite possible that Gates himself or a front company will seek to buy up these abandoned farms.
He is a well known advocate of GMO foods and other controversial practises.
The billions to help farmers keep their land, rebuild their houses and buy new equipment will be available after money reform. This will stimulate the local economy in towns like Larisa and Karditsa by increasing the demand for building materials, architects etc People will be able to afford to go out more, boosting cafes,restuarants, hotel sector. They will be able to buy more clothes and shoes and other products creating a virtuous upward economic cycle.
Inflation goals can be undermined
by corrupt government officials diverting free money to their own private bank accounts or families or partners
by the establishment of shadow banks
putting fake or forged notes in circulation
by corrupting statistics
An anti corruption drive has to bolster efforts to keep inflation low. It must be made clear that corruption and causing inflation makes everyone poorer. It is very unfair and counter productive.
Putting Mitsotakis on trial would also help boost justice in Greece.
The Greek prosecutor probes make the central role of the Greek Orthodox church in the crimes against the Greek people. A few guilty people at the top of the church hierarchy have corrupted the entire organization requiring reforms and possibly trials and fines and the confiscation of their property.
The contract with Singular Logic to announce election results has to be cancelled because of the clear conflicts of interest of entrusting a private corporation with so much power.
A more neutral, independent and transparent election vote counting process can be established
The reform or even abolition of EYP,which has developed into a spy apparatus for Mitsotakis (Predator) is needed.
Once the central bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. They should be banned. The right to cash should be protected by laws.
The threat of Artificial Intelligence to humanity is of increasing concern.
The Mitsotakis government is pressing ahead with plans to create a digital ID and wallet.
An intransparent and unaccountable AI system programmed by Billionaires like Bill Gates may acquire unprecedented power over every single Greek person, blocking some from transactions and travel.
Personal data can be integrated with vaccine date and a new CBDC to create an overarching control system for every individual inside Greece.
In the hands of Billionaires and corporations, AI can be weaponized against the interests of the people.
Microsoft is at the forefront of this technology.
Its data centers in Greece should be shut down.
There are signs that Mitsotakis machinations extend to rigging elections also through his influence over the private company who announces the election result, Singular Logic, as well as through influence over media and justice officials. Certainly, the resounding victory of Mitsotakis in the recent election was unusual especially given the nationwide outcray over the Tempe train collision scandal.
The Greek prosecutor probe D 15 218 contain evidence of a rigged election in Austria in 2016 using electronic means as I tesfified to the examining magistrate in Larisa end 2016.
I was reporting on the rigged election evidence and more evidence of rigging in Austrian Social Democrat Party leadership elections in June 2023 when a man approached me with a gun and threatened me, at least, making statements which suggested he was sent by Mitsotakis,and my blog was suspended.
Please see summary here
Controlling the machinery of elections and the media, an increasingly authoritarian Mitsotakis government may be impossible to remove by an election.
An alternative to what may not be possible using elections, if they are indeed subjected to rigging as cannot be ruled out, is to remove Mitsotakis and his partners using the law as discussed.
History is full of rogue authoritarian governments who must be resisted.
The next election is,anyway, not scheduled until 2027. In that period, the harms he can do are significant.
By that time, by 2027, he may have consolidated his grip on power by new instruments of controls such as the Digital ID and Digital Wallet.
Almost every day, more Greeks who took the covid jabs are dying as a result. Countless more are getting sick and suffering.
The public health disaster caused by the covid vaccines cannot be dealt with until Mitsotakis, the cause of it, is removed.
Moreover, Greece, along with most of the West, including the USA, is fast approaching an economic meltdown which may result in high inflation, even hyperinflation and mass starvation, long before the next elections.
The economic catastrophe caused by the private central banks and the exponential factor governing debt growth cannot be dealt with until Mitsotakis, the cause of it, is removed.
Furthermore, Mitsotakis continues to deliberately and knowingly threaten my life by depriving me of justice and abusing my right to a fair and speedy trial causing me immense hardship after nine years of corruption.
His motive is clear. He does not want a reporter and a witness to his prior knowledge of the covid and economic disaster and crimes to be alive to incriminate him and his partners.
