Thursday 29 August 2024

A new vision of power for the future? Can Africa and China forge a mutually beneficial alliance making their people prosperous

As Africans, especially Kenyans, revolt against WEF private banking debt slavery carried out by the IMF and World Bank, China has a huge opportunity to shape a long lasting, mutually beneficial alliance with Africa. 

The colonial exploitation of Africa by Britain and, to a lesser extent, France and Belgian has been one of the ugliest features of modern history. But it continues under the guise of debt slavery. 

Africa has been turned into a gigantic debt colony of the Western private bankers controlling the private Federal Reerve and the IMF. Africa s  wealth and resources are ruthlessly transferred into the pockets of a few WEF elite in the West using the mechanism of interest.

900 million people live in countries which spend more on interest, essentially, to private bankers for loans than on education and health (And America may soon join them!) 

This, when African and other countries can print their own money for free to fund their own expenditure controlling inflation with price controls as China does.

African countries do not need to borrow dollars and euros to fund their government expenditure. They do not neeed the IMF or World Bank or City or Wall Street.

They can create their own central banks printing money to fund their own expenditure to create a booming Africa. It s called monetary financing and it is the basis of a truly prosperous economy.

Blessed with vast natural resources, large numbers  also of young people, Africa can thrive with sound money paying for good education systems and for a booming business sector.

It can thrive and Africans can become free.  

Africans can become free in their own countries, enjoy their nature, their lives, their opportunities, look forward to the future, grow in wealth and in education and in wisdom and in health. No more HIV, covid, Ebola, mpox jabs.

They can become free and live in peace because a lot of the wars inside Africa are a result of the Colonial divisions and mindset.

The private banking model of finance as expropriation brings with it a model of government which is authoritarian, a 1984 style control and censorship complex

A tiny number of people seek to keep control of the social unrest their enrichment using financial fraud causes.

The City of London was and is the driver of Colonialism and totalitarian governments around the world since 1666.

"But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. 

 George Orwell said 1984, nailing the power relations governmenting the private banker and his debtor.

The sensation of power is supposed to compensate the exploiters for the loss of every other mental, intellectual, spiritual good that their cruelty brings, for their inner impoverishment.

China ,which has a state people s bank printing money for free to make its people prosperous, as the Fed in the USA was before 1913,  can spearhead a new global political community based on mutual benefit.

China is already giving to Africa loans without the IMF conditions designed to loot Africa, enslave Africans, impoverish Africans, take over the vast natural resources of Africa. 

China is giving loans to build up Africa s real world economy especially in infrastructure, in trains harbours and ships to transport goods back and forth across the vast African continent to cut down the cost of bringing commodities and goods to the market.

China and Africa have an opportunity to show the world that there can be an economic and political cooperation which is not based on exploitation but on mutal respect, mutual benefit, governed by institutional rules of law and democratic governments.

The pie can be grown for everyone. 

The old model of slavery is not just bad for the slave but for the slave owner as Alexander Maclaren said.

The institution of slavery was one of the greatest blots on ancient civilisation. It was twice cursed, cursing both parties, degrading each, turning the slave into a chattel, and the master, in many cases, into a brute. Christianity, as represented in the New Testament, never says a word to condemn it, but Christianity has killed it. 'Make the tree good and its fruit good.' Do not aim at institutions, change the people that live under them and you change them. Girdle the tree and it will die, and save you the trouble of felling it. But not only does Christianity never condemn slavery, though it was in dead antagonism to all its principles, and could not possibly survive where its principles were accepted, but it also takes this essentially immoral relation and finds a soul of goodness in the evil thing, which serves to illustrate the relation between God and man, between Christ and us. It does with slavery as it does with war, uses what is good in it as illustrating higher truths, and trusts to the operation, the slow operation of its deepest principles for its destruction. 

It is not just the prolls who are condemned to a life of no curiosity, no enjoyment of anything, no friendship, no self respect, no humanity, no joy, no future by the private banking financial model which dominates the West.

The elites are also condemned to such a life and much more so!

The capacity to wield the whip and beat people was also never ever  enough to maintain power in a world of ideas and complex relationships.

That is why tyrannies and totalitarian bureaucracies are also historical aberrations. 

There is no incentive to develop brain power.

As for the intoxication of power, whatever intoxication may comefrom beating, torturing, degrading, killing and enslaving others is depraved and unnatural and leaves the tyrant, the despot weak, uneasy, fearful, braindead, tormented before their own conscience and God.

Because there is a God. There is a Christ.

George Orwell was right about many things. But he did not write from a Christian perspective.

And in 2024, the situation is such that the WEF elite are facing trials.

The law they thought they were above will break them.

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