Saturday, 8 March 2025

is the red Fiat Punto in the Larisa kidnapping case a red herring to deflect from other vehicles?

 A supermini Fiat Punto alleged to have been possibly used by the kidnappers of the son of the Tempi prosecutor in Larisa has suddenly turned up abandoned in a car park close to the most likely spot where he was abducted.

3 witnesses reported seeing Roma abduct Vasilis Kalogirou in a red car with the colour matching the colour of the abandoned Fiat.

Police are reported to have inspected the vehicle which is a very visibly neglected state.

But is the report and the car a red herring? Is it designed to deflect from other people and other vehicles?

The car park where it was found beside the Open Air Theatre in Alcazar Park has only one entrance from a one way road which runs from the centre across  the main bridge spanning the Pineos river and park. 

The car park is pretty small with space for about 30 to 50 cars. 

People going for a walk in the park constantly pass through it. 

Cars constantly come and go as the parking spaces change hands. 

There is a taxi rank at the enrance to the car park.

How could an allegedly run down Fiat Punto have been in the car park for so long without being noticed? I never noticed it whenever I walked through the car park. Surely others would have?

Is a mini red Fiat a car any kidnapper would use? Let alone 3 Roma?

Why would 3 men use a mini car to abduct a 39 year old healthy man?  They must have reckoned that 4 people in the tiny car would have drawn attention especially if one was struggling?

Why chose a car which might break down because it is in such a neglected state?

Why, if they did abduct him, would they abandon the car in the car park so close to the crime scene?

 And this, after allegedly, taking him 18 km or so outside Larisa to abandon him on a hill top? Why is there is no foreign DNA on his clothes? How did his neck injury occur if it occured after his death as police now claim with apparantly no hard evidence and against all evidence?

How can it be definitively determined that the injury occured after his death? How can it be definitively said the injuries were not the cause of his death? Is there any scientific method for backing up such a claim?  Or is it all just speculation, an eccentric intrepretation of the autopsy data?

Every attempt has been made from the beginning to frame his death and disappearance as suicide due to pyschiatric problems by the police. But that hypothesis does not fit the neck injury.

How did the broken neck injuries occur if they occured after his death on a hillside without anyone around?

There appears to be no sign that he was dragged by a wild animal or animals across brush and stones with so much force that his neck bone broke at the crime scene? What animals have the strength or the motive to act like that while not eating the body as a source for food?

A broken down red Fiat Punto would have attracted attention if it had been used. It would have to have turned right on the end of the road of the most likely scene of the crime and crossed the bridge into the centre of Larisa. Surely someone would have noticed 4 men crammed into a car?

Larisa has many one way streets because the roads in its centre are so narrow. The Fiat would have had to travel all around the busy, crammed centre to get back out if it did not turn around straight away at the round about and drive back the other side of the one way street, separated by a physical barrier which cars cannot cross.

This is also the only way to enter the car park where the Fiat was found. 

Why would Roma place it there when the report of 3 witnesses spotting them with a red car was all over the local Larisa media and everyone was talking about it?

Would they not have tried to hide the car or abandon it far from Larisa?

Or is the red Fiat and the witnesses report just a red herring to deflect from other kidnappers, other vehicles now that no one buys the story of a suicide due to pyschiatric reasons?



What is needed is a prosecutor to indict Mitsotakis for serious crimes and mass murder and or manslaughter.

A PM cannot remain in office lawfully with that record especially not when he misuses his office to cover up mass murder and continues to tell lies the public all know to be lies about the cover up of evdience despite huge protests.

Yesterday, there were 2 more protests in Larisa, as in the rest of Greece, at midday and at 7 pm.,%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%82%20%CE%BB%CE%B5%CE%BC%CF%86%CE%B1%CE%B4%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B5%CF%82%2C%20%CF%83%CE%B5%20%CE%B5%CE%BC%CE%B2%CF%81%CF%85%CE%B1%CE%BA%CF%8C%20%CF%83%CF%84%CE%AC%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BF.