The only thing that has prevented him from being removed over his scandalous crimes has been his grip on the Greek media, which censors all information about them and about the harms of the covid jabs and his other crimes. The question has to be asked if the heads of the Greek state media, especially, should not be charged with Mitsotakis for their role in keeping him in power.
Using social media and simple old fashioned means as leaflets, a new political grouping, which can include politicians from the right and left, can inform the Greeks about the probes and their significance.
The probes prove that Mitsotakis is following in the footsteps of Alexis Tsipras, who joined in a private bank scheme led by financier George Soros and Goldman Sachs bankers, to ruin them econonomically, defrauding them of tens if not hundreds of billions of euros for the benefit of a wealthy elite.
Proofs of the personal knowledge of Tsipras in D 15 218 are very strong like the proofs of Soros personal knowledge. That the communication between Tsipras and Soros was very good is clear.
Yannis Varoufakis said in 2018 that Soros had phoned Tsipras to get him fired at the height of the Greek bailout drama.
George Soros caught in the same probes in D 15 218 was focussing on my information for sure because of its accurate description of private central banks,the debt death cycle, and the fraud against the Greek people.
As discussed in my since suspended birdflu666 wordpress blog, the Greek government did not need to go into debt to any private bank to fund its expenditure,and certainly not to German banks. It did not have to pay any interest on any “invented debt”. It could have in 2015, yes, long before that. The central bank can print money for free and put it in circulation at no cost to cover its expenditure as China does.
There was no need for austerity to balance the budget to match the taxes, no need to privatize government assets.
Itwas all a gigantic fraud, which has cost the Greeks 100s of billions of euros.
Why did the prosecutors not investigate Soros and the private banks in 2015, 2016 when they knew that the bailout was a financial crimes? It was in their prosecutor probes and also on my birdflu666 wordpress blog?
The prosecutor probes contain a warning that this special class of vaccines to which Ebola, the swine flu, covid belong are Bioweapons and part of a Eugenics and depopulation programme. Why did Tsipras and his prosecutors not investigate?
In fact,the course of the investigation prove that the violations of due process to hide the evidence began under Tsipras, himself caught reading my blog along with Werner Faymann, then Chancellor of Austrian, George Soros and Bill Gates.
Mitsotakis just continued with these same crimes, but that would not have been possible if Tsipras had been honest and done his job.
Soros and Gates could have been indited and sentenced in 2015,2016 already. The covid scam may well have been averted altogther. Much of the bailouts, austerity and the financial hardship of Greece could have been averted if Tsipras and his government had ended the private central bank fraud in 2015.
My personal hardship,danger,threat, financial ruin is also due to Tsipras and his corrupt justice officials.
It is only fair for Syriza politicians to accept responsibility also for the activities of Tsipras.
For the sake of fairness, Tsipras should also be held to account. If both Mitsotakis and Tsipras are held to account before the law, then it will defuse political polarization. It will help create unity. The secret cooperation of Tsipras with Gates and Soros may also help shed light on the reason why he prefers an ex Goldman Sachs banker, Stefanos Kasselakis as the leader of Syriza. He also appears to fit the model of the “fake opposition” leader placed into power with the help of a controlled media to ensure that the Billionaires overall agenda is able to continue for their talk is not followed up by any actions.
Donald Trump was caught in Larisa Appeals Prosecutor E 17 449 trying to put me in prison for revealing a link to Russian journalists researching the Soros, Gates bioweapons plot to which covid clearly belongs on my blog in February 2017,a link which he apparently hoped to keep secret.
Please find a summary here
He is now running to be president again in 2024 while hiding from the American public his role in knowingly pushing a toxic jab on the American people.
By publicizing this probe and holding Trump to account before the prosecutors in Greece, a new political party can help stop him being elected using false claims. Trump is also identifiable as “fake opposition” placed in power with the help of a fake alternative media which includes Steve Bannon and his network.
