Tuesday 15 October 2024

Trump s plan for tariffs, tax cuts, and dollar do not add up Is looming economic collapse why Trump wants the military? But is Trump going to find the US military sees him as the enemy within as much as Harris, Biden?

 Many commentators have noted Trump s plans for tarriffs, tax cuts and the dollar may actually make America s economic, fiscal and financial situation worse

This is because Trump does not address the number one problem facing the US economy, the private Federal Reserve and the exponentially growing federal debt.

Alarm bells should ring among Americans when Trump proposes using the military.

His real purpose may be not just to put his personal enemies in prison but a large swathe of impoverished Americans.


But Trump may find he is not loved by the American army any more than Biden or Harris as he pushed on them the covid experimental jab and lied to them about the harms, also in an interview with Sharyl Attkisson, in which he cited fake Pfizer statistics as a claim the covid jabs were one of his biggest successes.


The average soldier has more logic and reason and can see Pfizer s statistical modeals with arbitrary variables for covid deaths are not worth the paper they are written on, which is why Pfizer does not publish them

The US military is like the rest of the US population in 2024.

Awake to the WEF agenda and awake to their corrupt and lying politicians.

Tellingly, Trump has never responded to the Greek prosecutor probes who describe an enemy of all Americans. Is that silence the act of a patriot?

The State Govs and AGs need to act to put this criminal group in prison. They should not wait for Trump, booed at his own rallies for making false claims about the deadly covid jabs he funded and developed along with the covid virus in Wuhan.


Labour MPs can fund investment into UK by changing the central bank rules, issue money for free like China

Labour MPs need not concern themselves with luring Big Business to invest in the UK.

They can pass a law which allows the UK government to print free, debt free money like China to fund investment controlling inflation with price controls and other tool


China has launched a huge stimulus programme despite the fact is economy continues to grow as steel consumption shows and the capacity of the PBOC to issue free money, which appears to be included in its total social financing (TSF) figures is the key reason why China s economy has continued to grow and grow and is now bigger than the US, according to World Bank Data.

This information is also a key reason for the censorship crimes againt me capturing George Soros and Nat Rothschild no less, the very head of the private banking cartel, and so revealing to the world what information they most want to hide and who are their tools and what are their methods as discussed.


The global economy is growing – especially in Asia

Looking around the world, economic growth continues to be recorded in many regions. This is particularly evident in the emerging Asian countries outside China, according to the latest data from the World Bank. Another example is stainless steel consumption, which has continued to rise despite all the challenges in recent years, particularly in Asia (excluding China) and China itself.


Netanyahu to seek to shield Israel from hypersonic missiles, drone swarms using US THAAD missile defences Signs are THAAD will not protect Israel against new technologies

From media

The Pentagon confirmed that it’ll dispatch nearly 100 troops to Israel to operate one of its premier air defense systems, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), of which it only has seven in total. This comes ahead of Israel’s expected retaliation to Iran’s latest missile strike on the first of the month that it carried out to restore deterrence after the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut. Here’s what this latest US move signifies:

1. Israel Is Probably Planning Something Big

Rumors have abounded about what exactly Israel is planning, but it’s probably something big and will provoke at least proportional retaliation from Iran, hence why the self-professed Jewish State requested that the US deploy one of its few THAADs to help defend it afterwards. THAAD specializes in intercepting ballistic missiles so it can be intuited that Israel and the US expect Iran to respond through these means. THAAD only carries 48 interceptors, however, so it could be overwhelmed if there’s a saturation strike.  

2. The Iron Dome Needs All The Help It Can Get

Many observers assessed that Iran’s latest missile strike exposed the limits of Israel’s famous Iron Dome. The footage that they saw and Israel’s panicked reaction afterwards in trying to cover up the damage, including by detaining Grayzone journalist Jeremy Loffredo and then investigating him for “aiding the enemy in a time of war” by reporting on it, leave little doubt that this is the case. Accordingly, the Iron Dome needs all the help it can get, hence why Israel requested that the US deploy THAAD to assist.