From media

An investigation into the deadly Tempe train disaster is advancing, with judicial authorities considering new indictments.

A senior Transport Ministry official may soon face charges for allegedly ordering the immediate removal of debris from the crash site, a move that could have obstructed evidence collection.

Three of six scheduled witnesses testified Thursday before Special Appellate Investigator Sotiris Bakaimis. Among them were two Hellenic Train employees and the former head of Larissa’s traffic police, who had left a controversial meeting regarding the site’s clearance. According to sources, all three witnesses pointed to a high-ranking Transport Ministry official as the person who gave the order to clear the wreckage.

This official could be charged with inciting breach of duty, a charge already leveled against the former regional governor of Thessaly and six others. If the indictment is issued, the number of defendants in the case will rise to 44.

Judicial sources indicate that investigators aim to establish a precise timeline of the removal process, identifying who was present, what instructions were given, and how the operation was carried out. The goal is to ensure a complete and accurate presentation of the case when it reaches trial.

On Friday, forensic experts conducted a site inspection at a storage facility in Koulouri, where wreckage from the crash is being kept. Investigators are examining the possibility that a substance was placed between the second locomotive and a freight car carrying steel plates, potentially contributing to the fire that followed the collision. Fire department specialists took samples for analysis, with results expected later this month.

Meanwhile, prosecutors are also reviewing a 2023 email from former deputy minister Christos Triantopoulos, which discussed government funding for site restoration. The email, addressed to multiple high-ranking officials, has raised questions about how funds were allocated for debris removal. The Thessaloniki Court of Appeals Prosecutor’s Office is conducting a preliminary financial investigation into whether state funds were misused.

Trump increases pressure on Zelensky to step down for new elections, make way for someone else to sign peace deal to end a lost war immediately


With sattelite data which Zelensky may need also to launch nuclear strikes against Russia disabled, and calls for the US to leave NATO as soon as possible, Kiev s dictator is in an increasingly tight corner and may not be able to hang onto power for much longer as internal opposition in the Ukraine mobilizes to remove what seems to be an arrogant and dangerous coke addict.

It cannot be ruled out that Zelensky tries to double cross Trump again if he is invited to sign a peace deal which must include new elections and the end of martial law.

The Ukrainians must have the right to vote for a new leadership and not just oligarchs like Poroshenko and Timushenko whose corruption fuelled support for Zelensky. 

There need to be new people. Even Kiev major and ex boxer Klitschko seems more genuinely popular than the familiar oligarchs, corrupt as he also seems to be.

Someone else who just signs the deals Trump and Putin agree on would be better.

There is no need for speeches, or a press conference with the Ukainian delegate untless they want peace and are pleased about a peace deal.

Certainly, Zelensky should be told to wear a suit and tie to any peace deal ceremony. He is supposed to be happy a lost war is over, no? and he no longer has to wear combat chic. 

He can be told to sign, shake hands and exit if he wants to sign the deals. No speeches.  Then he steps down to prepare for new elections.

If Trump and Putin feel merciful, they can offer him a bag of cash and a safe place on Mt Athos or in Monaco as long as he goes in 24 hours. 

Otherwise, Zelensky needs to prepare to meet his Maker and for his soul to spend eternity in a very dark, chilling and terrifying place. Hell is real.



Tucker Carlson has said what everyone common sense person knows to be true. It is how a government treats its own citizens which determines whether the people support that government or not.

CARLSON: I am definitely more sympathetic to Putin than Zelenskyy for the following reason: I think it’s fair to judge leaders on how they do for their country. They have one job. Do a good job for your country. Make it better.

CUOMO: You think Russia is doing well?

CARLSON: Yeah. Doing, well, a lot better than Ukraine.

CUOMO: Well, yeah, they’re under siege right now.

CARLSON: No, but I’m just saying like Russia, actually, for a country at war, is thriving.

Just one manifestation of the neo con oligarchs s policy of looting Russia of all its assets was the terrible state of Russia s prisons wheere TB was rife as I posted below.

