Friday 30 August 2024

The bounty for shooting down the first Ukrainian airforce F 16 jet goes to....the Ukrainian airforce

The Russians have offered a generous bounty to whoever shoots down the first F 16.

To honour their pledge, they now have to give the cash to the Ukrainian Patriot air defence team which shot down their own F 16 in a friendly fire incident.

"It appears that the US-made F-16 fighter jet, which was handed over to Ukraine earlier this year, was downed by a Ukrainian Patriot air defense system in a friendly fire incident, Ukrainian lawmaker Maryana Bezuglaya said cited by TASS."

What a turn up for the books! But is it that surprising considering the lack of training, coordination, chaos ruling inside NATO and the minds of the WEF government leaders as we glimpsed in Kamala s interview with CNN.

Shakespeare on the friendly fire incident which claimed the first of the once legendary F 16 fighter jets and, alas, the pilots

Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flying an F16 with a pilot s  sovereign eye,
Kissing with golden face the pine forests green,
Gilding pale streams with supersonic alchemy;
Anon diving into the base of toweing clouds to hide
My F 16 s wings and profile from the Russian jets,
And in the frothing depths of  cloud cover to ride,
Stealing unseen past Russian, jets missiles and drones.
Even into Kursk one early morn did my F 16 shine
With all-triumphant splendour on my brow;
But out, alack! the triumph was but one hour mine;
The regons clouds mask'd my own Patriot air defense system from me now.
Yet the Patriot missile did fly straight and high
To hit my F16 out of the sky...

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