3. The US Risks Getting Caught In Mission Creep

Biden previously promised that “No US boots will be on the ground” in the West Asian conflict zone, yet he just went back on his word after his administration approved this latest deployment. The US thus risks getting caught in mission creep since hawkish policymakers might now argue that it’s worth scaling this deployment in pursuit of perceived national interests after this psychological line was just crossed. They might not succeed, and this could be all that’s sent, but more deployments also can’t be ruled out either.


Netanyahu s foes had the heads up since 2015


Spy drone swarm key US military sites exposing how defenceless the USA is against modern electronic warfare and hypersonic missiles

WSJ report said a fleet of spy drones swarmed some of America's most sensitive national-security sites, including Langley Air Force Base on Virginia's shoreline late last year.

"For several nights, military personnel had reported a mysterious breach of restricted airspace over a stretch of land that has one of the largest concentrations of national-security facilities in the US."

The use of drone swarms for targetted killing of the WEF elite figures is on the cards.

The Chinesee are far ahead in their drone swarm technology as in their hypersonic media technology.


Drone swarms can be made up of miniscule drones too small to detect by Western defences, potentially entering the WH, nuclear bunkers, Windsor Castle, Wall St offices, Downing Street and other WEF control centres.

"The takeaway here is that this is an amazing display of incompetence by the military and federal government as those in the highest levels of power focus on a disastrous "woke" agenda that is weakening the nation from within," comments Zerohedge.

Zerohedge and the controlled alt media, of course, are a part of the problem because they never report the true  facts about central banks so well known to the Russians, Chinese and Iranians  about who controls the media, the governments and their agenda, so helping to keep the American policy makers nd Pentagon as well as Israel in the dark about how far behind the WEF elite controlled West has falled.

A key source of intelligence are the Greek prosecutor probes which are totally censored by both the MSM and the alr right media, whose figures like Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand appeared with Vem Miller.

The Greek prosecutor probes reveal to the entire world the identies, methods and aims of the highest echelon of the WEF elite and have done so since 2015. The very thing Soros, Gates and co wanted to keep so secret, they exposed to the world by their own folly. The legal consequences to them have yet to appear but it is only a question of time, a short time as the public wants justice for the covid jab and central bank crimes.



Since the start of the 21st century, America's defense spending has soared nearly 50%, with this year's budget surpassing $841 billion. Yet, despite being the world's largest military spender, the Pentagon alarmingly struggles to protect the homeland against the rising threat of spy drones operating within US borders. 

A new Wall Street Journal report said a fleet of spy drones swarmed some of America's most sensitive national-security sites, including Langley Air Force Base on Virginia's shoreline late last year.

For several nights, military personnel had reported a mysterious breach of restricted airspace over a stretch of land that has one of the largest concentrations of national-security facilities in the US. The show usually starts 45 minutes to an hour after sunset, another senior leader told Kelly.

The first drone arrived shortly. Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour, at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Other drones followed, one by one, sounding in the distance like a parade of lawn mowers.

The drones headed south, across Chesapeake Bay, toward Norfolk, Va., and over an area that includes the home base for the Navy's SEAL Team Six and Naval Station Norfolk, the world's largest naval port. -WSJ

US Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly told the Journal that he was stumped by reports of spy drones over Langley AFB. The Journal said the drones flew around the base and other highly sensitive military installations in the region at night for a little more than two weeks. Some officials suspected Russian or Chinese agents were conducting aerial spy operations.

Kelly said some drones were roughly 20 feet long and flew more than 100 mph at 3,000 to 4,000 feet altitude. None of these drones were shot down because federal law prohibits the military from dispatching F-22s, F-35s, and other fighter jets to neutralize drones for 'aerial snooping' - unless these unmanned systems posed an 'imminent threat.'


The takeaway here is that this is an amazing display of incompetence by the military and federal government as those in the highest levels of power focus on a disastrous "woke" agenda that is weakening the nation from within. 


