Friday 2 February 2024




Dear Kyriakos Mitsotakis,

I am hereby requesting from you personally compensation of 10 million euros for your role in committing and sanctioning ordinary sense crimes against a reporter who has written for The British Medical Journal, The Guardian, and the American Prospect among others...

...for warning the Greeks accurately about the dangers of covid jabs and also of the fraudulent private central bank system as discussed  in the email chain forwarded below sent also to your office.

The crimes that you have sanctioned and committed against me continue until today and threaten my life as you wilfully ignore my demand that you cease and desist.

Summaries of the crimes, so well known to the Russian state linked TV which interviewed me on them and in the meantime in Greece,  is here.

More here

Summaries for the Swiss Fed Prosecutor who emailed me about the prosecutor proofs implicating you in extraordinary corruption, which is a threat to the Swiss people and their right to know about the risks of the covid, Ebola jab too, are here

The crimes are well known internationally also to the Russian government as emails organizing an interview about them in Larisa in 2016 with a Kremlin based TV company show. The proofs are increasingly well known to the Greeks despite your misuse of even state media as instruments of censorship and propaganda.

I am not alone in wanting compensation.

Greek farmers and businesses also want billions in compensation. Police and doctors and nurses want compensation. Pensioners and students want compensation.

They want compensation for the covid jab harms now proven and the private central bank looting.

And you can pay it, Mr Misotakis. The method is in the prosecutor probes. The method is what you also tried to hide and still do.

As you very well know, you can as PM order the Greek branch of the European central bank today to print the billions in compensation at no cost to the Greeks and distribute it. The information is in the Greek prosecutor probes file you did so much to hide and suppress. The method is called single entry book keeping. It requires no taxes. It is the method used by China s people central bank.

Your decision to give the private banks control of the issuance of the Greek people s money has no legitimacy in the law and is actually fraudulent. Your friends on Wall Street and in the City of London, who fund the media which supports you and the polls as well as companies like Singluar Logic which count the elecion vote, benefit from your decision to allow them to control the issuance of money and charge vast sums for it, which the Greeks have to pay as interest and taxes and debts of all kinds. It does not benefit the Greeks.

You can start issuing money in accordance with the law today. 

An article in the Lisbon Treay prohiting monetary financing is not lawful. Fraud vitiates all contracts. Fraud can never be incorporated in a law.

The so-called prohibition of monetary financing is based on article 123 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU,
see, which reads:

Overdraft facilities or any other type of credit facility with the European Central Bank or with the central banks of the
Member States (hereinafter referred to as ‘national central banks’) in favour of Union institutions, bodies, offices or
agencies, central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or
public undertakings of Member States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them by the European Central Bank or national central banks of debt instruments.

The issuance of private money using double entry book keeping has consequences which inevitably destroy the euro and cause inflation and so conflicts with the mandate of the ECB. The ECB cannot issue money via private banks. Its mandate does not allow it to chose to give profits to banks at the expense of price stability.

In short, you have the means and the legal requirement to start issuing free money for the Greeks to compensate them for your covid jab harms and private central bank looting crimes carried out for private actors.

Greeks did not vote for you to break the law. They did not vote for you to try to silence a reporter to hide your crimes in office from them.

You broke the law and you must take responsibilty.  You are an ordinary sense criminal. I am your ordinary sense victim. And I want compensation from you.  This, as other victims want compensation from those who commit crimes against them recognied as crimes under the criminal code.

To emphasize, you as PM sanctioned and committed ordinary sense crimes against me to censor information of vital interest to the public for the profit of public actors and committed other grave misconduct in office by organizing corruption to pervert the course of justice and let the brains and funders of the covid scheme off the hook.

Your personal crimes against me continue today because you withold the compensation and justice I am entitled to and need after so many years.

I have repeatedly sent you the proofs and asked you to ensure I get justice immediately. You wilfully ignore this evidence of your crimes because you are unrepentant.

Because you are responsible for many of the crimes against me committed by prosecutors and police you corrupted to slander, imprison and rob me, I want action from you personally.

Not your justice minister or prosecutors or police. But from you personally using, and you may well decide to do so, your private email and your private phone and your private lawyer and private bank account to conduct private business of compensation for your victim personally. 

These private interactions can later be shown to you to a court as part of the charges and trials you, Mr Mitsotakis, will personally face for misconduct in office.

I would like the first deposit to be made today from you using your private funds.

The urgency comes from the fact that  I have bills to pay in Larisa today. The bills cannot wait. My financial problems should concern you because you are on the hook for all my financial troubles in an existing criminal case implicating you in the most serious and brutal crimes, as documented in the summaries. Should I be homeless because you refuse to pay the compensation you owe me? Should I starve because you refuse to pay me the compensation you owe me? Should I borrow money because you refuse to pay me out of a salary you claim under false pretenses as an ordinary sense criminal in office?