A free media has been replaced by a machinery of propaganda in Greece. Boosted by a 20 million euros, in government grants at the beginning of the covid pandemic, the media has been willing to sell the lockdown as necessary and when it was not, sell the experimental covid vaccine as safe when they were not.The Greek media is ready to censor the harms of the vaccine
Greeks must turn to social media platforms like X or Youtube videos of DrJohn Campbell to see the huge amount of evidence of harms in the form of Excess Deaths,studies, autopsies emerging all around the globe where these vaccines were given.
The Greek media have been ready to bury entirely the story of how a science reporter warning about these harms and warning about the debt death spiral has been subjected to human rights and fair trial abuses by the brains and funders behind these scams with the help of criminal elements in the Greek government since 2015.
A reform of the media to restore it to independence is vital.
Citizens have a right to accurate information.
They have a right to know about the harms of the covid vaccines.
They should have the right to refuse these dangerous vaccines.
As part of the campaign, a new party should set up news feeds and even a new media to give the Greek people accurate information about the harms of the vaccines especially.
The heart of the Greek prosecutor probes is an attack on just this right to know, on media freedom and on human rights by a criminal elite to hide their plans.
The Swiss Federal Prosecutor has emailed me about jurisdiction in the Greek prosecutor probes. How can it be that they noticed the crimes, and Mitsotakis has not noticed?
A communication strategy must be developed by any new political force to circumvent the censorship complex run by Mitsotakis with the help of the media,who get millions from his government as bribes.
The social media has to be used to communicate to the public. Platforms such as TikTok and X can be used.
Communications must be built truth, trust, and credibility.
Policy aims have to be explained in simple ways so the public understands how they will benefit from the money reform.
Problematic issues should be discussed as openly and honestly as soon as possible.
Politicians must build trust and confidence by being fair and balanced and truthful
By admitting to mistakes and correcting them, treating all citizens with respect, keeping the public informed in an open and timely way will build confidence.
Deceiving the public undermines trust.
Attempting to deny unfavourable information or failing to acknowledge its existence leads to loss of public trust.
Accurate, balanced, and credible presentation of information leads to public confidence in politicians and the legitimacy.
A new party has to be able to deal with a barrage of defamation as “Anti semitic, far right, extremist” if its policies undermine the profit of the current elite.
Telling a story is a powerful way of communicating.
Politicians are a a link in a historical chain that goes back 2,500 years
The link to Solon is critical in providing Greeks with historical context
They have an example of a successful radical money reform.
It paved the way for the Golden Age of democracy.
Other links are the Ottoman empire.
It may be plausibly argued that Greece is actually under occupation by a uniparty system serving the private banks. The probes show that Tsipras and Mitsotakis act as a uniparty, as the instruments of the same overarching pandemic and private banking crimes.The comparison with the Ottoman empire is valid and can be underlined in memes and images.
For example, Mitsotakis and Tsipras could be shown in memes in an Ottoman context or sitting on a throne in humorous memes.
The Larisa prosecutor probe D 15 218 contains a warning that the special class of vaccines to which Ebola, the swine flu, covid etc belong are bioweapons and part of a eugenics and depopulation programme.
My since suspended birdflu666 wordpress blog contained evidence about this which I,am experienced science reporter who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, researched and presented to the public at my own cost.
This can be seen from an examination of the back copies of my birdflu666 blog, which is the focus of the probe D 15 218 and which covered a bird flu, swine flu and Ebola epidemic disease plot.
xml 001
xml 002
xml 003
xml 004
xml 005
xml 006
The prosecutors refused to consider and investigate this evidence of a gigantic criminal plot affecting every single Greek in 2015, although my information was the reason for the crimes against me and probe in the first place.
The probes document that a letter I sent warning UK MPs about this plan to give people toxic jabs was the motive for the de facto murder attempt. This Open Letter lays out a scheme in February 2015 which involves lockdowns, censorship and unnecessary experimental injections that make people sick and kill them.
Please see a copy of the Open Letter which also refers to the swine flu criminal scheme of 2009 as well as the Ebola false flag in 2014 and 2015 here which is a part of the probes as key evidence for the motive.
Mitsotakis cannot say these warnings were not credible.