Russian troops position themselves to outflank Ukrainian army and cut the country in two as North Korea destroys highways joining it to the South

Russian troops have made significant advances from the western flank of Ukrainian positions, and reports indicate a threat of Ukrainian troops being encircled. 

The Ukraine could be cut in two if the Russian troops move up perhaps also the national highways linking Sumy with Dnipro, Pokrovsk region. 

That would mean the de faco encirclement of Kharkiv.

"Fears of potential encirclement of Ukrainian troops in Kursk come only days after US officials claimed they could hold the ground for months.

As with all war, the losing side tends to implode all at once after a long period of seemingly static and secure defenses," notes Zerohedge


In  a separate development, North Korea has destroyed transport links joining it to Sourth Korea s network preventing the rapid mobilization of South Korean troops to enter its territory.

From media

South Korea’s military says it has fired warning shots near its heavily fortified border with the North after Pyongyang blew up sections of the deeply symbolic roads linking the two countries.

At around midday, some parts of the road north of the military demarcation line (MDL) dividing the countries were blown up, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a message sent to media on Tuesday.

In response, Seoul’s military “conducted counter-fire” in areas south of the MDL, it added later.

Since leader Kim Jong-un declared the South his country’s “principal enemy” earlier this year, the North has laid fresh mines, erected anti-tank barriers, and deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads along the already heavily fortified border.


Are Vem Miller connections are a Who s Who of controlled alt right opposition?

Vem Miller was a part of the J6 set up, photographed with Nigel Farage, Russel Brand, Jordan Peterson and a host of other alt right figures who appaeared to be part of controlled opposition led by Steve Bannon and Alex Jones.

He may even have been pictured with Elon Musk, pal of Klaus Schwab and Albert Bourla.

Suspicious is tha the FBI and Secret Services are not going to press charges against him for attempted assassination despite Miller being caught using a phony press card and an unregistered car packed with weapons to enter the Trump rally.

Why would such a well known "Sovereign citizen" and Republican Party insider want to use a phony press card to enter a rally?

From media

Sovereign citizen’ & ‘would-be gunman’ pictured with Farage & Russell Brand

Both weapons were unregistered and Miller was also carrying drivers’ licenses and passports under different names.

He appears to be part of the right-wing, anti-government “Sovereign Citizens” movement which resists the use of number plates and official ID.

The Las Vegas resident has previously shared pictures online with plenty of high-profile figures including former US presidential candidate and Trump supporter Robert Kennedy Jr, actor Dennis Quiad and controversial Canadian professor Dr Jordan Peterson.

He has also posed up with far-right conspiracist and infamous Capitol riot frontman, the QAnon shaman.

Miller has vehemently denied the accusations against him and insists he is a fan of the White House nominee.

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said he believes Miller intended to kill the Republican presidential candidate in what would mark the third attempt on his life in just four months.

But the FBI and Secret Service are not looking at the case as an attempted assassination, according to reports, and Miller was released on a bail of $5,000 yesterday.


All of Australia s State Premiers refuse to meet King Charles in a sign of the decline of the Wndsors influence post covid

In a move that will set alarm bells ringing in the tight, insulated Monrarchy, and King Charles,so resistant to reality, every premier of a state in Australia has declined to meet with him at a reception.

That is a sign the Windsors ability to use soft power to control events is fading fast.

The snub to the Head of the Commonwealth may be another effect of the dramatic shift in mood due to the covid criminal scheme and jabs among Austrialia voters and the state premiers.

As with all authoritarian regimes, who survive using censorship, the implosion of the WEF elite may be sudden. 

From media

A reception for the royal couple in Canberra on 21 October has invited all the nation's state premiers - but none are reported to have accepted, blaming other commitments.

The King is due to address community and political leaders at the event, according to Buckingham Palace.

Victoria's state premier Jacinta Allan was the latest leader to confirm she will not be attending, while South Australian premier Peter Malinauskas blamed a regional cabinet meeting for his expected absence.

Other premiers blamed workload from preventing them attending the reception, while Queensland's Steven Miles said he will be concentrating on his election campaign.
