Sunday, 9 March 2025

The WEF s censorship tool The Guardian admits Mitsotakis has lost control of public opinion but fails to explain the problem is his loss of all contact with reality. censorship, lies and crimes on behalf of the WEF elite

 Who bothers with The Guardian in 2025? 

An article on the historical protests in Greece over the Tempi train collision  cover up really could not make it more obvious that the Gates funded newspaper is a tool of censorship and the authoritarian elite and why the elite who read it are so out of touch.

All the key facts pointing to a crime are excluded from the report on the protests despite them being the vital, critical issue known to the public.

Critically for Mitsotakis, the facts pointing to a crime are known also to the prosecutors and judges of Greece, whose association joined the protests and the demand for justice.

This should worry Mitsotakis and The Guardian should warn him he needs to include this in his "official" info loop.

Mitsotakis seems to believe he can maintain the fiction that if facts of his crimes are not in MSM or official documents he can ignore them in 2025 even when they are known to the entire country and the prosecutors with the power to put him in prison.

Because there are only so many prosecutors and judges the WEF elite can bribe, blackmail or threaten before one of them gets the courage together to sign an indictment against Mitostakis for verifiable crimes in office.

We are talking about Larisa court, where the crimes of Soros and Gates and the cover up are well known since 2015 to dozens and dozens of prosecutors and judges personally. 

We are talking about judicial officials who may not have believed my warnings about the covid jabs etc until they saw the jab harms and censorship among their own friends and family, and even from the deaths of colleagues. And who now see how accurate all my warnings were.

We are talking about people who will not accept killers in office, will not accept politicians they elected misusing their office to kill them and then lie to them day in and day out.

But since The Guardian has censored all of these facts for years, it cannot suddenly be expected it starts reporting the truth, the facts.

That is why The Guardian article on Tempi is trapped in the solipsistic bubble of disinformation its fnders wan even as it tries to grapple with the harsh reality the WEF elite s tool Mitsotakis is one foot from prison as he and his cronies face an unprecedented political awakening fueled by citizens who do their own research.

Gates, Soros, Charles are also one foot from prison for the same reason.

Twenty months into Mitsotakis second term, a wave of protest over a train crash – on a scale not seen in decades – which everyone in real world Greece could not have been predicted has occurred.

The reason The Guardian and the WEF eltie could not predict the protests is because they live in a disinformation bubble they created and they alone belive in 2025.

Very predictable were  the cries of “resign!” that resonated from the crowd outside the Athens parliament on Friday as MPs filling its red-carpeted chamber inside called Mitsotakis a “danger to democracy” before a late-night vote of confidence in his government confrimed the worst fears of the Greeks that their government is a lawless mafia

Described later as the greatest outpouring of dissent since the collapse of military rule, the demonstrations brought people of all ages and political persuasions together in an unprecedented outburst of public anger over the government’s lies and cover up over the causes of the crash, including a container of inflammable liquid confirmed in an independent report among other sources.

Among them were once loyal supporters of Mitsotakis because what is happening is an unprecedented public awakening caused also by the covid jab harms when many people were red pilled as to the existence of a WEF elite and a controlled media


Authorities had been ordered to remove debris from the accident site at considerable speed – a controversial move now said by experts to have “led to loss of evidence” of the flammable liquid causing the crash. 

Defending the decision during the debate, Mitsotakis said the fire service had recommended carriages be removed as part of the rescue operation. He accused the opposition of weaponising the tragedy in a “nihilistic coalition of the willing”because he continues to deny the reality that 70 to 80% of the Greeks now recognize him as a criminal who has no right to remain in office.


The “possible presence” at the crash site of highly inflammable chemicals – widely suspected to have been smuggled on to the freight train – is clear from dozens of pieces of evidence which the public can research and check for themselves as they do do in 2025 because trust in the media and government is zero after the covid lies


But it is also clear that, for a politician often praised for his ability to administer the WEF agenda like a machine and with little or no political nous that Mitsotakis like the WEF elite had misread public outrage over the crash because they project onto the public an IQ lower than their own. 