Then UK Chair of the Health Committee in the Parliament Dr Sarah Wollaston wrote to me about then in January 2016, inviting me to participate in an inquiry.
This letter is part of the probes, specifically AP 372 sent to the Greek Supreme Court in February 2016 by Larisa prosecutors after the violations of due process were discovered to hide the personal knowledge of George Soros and Bill Gates of my information.
Then European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker wrote tome about them in December 2015. This letter is also a part of the probes.
Six years later that scheme, I warned about, as is documented in the probes, was implemented by Mitsotakis and his government with covid, devastating the economy and human rights with unnecessary lockdowns.
Mitsotakis knowing that the government had been warned about these very jabs nine years ago, deliberately deceived the Greek people about the covid vaccines to lure and coerce them to take these jabs he knew to be unnecessary and dangerous.
Now, nine years later, in 2023, we have the definitive proof that my warnings were accurate in the form of the large numbers of people who have died or become sick because of these unnecessary covid injections.
The data in the form of Excess Death data,studies and autopsies can no longer be masked.
Tellingly, this information is not appearing tin the Greek media, but is appearing mostly in the American and British media.
That is because Mitsotakis is determined to use his influence over the media to continue to suppress evidence of his crimes.
But the dates on these prosecutor papers cannot be altered. They prove that all this information and these warnings were in the prosecutor files from 2015.
In May 2021,I submitted an extra warning to the Larisa prosecutors about the Astra Zeneca covid vaccine designed to sterilize populations according to the developper Sir John Bell.
The warning has the prosecutor stamp on it and date. Yet there was no investigation.
In 2023, there are many lawsuits about damage done by the AZ vaccine all over Europe.
The High Court in the UK is hearing a lawsuit from the families of two people who died following the AZ covid vaccine.
A WHO, Gates action to secretly sterilize people in Kenya using injections is also the subject of an email exchange with UK MP Sarah Teather in 2015.
So here we have a pattern, a method, a plan involving sterilization.
It was these warnings and my Open letter to UK MP s warning about a criminal scheme including the swine flu (clearly identifiable as the same criminal plot in 2023), Ebola,covid which led to MP s rejecting a piece of law and is documented as the first cause of the de facto murder attempt in the probes.
The Open Letter and emails are a part of the evidence for the July 2015 police report. Its all in the public files and should have been investigated.
Covid was not a hand of God,a natural accident. It was a plan and Tsipras and Mitsotakis joined in.
Delta 15218 pages 1 to 99, including criminal charges, the police report of bribery attempt of my then lawyer and the July 2015 police report are here
July 2015 police report evidence file 1 is here
July 2015 police report evidence file 2
July 2015 police report evidence file 3
July 2015 police report evidence of 96,000 euros in bank transfers to Theodekti
The subject is also mentioned in my January 2016 prosecutor report and my submission to the Supreme Court in April 2016 which are included in this file of all documents officially belonging to D 15 218.
The violations to hide the proofs of the personal knowledge of Soros, Gates AND Tsipras and with the letter of Dr Sarah Wollaston...
...and Jean Claude Juncker...
...sent to the Supreme Court by Larisa prosecutors in February 2016 are here
AP 372 Greek
AP 372 Eeng
AP 372 Evidence 1
AP 372 Evidence 2
AP 372 Evidence 3
AP 372 Evidence
AP 372 Evidence 5
AP 372 Evidence 6
AP 372 Evidence 7
My emails to the Supreme Court are here
In May 2021, at least one teacher in Pireaus used this prosecutor probe to avoid having to take the covid vacicne to keep her job. She was able to show the clear evidence that prosecutors in Larisa have that the covid vaccines are part of a criminal plot.
It is more than tragic when justice is corrupted on this scale.It is more than a disaster when politicians are so complicit. It spells death, injury, anguish and impoverishment for the people of Greece who have no defences against such a vile and monstrous mass poisoning plot. I saw this anguish among many people forced to take the jab with my own eyes at this time because so many peole had already died immediately after the shot, though causation was irratioally denied. But what could I do,myself the victim of so many crimes from the Greek goverment and politicians? Myself censored, robbed, threatened? What could I do?
