When Vasilis Kalogirou disappeared from Larisa on 30 December 2024, his last movements were captured by store surveillance footage.
The videos identify him as disappearing in a relaitvely small space on a narrow road lined with flats and cars beside Alcazar Park with only one way in and one way out.
The question is why Larisa police refused to treat his disappearance as a kidnapping and murder from the beginning when there was a plain motive for it?
Why did the insisted on treating it as a suicide? This, despite a clear connection with the work of his mother, as aan appeals prosecutor overseeing the Tempi cover up as well as the cover up of other prosecutor probes implicating Soros, Gates, Tsipras and Mitsotakis in massive covid jab crimes since 2015, among others?
Police have standard procedures, do they not, to gather evidence and clues in the event of a murder and kidnapping.
The failure to carry out standard inquiries may have cost Vasilis his life. He lived for 2 to 3 days after his kidnapping according to an autopsy.
After all, his disappearance was reported the next day to the police.
Why did Larisa police not find the video pictures which seem to have now been found and publicized 6 weeks later within hours of his reported disappearance? Why did they not go to the shops along the reported route of his walk and find the pictures which have now emerged immediately and asked for footage as they seem not to have done? It shuld have taken 10 police a couple of hour sto find key videos and witnesses in the tiny portion of central Larisa where the crime happened.
Why did the police not ask witnesses to come forward who may have crossed the bridge or been walking in Alcazar park after identifying the approximate place of his disappearance and a car and a kidnapping as the means?
Why did they not secure video footage to show which cars went in and out of a key street at the approximate time as they seem not to have done?
A car has very few options to leave Larisa from that particular street. It can turn left at a bridge and head into the centre of Larisa, or turn right and wind its way to ta busy road leading to a motorway (as it likely did) or continue on along the same narrow street.
Somewhere along these routes there may be video cameras. The car might have been filmed, for example, as it turned into the busy road to go over the main bridge and up to Tyrnavos or continue to the motorway linking and Athens and Thessaloniki, as well as Volos to Larisa.
The video may have captured the critical car s number plate. It may have captured the 3 figures and the bundled captive held inside.
Why did they not analyse phone records to try to identify an unusual activity in that particular street?
It may have been possible to identify the car, and it was most likely a car which the kidnaps used and not a local flat, on the small, narrow street which was used, and find the kidnappers and free the son of the prosecutor within a day or two.
Instead, the Larisa police focussed all their resources on an alleged suicide and on a branch of the Pineos river which is so shallow, it makes it almost impossible for people to drown there and certainly not without being noticed by locals in daylight.
Why did the police insist on the fantastical story that he had walked 12 kilometres to the place where he was body was found when he was clearly placed there?
Why has the focus turned to his use of anti pyschotic drugs when Vasilis had taken these since 19 years old witthot apparant problems?
Where did the fake story of his suicide first appear? Why did it dominate for five weeks until his body was found and it was plain that he had been murdered from his neck bone injuries and other facts?
If the Larisa police thought the kidnapping and murder had been done by Roma or a drug lord, would Larisa police have been so focussed on the wrong lead?
Or would they have searched for clues, videos, witnesses, immediately?
If the Larisa police thought it had been done by Mitsotakis and his cronies, would they have deliberately failed to find all the clues in return for cash, favours and promotions from their "boss"?
This is the same police who joined Soros and Gates to try to murder a reporter from 2015 and cover up the crimes!
The same police who hid all the evidence of an inflammable liquid at Tempi.
This is the same police who, it seems, are led by cronies of Mitsotakis, who are ready to sell their souls for cash and promotions. These corrupt police who act as killers for hire for private interests must be identified and held to account.
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