As I wrote in 2003 for the BMJ, three quarters of all the people in prison in Russia had a serious disease because of overcrowding, and mininmal funding as all the tax money that was raised (and the oligarchs who seized Russia s energy assets paid few taexes) flowed to the oligarchs and their corrupt cronies,the%20rest%20of%20the%20population.

Now the story is completely different as Judith Pallot wrote in 2020. The Russian people benefit from the revenue generated by Russia s huge energe resources. The taxes collected go overwhelmingly to help them although there is still significant regional corruption.

Prisons are no longer overcrowded  due to a halving of the number of prisoners  and "repair and new builds of detention facilities" and TB and other diseases have dropped dramatically.

In the 1990s, people were starving in Russia, could not afford to send their kids to schools, roganized crime skyrocketed.

Russia was hell under the US neo con oligarchs. The population collapsed.

As Tucker showed the world, Moscow today is a modern, thriving city with a great transport system, well stocked grocery and clearn

The cost of living is comparable with the USA as the purchasing power of roubles buys about the same things in Russia as in the USA.

Tucker mentioned that his father worked in Moscow during the collapse of the Soviet Union when he saw with own eyes the terrible state of the city, grocery stores, infrastructure.

The improvement is staggering. In just a couple of decades Moscow has become a genuinely prosperous and safe city where people like to live.

For sure, there are city, wealth and regional differences as in every country and much more can be done.

But I have spoken to so many Russians, and I mean real world Russians coming straight from Russia, in Greece since I have been here, including Russian TV.

There is no question. Almsot everyone gives a positive verdict on Putin and the Russian ruling elite and the incredible improvements they have made to the lvies of the ordinary people.

When I criticized Putin, I was given arguments, facts, stories to show me why Putin was so good.

I was convinced Putin was evil until I saw and heard myself how almost all the Russians I met liked him and respected him for the improvement he brought to their lives.

When we are talking about Putin, we are talking about a large funcitonal ruling elite running Russia.

The Russian elite had to have the courage to energetically resist and curtail the lawless robber barron oligarchs like Michail Khodrovsky who through tricks and fraud ("loans for shares") got control of Russia s largest oil and gas producer Yukos, after the Russian government sold it off, and who acted, as he himself said, as a front man for Jacob Rothschild.

It is no coincidence Rothschild is the financial advisor of Zelensky and the Kiev regime and the British monarchy, the biggest supporters of Zelensky.

There is a good argument to be mad that Rothschild, and his right hand man, Soros, planned to use the Ukraine as a military launching pad to get back control of Russia and its vast assets, which they lost due to Putin s efforts.

It was in April 2017 when Putin refused to renew the 100 year lease of the privatized Russian central bank (1917) that Rothschild became the official financial advisor of the Ukraine governmen and stepped up the militarization.

So, it looks very the US military has de facto been enlisted as the "strongman" by the Soros controlled Biden government to help Ukraine attack Russia for the private profit of the Rothschilds as part of their geo political business schemes.

The US military sends vast stockpiles of its weapons. The US tax payer spends 100s of billions of dollars on the war to enable Soros, Rothschild and their cronies, including Hunter Biden (Burisma) rip off the Ukraine s assets, commit child trafficking on a vast scale and even run bioweapons labs in total secrecy which may be weaponzied against the USA (Ebola in 2014?).

Entire cities have been bombed to smithereens and it looks like Zelensky and the Rothschilds even may have deliberately bombed cities and tortured people to blame the damage on teh Russians, run down the Ukraine army and justify calling in NATO and conscription.

Media and NGOs got 100s of billions from US tax payers to sell the US citizens this fraud.

It goes without saying that Putin does not fear his people, does not need massive censorship given his record.

He does not need to rig elections. The Russians really appreciate what he has done for them. They want him to protect the ethnic Russians in the Donbass persecuted by the neo Nazi battalions run by Soros and Zelensky. They support the war to liberate their fellow Russians. I have seen zero interest among Russians in conquering Europe and I mean, zero. Who wants Europe when Russia has vast resources, land, everything? Seriously.