People in Larisa have thanked me for my work and warnings. So clearly these local people have heard my warnings and understood the warnings.
So why are prosecutors still refusing to investigate in 2023?
Why are we still watching this crime unfold?
The fourth covid booster has been mandated for the over 60s and the Health Care Workers despite all the evidence of its harms.
We do not know the impact on the long term health of these shots on the Greek people, especially young people. New cases of cancer, heart attacks and deaths continue to occur.
A programme is urgently needed to mitigate and manage whatever effects this covid vaccine has.
Of note, the government of China did not give its people the mRNA covid jab nor did the government of India. This,even when offered to the mRNA jabs were offered to China for free. Likewise, China did not give its people the AZ jab. The Indian government did give it under a subcontractor, the SII, where it has caused large numbrs of deaths and injuries triggering court cases there too.
Of note is that the government of Israel was the first to give its people the Pfizer covid vaccines under maximum coercion. Israel also has Excess Deaths. The poster child of a government covid vaccine campaign, 8 year old Yonatan Erlichmann died from a heart attack after 4 jabs. This makes a mockery of the claim that people like myself warnign the Israeli people are anti Semites and far right etc. These are cynical labels used bySoros,Gates and Mitsotakis to defame and silence legitimate criticism. The covid vaccines are not a political issue. They are a public health issue.
The prosecutors also refused to consider and investigate the evidence that the private central bank in Greece was part of a fraudulent operation looting the Greek people in 2015 and are still refusing to investigate a fraud costing the Greek people 100s of billions of euros in austerity, taxes and inflation.
I handed in the very information to the Supreme Court in April 2016, warning that crimes were being committed and planned in relation to virus and vaccines but also in relation to finance.
The Supreme Court stamp confirming the receipt of the evidence cannot be altered.
The fact that financier George Soros himself was caught following my blog in 2015 should have confirmed to them that my analysis was correct.
This was the period when Syriza was in government led by Alexis Tsipras.
It was the height of the so called Greek debt crisis.
Soros had so much influence over Tsipras that then Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis says he phoned Tsipras and had him fired in July 2015.
So, in July 2015, Soros had so much power over Tsipras that he was able to demand the sacking of his finance minister successfully with one phone call.
Just two months later, two months after Soros called Tsipras, Tsipras and Soros were both caught with personal knowledge of my blog which covered their and the private banks bailout fraud in the context of a prosecutor probe into crimes committed against me for that very reason.
Why did the prosecutors not investigate Soros and the private banks when they knew that the Greek debts and interest, the austerity and the bailout was all a financial crime?
My blog which was the target of Soros describes how the bailout funds and taxes went to pay the debts of the Greek government to banks which it did not need to have.
The Bailout funds and austerity savings went mainly to the private banks, especially German banks, to pay the interest on their "absurd" loans, which the Greek government never had.
In an article by Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hoermann in 2010 which I refer to constantly, it is explained how a state cannot go into debt. It can print its own money for free without creatig any debts as China does now. The Greek government chose to go into debt, chose to go into debt to German banks when it chose to hand control of its Central bank to private banks.
I described in 2015 how double entry book keeping is not just a different system of issuing money.
It is literally a fraud.
This is discussed in the Jerome Daly v Credit River case.
This information is in the prosecutor probes and given to the Supreme Court in 2016.
I described on my socialmedia how double entry book keeping is not just a different system of issuing money.
It is literally a fraud.
This is discussed in the Jerome Daly v Credit River case mentioned to the Supreme Court in 2016.
The government cannot say it did not know about the central bank fraud and that all the taxes and austerity are not necessary since 2015. It s all in their own public records in the prosecutor probes especially in a July 2015 police report.
Yet the Mitsotakis government continues to fund its expenditure only through taxes. It continues to hand the private banks the power to print the public s money and charge exorbitant interest for it instead of using public money to fund government expenditure and abolish taxes, so easing the financial burden on Greek people and businesses.
Here is also the motive for seeking to impose authoritarian governments on people.
An increasingly impoverished people are going to rise up against their looters eventually.
