Saturday, 1 March 2025


Yesterdays Tempe train cover up protests embraced people from all ages, walks of life, political affiliations and included business owners.

They were the biggest ever in Greece, according to Austria s state TV, the ORF.

A country which has seen many huge protests embracing hundreds of thousands, especially during austerity, never saw a protest like yesterdays.

Austrian state TV is generally quite accurate about basic figures because even the WEF elite in Austria recognize they need to have some idea of the public mood if they are to avoid the fate of Ceacescu in Romania.

It was the biggest in every sense.

It was accompanied by a 24 hour strike joined by air traffic controllers and ferry operators. Many businesses closed, at least, during the morning. Most of the cafes and restaurants closed.

Not just the numbers were big. There were 250 rallies across the country joined by possibly millions of people.  There were 50 more rallies outside Greece.

The cause was big. 

It was  about marking the second anniversay of a train collision which killed 57 people and a cover up.

But it was more than that. It was about fundamental principles.

It was about whether Greeks have democracy, justice, rights and a future.

Or whether it will continue to be run into the ground by a tyrannical, criminal mafia, which has superimposed itsself on government, and which does not shirk from mass murder, cover ups, lies and intimidation of which the Tempi train cover up has become a symbol.

In Larisa, fueled by anger at the apparant murder of the Tempi prosecutors son, Vasilis Kalogirou, the protests seemed magnitudes bigger than any other protest before 

Larisa court is also the scene of  prosecutor probes implicating Soros and Gates in censorship crimes and well known throughout the court,  judicial system, the city and indeed, Greece. 

People filled not just the central square fronted by the court where the appeals prosecutor Sofia Kalogirou works. They packed the streets all around. And for hours. That was new.

There was a  march from Larisa central square where a key court located to the fateful station from which the intercity train packed with studnets left on the night of 28th February 2023 to collide with a freight train in the valley of Tempe.

This march alone included tens of thousands of people and extended for kilometres as it snaked its way through the small city centre.

These protests,called the biggest in the history of Greece by Austrian state TV, the ORF,  are a manifestiation of the seismic political awakening which has occurred since the covid jab harms, especially, appeared.

After the covid jab mass injuries and deaths, people take seriously the evidence that they are indeed ruled by a tyrannical system, an anti democratic, corrupt elite helped by crony media.

The protests were not directed against a particular political party or policy as before.

The protests were directed against the WEF elite or the "system" as the Greeks call their Soros and Gates controlled "Deep State".

They were demands for a system change, for an end to the deep state of the WEF elite and a  return to real democracy.

The "system s" instrument Misotakis and his cronies have completey failed to see the scale of public anger embracing the top judges and prosecutors union, business owners and air traffic controllers, the traditional voters of his Nea Dimokratia party.

To the end, Mitsotakis and his Ministers like Adonis Georgiades went on TV to reframe the protests as personal attacks.

They sought to paint themselves as victims, of being accused of crimes without any evidence or substance. Ministers shouted and screamed on TV to silence debates. 

Mitsotakis has repeatedly called the claims of a cover up over the Tempi train collision a conspiracy theory pushed by fringe websites.

It is easy for the oligarchs social media to change viewer counts and set alogirthms and flood the internet with AI pictures to make it look like a particular site is a fringe website.

But it is impossible for social media to fake the possibly millions of people who came onto the streets in all the cities of Greece yesterday.

Possibly a million or more people  came out onto the stteets and in cities and towns all over Greece, a country of just over 10  million people, to protest a dictatorship which has enthroned itself in their parliament.

For when an elected PM, paid by tax payers who has pledged to uphold the law, can kill people with impunity and then threaten, slander, insult the victims,  we are talking about a dictatorship.

When the son of a prosecutor is murdered,  and the government are the main suspects, we are talking about a dictatorship.

The Tempi train collision cover up concentrates the tyrannical tendencies the public perceive in government, which emerged especially clearly during covid.

The family of the victims had to hire private investigators to documents what was clear to many from the beginning, including myself, just from looking at the state of the trains and metal, namely, that a explosive or inflammable liquid must have been involved.

The biggest train crash in the history of Greece does  not seem to have been just an accident.  It did not seem to have been the result merely of an old and run down railway system.

It is not an accident when a container of flammable liquid is placed just behind a locomotive to weaponize it.

The cover up began almost immediately. It was systematic and coordinated by the government.

For example, police, fire fighters and local authorities could not find any evidence of the inflammable liquid which was everywhere.

They failed to secure any samples and conduct routine tests and measures.

They did not carry out autopsies, did not secure video footage.

But they did remove about 2 acres of earth and train carriages at top speed.

The station master responsible did not have the age or training for the job to which he was hastily appointed just as Mitsotakis himself came to Larisa at the end of February.

Not only was he new to the job, so was the head of the local fire brigade s investigative team.

Did they get the positions because of party influence? 

Mitsotakis and the then transport minister, Costas Karamanlis, belong to two of the families which form almost dynasties dominating politics in Greece.

Were they chosen for a purpose? And to ensure no evidence was gathered?

That because the police and fire services do not serve the people as one would expect in a democracy. They serve the WEF system. They cover up huge crimes by the WEF elite as happens in an authoritarian state.

The family of the prosecutor had to hire a private investigate to document the murder of their son because the police could only see signs of suicide.

The MSM has played a huge role in uphlding the fiction of resistance to the WEF elite, the covid jab harms, the Tempi train cover up, being a fringe group.

The massive, historic protests yesterday showed how wrong that is.

Trump and his team would be wise to recognize this is a new era.

It is no longer the old way of doing politics, when corporations, Billionaires could determine politics with donations and a network of aides and get away with it. 

Lobbyists like Susie Wiles, who appears to try to run the Trump administation as an arm of Billionaires, Gates and Pfizer and who appears to have contempt for and even dimiss the public and its rights and concerns are dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs, which cannot keep up with fast paced change,  perish.

It it is a new  era when the ordinary people in Greece, in the USA, are re engaging in plitics with a new interest and determnation after recognizing they must take action to protect their basic civil rights, their right to life and health, to justice and fair trials, to the fruits of their work from a rapacious mafia in office without authority.

Trump and Musk can leverage the dissatisfaction in Greece to force Mitsotakis and his cronies to leave by demanding justice for the Tempi victims to place an ally in government, expand their influence over the EU. If Trump s allies pursue MAGA policies in Greece , they may still rescue from total ruin

In America, then Trump, like Putin, will be guaranteed several terms in power if he manages to bringback prosperity, peace and basic rghts of people.

From media

Größter Protest in griechischer Geschichte

 Selbst zu Zeiten der schweren Finanzkrise hat es keine solch großen Demonstrationen gegeben: Zu Hunderttausenden sind die Menschen in Griechenland am Freitag landesweit auf die Straße gegangen, um an das schwere Zugsunglück vor zwei Jahren in Tempi mit 57 Toten zu erinnern. Sie fordern von der Regierung Aufklärung und die Bestrafung der Verantwortlichen. Allein in Athen kamen laut Polizei 170.000 Menschen zu der auch von Ausschreitungen begleiteten Protestveranstaltung.

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