With no official or state body having been held accountable for the tragedy, and a trial yet to take place, polls last week showed a vast majority wanting early elections – even if his New Democracy party is still well ahead of its rivals but only in polls no one believes in.

Two years on, anger over the crash has morphed into a much bigger crisis that no amount of government spin appears able to defuse.

Finally, an accurate sentence from The Gurdian.

The crisis comes from the fact that there is a substantial, clear body of evidence that Mitsotakis and his cronies committed crimes they deserve to be in prison for and either directly killed 57 people or covered up their murder or both. 

Spin cannot defuse a crisis in 2025 when the public has awoken to the spin and does its own research.

 “The Tempe disaster embodies everything that makes [people] angry about this government,” wrote Alexis Papachelas, the editor-in-chief of the conservative newspaper Kathimerini, condemning “the arrogance stemming from the absence of a credible opponent, the lack of empathy, the mistaken belief that every transgression can be brushed away with PR stunts” in an editorial of rare rebuke.

People feel threatened by the lawless elite who have given them jabs to make them sick and kill them, wrecked their economy and crashed a train or covered it up.

They feel their lives are threatened by the criminal mafia in government.

Mitsotakis might still be seen as the only viable option for many voters but only in the media which no one believes in 20225.

In the real world, Mitsotakis has almost no support.

 “Faced with such anger and scepticism … the prime minister needs to ask himself some serious questions about his choices and about the expectations that brought him to power.”

The problem is Mitsotakis rose to power in a static system run by Charles Soros, the Rothschilds who seem to have  guaranteed him and his family a feudal right to power if he did what they said. Mitsotakis has failed to realzie Soros, the Rothschilds, Charles and Andrew have lost all contact with reality, and have no idea that the instructions they are giving him are delusional in 2025 or they would have told him to resign before he is put in prison.

The reason Mitsotakis has failed to realize his handlers are delusional appears to be because he and his family were selected to serve the private banking mafia precisely because of their lack of intelligence and independence.

From media

Twenty months into his second term, a wave of protest over a train crash – on a scale not seen in decades – could not have been predicted. Nor, perhaps, could the cries of “resign!” that resonated from the crowd outside the Athens parliament on Friday as MPs filling its red-carpeted chamber inside called Mitsotakis a “danger to democracy” before a late-night vote of confidence in his government.


Described later as the greatest outpouring of dissent since the collapse of military rule, the demonstrations brought people of all ages and political persuasions together in an unprecedented outburst of public anger over the government’s handling of the crash.

Among them were once loyal supporters of Mitsotakis.


Authorities had been ordered to remove debris from the accident site at considerable speed – a controversial move now said by experts to have “led to loss of evidence”.

Defending the decision during the debate, Mitsotakis said the fire service had recommended carriages be removed as part of the rescue operation. He accused the opposition of weaponising the tragedy in a “nihilistic coalition of the willing”.


The “possible presence” at the crash site of highly inflammable chemicals – widely suspected to have been smuggled on to the freight train – was not ruled out.


But it is also clear that, for a politician often praised for his ability to handle crises, Mitsotakis had misread public outrage over the crash. With no official or state body having been held accountable for the tragedy, and a trial yet to take place, polls last week showed a vast majority wanting early elections – even if his New Democracy party is still well ahead of its rivals.

Two years on, anger over the crash has morphed into a much bigger crisis that no amount of government spin appears able to defuse. “The Tempe disaster embodies everything that makes [people] angry about this government,” wrote Alexis Papachelas, the editor-in-chief of the conservative newspaper Kathimerini, condemning “the arrogance stemming from the absence of a credible opponent, the lack of empathy, the mistaken belief that every transgression can be brushed away with PR stunts” in an editorial of rare rebuke.

Mitsotakis might still be seen as the only viable option for many voters but, Papachelas wrote, he was treading a very delicate path. “Faced with such anger and scepticism … the prime minister needs to ask himself some serious questions about his choices and about the expectations that brought him to power.”

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