That is the motive for people like Soros to fund the covid control grid and toxic jabs with a portion of his profits from the privatization of money
Freedom of the media and a fair and speedy trial are all rights guaranteed in the ECHR to which Greece is a signatory.
Mitsotakis chose to actively suppress the information, chose crimes to silence the reporter, chose to stop me by any way he could, chose like Alexis Tsipras before him, to act on behalf of hedge funder George Soros whose immense profits are threatened by this information.
The probes document crime after crime against me to hinder and hamper me from giving this information to the Greek people, including smearing and defamation. Everything was done by Mitsotakis especially since he took office in 2019 to destroy me, threaten me, imprison me and make sure the Greek public did not know about his crimes.
The public prosecutor records clearly show Mitsotakis joined in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and to silence and kill the reporter.
In September 2019, after Mitsotakis took power I was sentenced to prison for one and a half years forpublishing ten posts about the corruption of justice officials on behalf of Soros and Gates and the Greek government to silence a reporter warning of their crimes.
In June 2022 when I was snatched and falsely imprisoned in Exozee on the basis of these violations and barely escaped one month later.
In June 2023, I was threatened with a man with a gun in a park in Larisa by a man who told me “No one exposes Mitsotakis and lives.”
The illegal eviction happened just as I focussed on a controversial vaccine deal negotiated by Ursula von der Leyen on behalf of the European Union, with Pfizer.
The European Commission's 2021 agreement with Pfizer for 1.1 billion covid vaccine doses deal was negotiated by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen using undisclosed text messages.
I posted about potential conflicts of interest at the end of November, December 2022. Ursula von der Leyen's role in these negotiations, especially given her family's reported connections to the pharmaceutical industry researching GMO covid vaccines, suggests corruption.
I also drew attention to the way she changed an EU rule on GMOs to allow GMO covid vaccines to be given.
I drew attention to the fact that Jean Claude Juncker had written to me about the probes in December 2015,showing the EC and von der Leyen had also been warned about an epidemic disease and jab plot and censorship, proving that VD Leyen had prior knowledge in her public records of a criminal scheme involving covid, Ebola,swine flu and toxic jabs which the European Court of Auditors thought a matter worth investigating
Please see documents
Just as I exposed v d Leyens conflictsof interest, von der Leyen came to Athens, met Mitsotakis, at the beginning of December 2022. Within two days my fourthempire blogspot on Google was removed and I was evicted from my flat with a completely illegal paper and two rogue police, creating a life threatening situation to me. If someone from Switzerland had not sent me money to go to a hotel, I would have been on the streets and homeless in winter. That was the plan.
Soros himself funds many homeless centers in Greece. Am I supposed to believe Soros will take of me in one of his funded shelters with all the evidence of his micromanaging the crimes against me in Greece?
To sum up, prosecutor public records prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only did Mitsotakis and his prosecutors not investigate proofs in his possession that viruses like covid and swine flu are engineered and the special class of experimental jabs to which Ebola, swine flu and covid jabs belong are toxic, as they have proven to be. He joined in a conspiracy to give millions of Greek people toxic jabs using false and deceptive marketing.
The July 2015 police report for D 15 218 describes them.
These probes mean he and the government ministers and officials responsible cannot say they did not know, they were not warned, it was an error.
They were warned. It was in their own public records. And they did everything in their power to silence, kill and ruin a reporter who was warning the Greek people precisely because they knew they were engaged in huge crimes and did not want the Greek people to know about them.
Mitsotakis cannot say that he does not know that the Greek central bank can print for free all the money the government needs to funds it expenditure. He does know. Its been in the public records of the government since 2015. The July 2015 police report for D 15 218 describes them. However, this passage was removed from the Greek translation without my knowledge in clear evidence tampering.
This information was given to the Supreme Court in April 2016. My submission with this information received the Supreme Court stamp.
He cannot say he does not know that taxes and social security contributions are not necessary.
In an article by Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hoermann in 2010 which I refer to constantly, it is explained how a state cannot go into debt. It can print its own money for free without creatig any debts as China does now. The Greek government chose to go into debt, chose to go into debt to German banks when it chose to hand control of its Central bank to private banks.