It goes without saying that Trump need not fear his people as he works for them, ends useless wars, reboots prosperity especially by renationalizing the fed, abolishing taxes, investing in manufacturing.

 He will also likely reap the benefits in elections with huge support (if the elections are not rigged) for decades like Putin.

As for Zelensky, he has destroyed Ukraine and sacrificed millions for the cynical project of Soros and the Rothschilds to leverage it to overthrow the Russian elite and install their crony politicians.

Flashback to my report in BMJ on the shocking state of Russian prisoners health in 2003, conditions have vastly improved under Putin as one example of why the Russians appreciate him

 From the BMJ in 2003


. 2003 Nov 8;327(7423):1066. doi: 10.1136/bmj.327.7423.1066-b.

Three quarters of Russia's prisoners have serious diseases

Jane Burgermeister

PMID: 14604908 PMCID: PMC261767 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.327.7423.1066-b

Three quarters of prisoners in Russia have a serious disease such as tuberculosis and AIDS or another illness, the country's ministry of justice admitted last month.

About 74 000 prisoners are infected with tuberculosis, 36 000 are HIV positive, 26 000 have syphilis, and 1500 have hepatitis, said Alla Kusnezowa, deputy director of the ministry's department for sentence execution.

Also, a third of the country's 820 000 prisoners have mental health problems, and almost all prisoners take drugs.

The grim statistics highlight the poor conditions that prevail in Russia's prisons more than 10 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Human rights campaigners warn that overcrowding, malnutrition, and lack of hygiene have made prisons a breeding ground for disease.

Part of the problem is that the prison authorities cannot afford the drugs to keep the diseases at bay. Shortages of drugs mean that prisoners with tuberculosis usually do not complete their course of treatment, leading to drug resistant strains. About 30 000 prisoners are estimated to have multidrug resistant tuberculosis.

Health experts also warn that the tens of thousands of infected inmates who are released each year are carrying tuberculosis to the rest of the population. Russia is thought to have 342 000 active cases of tuberculosis, and the number of new cases reported in 2001 was 133 000.

The risk of a tuberculosis epidemic comes at a time when the country's health service is in crisis, universal free access to high quality health care has disappeared, and regional clinics are severely underfunded.

In a first step to improve conditions in prisons Russian authorities have taken action to reduce overcrowding.

Friday, 7 March 2025


Major rallies to protest the Tempi train cover up were held across Greece again today as the politicians responsible refuse to resign.

Protests over the collision between two trains near the Tempi gorge in central Greece in February 2023 that claimed the lives of 57 people have spread to all sections of society in Greece

They embrace also the voters of New Democracy, such as lawyers, judges, prosecutors, business owners.

The protests are  a manifestiation of a general awakening to a system of corruption triggered also by the covid jab harms.

As the public has become more sceptical of the government and media, it has followed the ever new revelations of facts and research showing also the train collision freball was caused by an inflammable substances, confirmed by an official investigation, and the cover up, denials and lies with ever more horror.

Scepticism extends to the media, polls showing Mitsotakis party Nea Democracy with a double digit  lead and even to the integrity of the election process.

From media

Two major rallies are set to take place today (Friday, March 7) in Athens as students, workers, and unions continue to demand justice for  the victims of the Tempi train tragedy.

In response to the planned demonstrations, Greek authorities have ordered the closure of key metro stations in the city centre.

Metro Closures and Police Measures As per a decision by the Hellenic Police (ELAS), the Syntagma and Panepistimio metro stations will  be closed from 10 a.m. The stations will reopen following further instructions from the authorities.

Student-Led Protest at Noon The first rally is scheduled for 12 p.m. at Propylaea, organised by student associations and pupils advocating  for accountability and justice. Participants include students from several universities and faculties, such as:

Philosophy, Education, Geology, Dentistry, and Sociology from the University of Athens.

Surveying Engineering from NTUA.

Student associations from ASOEE and ASFA.