I have lost my livelihood,had to sell my flat, use my inheritance to fund my campaign of justice also against you. We are talking about the loss to me personally of about 500 000 euros through the crimes of your consortium. You have reduced me to penury just for being honest and trying to warn the public about a serious danger.

Now, Mr Mitsotakis, it is your turn to pay a fair and just compensation to your victim.

You can email me and organize your first payment to me as a priority, a political priority and a personal priority for you, Mr Mitsotakis.

I ask for a first payment from you by tomorrow of 100,000 euros. May I suggest you take out a bank loan if you don t have it in cash or cannot borrow it from one of your wealthy family members. 

My total request to you amounts to 10 million as I mentioned. How you will pay it and what assets you have to sell to cover the compensation at what time can be negotiated with you and your lawyers. It may take you time to sell everything you have, your property, your flat in Athens, your villa in Crete, your cars to pay me compensation but I am open to a fair time table.

At the end you may have nothing left to eat. But then you left me me with nothing to eat, and continue to do so. So, please don t think you can plead for pity and leniency when I ask for every cent you have as just recompense.

Parallel, we can start the official government compensation payment process including the quashing of all my false convictions and prison sentences. That can be done separately through official channels.

A personal and public apology from you on your social media is also expected.

You can also phone me at the number 6946301951 if you prefer. Please text beforehand to organize the call.

I ask you to please start paying compensation to all your victims in Greece today. 

If you want any advice about organizing the billions of central bank money, I am happy to assist you.

You can start paying millions to the Thessaly farmers and businesses and all Greek pensioers by ordering direct bank transfer from the central bank to their accounts, for example.

You must be aware the Greeks do not have to obey any orders from you at all since you are in office under false pretences as a lawless tyrant.

Police and army are actually not allowed to obey a lawless tyrant, committing crimes against the Greek people. The police and army have an obligation to uphold the law,defend the people and remove you.

I hope they do so.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Looking forward to your call and, or email,

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jane Burgermeister <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 14:33
Subject: Reporter threatened by UK gov for exposing covid crimes requests justice
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Governor's Office <>, Press Office <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Trisha Linebarger <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Office of Esther McVey <>, <>, Andrew <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, michael quinsey <>, <>, Rosie <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Mr Rishi Sunak,
Dear Mr David Cameron,
Dear Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis,

I regret to say that you have not complied with my request made also in the email forwarded below to cease and desist from your crimes against a reporter who has written for Nature, The BMJ, warning the public about an Ebola, covid virus and jab scheme.

These crimes were first captured in prosecutor probes in Greece in 2015 

The probes are summarized here.

A government that refuses to uphold its own laws and commits ordinary sense crimes in office to silence a reporter warning about covid jab harms is failing in its most basic legal and constitutional obligations to the public. A  justice system that is corrupted and weaponized by politicians to destroy the free media exposing their crimes in office is no justice system at all.

The parallels with the government run Post Office Horizon scandal are all too clear. They suggest the existence of a system to falsely accuse, imprison, slander, loot and make destitute individuals,and a system which is run by the same criminal network which ran the covid jab criminal scheme. The overlap in the politicians responsible for the PO scandal cover up and the crimes related to me and the covid jab is significant.

Cynically killing people by depriving them for years of compensation and justice seems to have been the tactic used by the UK gov to silence the Post Office staff. It seems that hundreds of innocent victims who have been falsely imprisoned, bankrupted, made destitute and lost even their lives or loved ones, have been denied assistance and compensation even now and must continue to bear the burden of government sanctioned crimes every day.

Hopes you can use the same tactic to destroy me and get away with it are in vain thanks to the fact the Russian TV interviewed me on the subject in 2016 and the Swiss Federal prosecutors contacted me about them.

Please see an email chain with a Kremlin based TV company in 2016 about these proofs against you and your associates in the USA attached.

I ask you in 48 hours to provide me with all the official documents exonerating me, quashing my prison sentence for defamation for posting the proofs of the crimes of you and your associates in 2023, and to return at least the 96,000 euros stolen by your instruments as part of the crimes committed against me in 2015 and which are documented in the police probe by bank statements because you have also deliberately made me destitute, deprive me of the means to eat and have shelter and fight for justice.  This is a crime. It is not just a crime but also unconscionable cruelty and brutality on top of all the other cruelties and brutalities you have inflicted on a reporter for no other reason than that I tried to warn the public of a very real danger. 