The government cannot say it did not know about the central bank fraud and that all the taxes and austerity are not necessary since 2015. It s all in their own public records in the prosecutor probes especially in a July 2015 police report.
Yet the Mitsotakis government continues to fund its expenditure only through taxes. It continues to hand the private banks the power to print the public s money and charge exorbitant interest for it instead of using public money to fund government expenditure and abolish taxes, so easing the financial burden on Greek people and businesses.
Here is also the motive for seeking to impose authoritarian governments on people.
An increasingly impoverished people are going to rise up against their looters eventually.
That is the motive for people like Soros to fund the covid control grid and toxic jabs with a portion of his profits from the privatization of money
The legal basis exists in the form of prosecutor probes opened in Larisa in 2015.
The capture the way a reporter who warned
about a scheme to spread viruses like Ebola and covid and give people lethal jabs
about a scheme to loot countries using the private fractional reserve system
was de facto subjected to crime after crime to stop her warning the Greek people and giving them information they had the right to know
Mitsotakis has played a key role in all these crimes.
knew that a reporter warning the people of these crimes was being subjected to human rights abuses, abuses of fair trial and speedy trial guarantees by his justice officials and police. And he sanctioned it
knew that covid virus and jabs were a part of a criminal scheme and knew that he should have rejected the jabs. But he joined in that scheme
knew or should have known that taxes,austerity, debts could be abolished and the government budget can be funded just by changing the central bank system to free money. But he joined in the scheme to enrich the private bankers.
Mitsotakis cannot plausibly deny knowledge in criminal proceedings. He knew everything.
The Swiss Federal Prosecutor has emailed me about jurisdiction in the Greek prosecutor probes. How can it be that they noticed the crimes and Mitsotakis has still not noticed.
If George Soros was also caught reading my information in 2015, how could Mitsotakis not have noticed it?
Alexis Tsipras also joined in this broad crime and must also be held responsible. He could have come out as opposition leader in 2020 and drawn attention to the warnings in the probes and the corruption during covid. He remained silent.
The result of these crimes has been to plunge Greece into crisis.
The next year will be decisive
Without radical change, Greece s economy is set to collapse along with the economies of the USA and EU.
The USA is heading towards default and hyperinflation as it loses its Reserve Currency status and struggles with a huge national debt and interest payments to the private banks, precisely because it too has a private Federal Reserve. The knock on effect could take down the Eurozone. Germany is also struggling with a debt death spiral caused by its government s use of private Euros as foreseen by the Lisbon Treaty.
so-called prohibition of monetary financing is based on article 123
of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU,
Overdraft facilities or any other type of credit facility
with the European Central Bank or with the central banks of the
Member States (hereinafter referred to as ‘national central banks’)
in favour of Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, central
governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other
bodies governed by public law, or
public undertakings of Member
States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them
by the European Central Bank or national central banks of debt
The impending collapse may be unprecedented and result in mass starvation and deaths.
Unprecedented harm has also been caused by the experimental covid vaccine. No one knows how many people will still die from them or how the future generations will be affected.
These disasters can still be mitigated with urgent action.
The current government, like the government of Alexis Tsipras,seeks to continue along the current path despite the threat of total collapse.
Mitsotakis is refusing to acknowledge the harms of the covid vaccines.
The decision to mandate them for people over 60 years and Health Care Workers shows a determination to continue with a dangerous and uncontrolled experiment on the Greek people.
This is part of a pattern of criminal malfeasance documented in the Greek prosecutor probes.
One fast way to remove Mitsotakis, hold him to account, force new elections and carry out urgently needed reforms is to publicize these probes, which Mitsotakis has done so much to censor.
The alternative to action, continuing along the current path will lead to catastrophe.
The mass poisoning with the covid vaccine has already happened.
Young people have also been given the shots with unknown long term effects on their health
A fourth covid vaccine has been mandated for health care workers and pensioners over 60 years old despite all the evidence
Inflation and the decrease in purchasing power is already causing hardship for many Greeks. But it is set to get far worse without reforms.
