Tuesday 20 August 2024

Life expectancy plummets in US due to opioid, covid jab criminal schemes. A human tragedy and economic disaster fuelling inflation

The Chinese peope now have a higher life expectancy than the USA because the CCP jails Billionaires like Jack Ma whose profiteering shows a total disregard for the welfare of the people, why China did not give its people the covid mRNA jabs,or the  opioids and certainly won t go along with the new plandemic Monkey Pox scam from Gates, Soros, WHO  and the pharamceutical and banking corps.

That s why China and Russia going to be able to buy up the US, UK and West soon if the WEF elite are not dealt with using the firm hand of justice with which the Chinese deal with their self serving, criminal,  rogue elite.

The US justice system has to get a grip on these mass murderers in their midst whether its the Sacklers or the Gates or Soros families.


Trump also needs to address the covid jab scam directly and the harms to the American people, not least because of the inflationary aspect. You cannot have a booming economy, an advanced economy with vast numbers of sick and dying people.

The perfect way to remove Gates, Soros is to apply to a judge today to have them arrested on the basis of the Greek prosecutor probes, for their Foundations to be closed, their assets to be frozen. The life of a reporter is a good and value in itself. But the real value is the freedom of the media, the freedom to make informed decisions. Making informed decisions is in fact a right, an obligation, a requirement for the covid, Ebola, Monkey Pox jab.

The watertight case to apply for the arrest warrants, closure of the Foundations, freezing of the Soros and Gates assets is here. Warren Buffett can be included as the co chair of the Gates Foundation until 2021 who still funds it.


When the American people find out these Billionaires and their bought and paid for  politicians in the White House, Biden and Harris, knew Ebola, covid was a scam, knew the jabs were toxic and still gave them to the public using lies and even tried to mandate it while trying to to smear and kill a reporter for warning the public, to stop informed consent, it will spell the end of an entire generation of WEF elite politicians.

Harris, Obama, Von der Leyen, Starmer, King Charles, Mitsotakis, Macron and associates will be chased out of office.

The US elections can take place in a fair and free environment and a new chapter of prosperity can begin if the Fed is renationalized. The trillions of dollars from the private Fed which now flow into the pockets of the WEF elite and pay for scams like covid, Ukraine, and pay for corrupted politicians and media, will flow into the pockets of the American people.

The cures and treatments can be given to the American people and global public. The Ukraine war and Gaza genocide ended as soon as the WEF elite are out of power.

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