The harms of the covid jabs are now documented  in thousands of papers and studies, some of which are collected  on the React19 website.

I ask law enforcement to take immediate action to take over the Greek prosecutor probe investigation and carry out prosecutions of those responsible.

They should examine also which MPs have been complicit in helping criminal elements in the government cover up the warnings about a criminal disease scheme and in helping cover up the crimes against a reporter in Greece by their silence and inaction including  Jeremy Hunt MP and Dr Sarah Wollaston MP who in 2016 wrote to me about the warnings only to drop the matter suddenly.

Please see her letter attached.

To conclude, I ask you to uphold the law or resign. You acted very quickly to quell public outrage about government crimes against Post Office staff and you can act quickly to quell what is going to be huge outrage about your crimes against me by giving me justice and compensation immediately. You cannot say you need more time to examine the case. It has been known to the UK and Greek government since 2015 as the prosecutor documents show. You cannot say Greek justice just does work slowly when you have been caught doing everything to make sure it does not work at all by corrupting justice officials and police. You misused your office to order or sanction the crimes.  You helped ensure that what began as a due process investigation was derailed. You held your protective hand or organized violations, the disappearance of key evidence against you by corrupted police and justice officials.

You cannot say there is no urgency in ensuring I have justice when my life, reputation and health and finances  are threatened by your inaction, omission and other crimes every day.

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about how to deal with the practicalities of your officially ending your crime spree and misconduct in office against the free media.

Because your acts and omissions are murderous in character as they are committed with the intent to destroy me as part of the ongoing crimes documented in the probes and committed in order stop the public finding out about the warnings you received and the crimes you committed to cover these warnings up since 2015, I ask law enforcement to prosecute you for my murder if you do kill me in the next few days or weeks as you clearly intend to otherwise you would have corrected the injustices immediately.

To write something like this to a sitting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister would be seen as a joke if the proofs were not so clear and serious. Mr Sunak and Mr Cameron may be well advised to consult lawyers and prepare for the legal action that will surely come.

Thank you for your attention,

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jane Burgermeister <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 at 15:14
Subject: Covid whistleblower requests Mr Sunak resigns
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Governor's Office <>, Press Office <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Trisha Linebarger <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Office of Esther McVey <>, <>, BRIDGEN, Andrew <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, michael quinsey <>, <>, WINTERTON, Rosie <>, <>

Dear Mr Rishi Sunak,
Dear Mr David Cameron,
Dear King Charles,

Dear Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis,

In the light of the outcry over the Post Office scandal in the UK and the revelation that innocent Post Office staff were falsely accused and imprisoned knowing they were innocent of theft, I ask you to resign, Mr Sunak, over your repeated refusal to take immediate action to stop proven crimes against a reporter who warned UK MPs in 2015 about the harms of the special class of vaccines to which covid belongs.

Then Prime Minister David Cameron is now the Foreign Minister and has it within in his power to publicize and effect the immediate correction of massive violations in due process in Greece to persecute, slander a science reporter.

Alarming is the way Greek justice officials have broken the law to falsely accuse, rob and imprison a reporter on behalf of politicians and private actors, the way it is documented in probes, which are widely known and distributed, and,the way, despite all that proof against you, still you do not want to uphold the law.

Because you continue to threaten my life by your crimes and violations in Greece , I am asking again the Chinese and Russian government for help in your prosecution and cc ing them in.

I am an experienced science reporter who has informed the public of facts and documents of public interest for no pay.

You can see some of my reports for science media here.

I have repeatedly requested that you  cease and desist and to  obey the law and the Constitution and end a scandal known to the Russian and Chinese government and a broad swathe of the public since 2015 and now being examined by the Swiss Federal Prosecutor.

You have not answered me, not acted on this evidence of massive crimes.

That is why I ask you to resign now.

Summaries are here

Politicians who misuse their office to commit or sanction ordinary sense crimes against a reporter warning the public about the risks of epidemic vaccines are  in office under false pretenses.

Before you resign, please correct the violations today, quashing my wrongful conviction and giving me my stolen funds back and compensation proportionate to the crimes detailed in the probes themselves.

You can do this with a few phone calls to the justice officials in Greece whom you control, also in the Supreme Court which has refused to help correct the crimes of their own prosecutors . It is also your interest to reduce your legal exposure in trials which are sure to be upcoming over this scandal. 

Your attack against the free media is an attack on everyone's right to know about the harms of the covid and other jabs and the weaponization of viruses also by your associates Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, which was confirmed in hearings in Congress this week.

I look forward to your correcting the violations today.

Thank you for your attention,

Jane Burgermeister


My twitter handle and only social media channel is BurgermeisterJM

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