By changing the central bank system, the government can
fund the screening programmes for those who have taken the covid vaccines to detect any signs of illness (heart damage, cancer) early
fund treatment
fund research
provide compensation to the victims and their families
The proof of a crime can be used to declare the Greek government s contract with Pfizer and other covid vaccine manufacturers null and void,a fraud, and claim damages.
As part of ac entral bank and money reform the government can
abolish taxes
abolish social security contributions to fund pensions and benefits
cancel domestic debts for businesses and private individuals to private banks
I also need immediate support in protecting my fair trial guarantees and right to speedy justice. I ask you to kindly consider my request.
I believe this should not be a a matter of whether a politicians agrees or does not agree with me or my analysis (for I report crimes not a political ideology). Rather, it should be a self evident and fundamental duty serving a free and open political and democratic discourse to stop a reporter being threatened, murdered and robbed in plain day light for having warned the Greek people accurately about serious threats in an environment of massive censorship. Repeated attempts have been made to steal my identity online and in the real world. This is also illegal.
It is not the responsibility of a party to see to it that I get justice. It is the personal responsibility of every politician who gets money claiming to want to serve the public interest in parliament to see a reporter has the right to warn the Greeks about major crimes without being subjected to murder attempts from the government responsible for those crimes.
I hope you will make a personal priority to take up by case and ensure I get help, financial help as I ddeserve as a victim of the violation of my right to speedy justice, and help,above all, in getting justice, getting my stolen money back, getting compensation and getting my reputaiton restored so I can live and work normally again.
By publicizing my problems, all Greeks will be helped because we are all, I am and the Greek people, are all fundamentally the victims of the same crimes of censorship by Mitsotakis and his Billionaire partners.
I cannot continue asaking local Larisa people who have so little to feed and keep me because of the failure of politicians. It is unjust and unaccpetable. That is the job that politicians are elected and paid to do, not the local Larisa people!
Mitsotakis has killed thousands of Greeks through these toxic jabs. That is clear from the Excess Death data.It is unacceptable for this to be considered politics or for business as usual to continue.
At the very least, Mitsotakis should be removed from power by making the Greeks aware of his crimes.
Prosecuting him along with Gates and Soros, Trump and Tsipras and VD Leyen on the basis of the Greek prosecutor proofs is also desirable. It will enable the Greek state to obtain 100s of billios,if not trillions, in fines to put in its state coffers.
Trials were invented in ancient Greece and they remain the most civilized and reasoable way of dealing with ordinary sense criminals which is what Mitsotakis is. Tyrants and criminals were not above the law 2,500 years ago in Greece.They should not be now.
The media chiefs responsible for the censorship shoudl also be put on trial for the harm their progpaganda has caused.
Trials would make Greece once more a light to the world when it comes to democracy and the rule of law.
They would restore public trust in the government.
They would help pave the way for a new Golden Era in Greece accompanied by money reform.
I look forward toa speedy reply.
Thank you for your attention,
Jane Burgermeister
jmburgermeister AT gmail.com
Twitter or X
Delta 15218 pages 1 to 99, including criminal charges, the police report of bribery attempt of my then lawyer and the July 2015 police report are here
July 2015 police report evidence file 1 is here
July 2015 police report evidence file 2
July 2015 police report evidence file 3
July 2015 police report evidence of 96,000 euros in bank transfers to Theodekti
The subject is also mentioned in my January 2016 prosecutor report and my submission to the Supreme Court in April 2016 which are included in this file of all documents officially belonging to D 15 218.
The violations to hide the proofs of the personal knowledge of Soros, Gates AND Tsipras and with the letter of Dr Sarah Wollaston...
...and Jean Claude Juncker...
...sent to the Supreme Court by Larisa prosecutors in February 2016 are here
AP 372 Greek
AP 372 Eeng
AP 372 Evidence 1
AP 372 Evidence 2
AP 372 Evidence 3
AP 372 Evidence
AP 372 Evidence 5
AP 372 Evidence 6
AP 372 Evidence 7
My emails to the Supreme Court are here