Faculty of Engineering from PADA.

A parallel student protest is set to take place in Thessaloniki at 12 p.m. in front of the Venizelos Statue.

Demonstrations Across Greece Student rallies will also be held in several other cities:

Thessaly: Larissa (12 p.m., Central Square), Volos (11 a.m., University Dome), Trikala (12 p.m., Rigas Feraios Square).

Western Greece: Patras (12 p.m., Georgiou Square), Agrinio (12 p.m., Republic Square), Pyrgos (12 p.m., Central Square), Argostoli (12 

p.m., Vallianou Square), Zakynthos (10:30 a.m., Agios Markos Square).

Crete: Heraklion (11 a.m., Eleftherias Square) and Chania (11 a.m., Municipal Market Square).

Evening Protest at Syntagma At 7 p.m., workers’ centers, federations, and trade unions will gather outside the Greek Parliament in 

Syntagma Square, coinciding with the final debate on a motion of no confidence.

Yiannis Tasioulas, president of the Federation of Builders, emphasized the importance of the mobilisation, which will be “double”—first with 

students at noon and later with workers and unions in the evening.

OLME Joins the Protest The Greek Federation of Secondary Education State School Teachers (OLME) has also announced its 

participation in both rallies, urging teachers, students, and pupils to stand in solidarity with the broader movement for justice and 


These demonstrations highlight the ongoing public outcry over the Tempi train tragedy, as citizens across Greece demand answers and 

institutional reforms.

Student rallies calling for justice for the victims of the 2023 Tempe railway disaster have taken place in the center of Athens and other cities.

Cost of key Germany s debt soars 20% in 3 days as fears grow the EU s military spending will fuel inflation, contribute little to GDP, may cause euro collapse

The cost of borrowing for the German government rose a staggering 20% in 3 days after the coalition in waiting announced plans for a massive increase in military spending at around 800 billion euros to be financed by debt. 

Interest on ten year Bunds rose 20% in 3 days from 2.4% to 2.9% before dropping back slightly to 2.8% by the end of this week.

The rise in interest rates will lead to higher mortgages and loan costs, hammer the economy, fuel inflation and send interest rates higher.

Space for the government to pay for the extra spending by raising taxes, such as VAT, property taxes or by making cuts is limited as Germany has only managed to keep balancing its budget by years of de facto austerity, saving also, ironically, on  the military.

Concerns the German government cannot finance the extra interest costs for  a massive loan have been fueled by the fact the  an investment programme is expected to contribute minimal actual growth to the  country s GDP.

The government is expected to purchase weapons from abroad although it has ruled out buying from the USA because it does not produce significant weapons.

Moreover, it will take years for Germany to develop its own military industrial base.

Prrodution processes for weapons are complex.

Germany is very far behind in the arm s race.

For example, Germany s new generation Leopard 2A8 tanks which have been ordered are not expected to be delivered until sometime between 2027 and 2030 and a new submarine is not expected to be available until 2032.

The cost of the new Leopard tanks is hefty at 30 million and observers wonder if investing billions  in land forces is wise when air power is proving more significant.

Plans to retool ailing car factories and convert them into ammo and weapons producers may not significantly shorten the development and production cycle  of the more complex weapons systems needed for modern warfare which is has a big electronics component.

From media

But it’s not just the price that’s causing concern — there are also major logistical challenges ahead. Deliveries of a full tank battalion, which typically includes 44 to 58 units, could take anywhere from 6 to 8 years. This delay points to a larger issue: Europe’s industrial capacity is shrinking, and the defense sector is increasingly reliant on expensive, small-batch orders that result in long wait times and limited availability.


In the end, Austria’s decision to purchase new tanks isn’t just about price; it’s about strategic priorities. Europe’s defense posture is at a crossroads, with dwindling industrial capabilities and a growing reliance on small, costly procurement packages. Austria must carefully weigh the balance between air and land forces, ensuring that it is investing wisely in the most effective and cost-efficient ways to maintain its national security.