Thursday 15 August 2024













The Greek Prosecutor Probes

to Convict George nd Alex Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and associates

For murder attempts against a science reporter




Chapter 1 Greek State prosecutor probe Delta 15 218

Greek English Glossary

Table of contents

Key documents

Chapter 2 Proofs of Personal Knowledge

i. Proofs of Personal Knowledge

The Billionaires

a George Soros Project Syndicate, September 2015

Nat Rothschild, banker and associate of George Soros

b Soros and Gates family Foundations Tampa Bay Times, August 2014

c The link to Hunter Biden

ii Discussion

iii Proofs of Personal Knowledge

The politicians

a Alexis Tsipras, then Greek Prime Minister

b Werner Faymann, then Austrian Chancellor

\ iv Discussion

Chapter 3 Motive Attack on the freedom of the media

i Reporter credentials

ii a Ebola and covid as a criminal scheme

Ebola Open Letter to UK Mps

b Central banks and financial fraud

c Ukraine and the establishment of an authoritarian dictatorship in 2014

Chapter 4 The Means The hired killers and the Crimes on 19th and 20th April 2015

i a The Monstery of St John the Forerunner, Anatoli, Greece

b Greek Orthodox clergy. Priests, bishops are civil servants paid by the state

c Hunter and Joe Biden s meeting with Greek clergy in Cafe Milano on 16 April 2015

ii a Attempt at imprisonment

b Murder attempt

c Assault and battery

Police doctors report

d Defamation

e Theft, extortio

96,000 euros in bank transfers

f Bribery of lawyer

Police report of bribery

Chapter 5 Bribery of my then lawyer succeeds His corruption always to benefit Soros and Gates

Police Statements of the two accused and two accomplicies in October and November 2015

a Email of Dr Sarah Wollaston

b Email of Jean Claude Juncker

Prepataion fo the Abusive defamation lawsuit Temporary Civil Injunction November 2016 to stop publication of proofs of corruption of D 15 218 by Theodekti, Christopoulos and their frontman Samaras to hide proofs of Soros and Gates corruption

Chapter 6 Austria


Chapter 7 Did Bill Gates falsify evidence in D 15 218 sent to Attorney Generals in April, May 2022?

a Apparent falsification of key paragraph proving the personal knowledge of the Gates and Soros Foundation in August 2014

b US ASGs and Bill Gates informed of potential falsification, key omission restored on May 9th 2022

Chapter 8 The crime from April 2015 carried out by same people for the same motive in June,July 2022

i Illegal seizure and imrpisonment on June 28th 2022 after Gates and Bourla informed by email I would go to court

a Theodektis false and slanderous statements used from D 15 218 eight years later

b All the proofs of a) personal knowledge of Soros, Gates, Tsipras, Faymann were illegally removed and b) of motive stripped away

ii Larisa prosecutors and police implicated in the corruption snatch me illegally from the court

a Imprisoned in a location close to Thessaloniki for one month

b My escape at the last moment

c No attempt to return me to the location showing

iii Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla joined in the murder attempt His kowledge and motive


Chapter 9 Corruption at Supreme Court, Greece

i Larisa prosecutors court AP 372

a The corruption of probe D 15 218 discovered in January 2016

b All the proofs of a) personal knowledge of Soros, Gates, Tsipras, Faymann were illegally removed and b) of motive

ii Larisa prosecutors send the probe and AP 372 to the Supreme Court of Greece

a Reopening of the investigation D 15 218 in February 2016 by the Supreme Court

b Supreme Court confirms receipt of all the police reports

All the proofs against Soros, Gates, Tsipras, Faymann restored

iii Corruption of the Supreme Court repeated

Chapter 10 Violations of due process organized for the trial of D 15 218

a Trial decision D 15 216 in April 2016

b All the proofs of personal knowledge of Soros, Gates, Tsipras, Faymmn and motive removed illegally

c Only false and slanderous statements of the accused admitted

d My stattus changed to witness to stop me seeing the file and appealing

iv My Appeal denied illegally and my request to change my status back to party denied

iv New investigation by the Supreme Court September 2016 also comes produces no result

Discussion. The role of US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt to stop a new investigation into Soros and Gates by the Supreme Court in 2016 E 17


Chapter 11 Abusive defamation lawsuits by Samaras, Theodekti, Christopoulos on behalf of Soros and Gates E 17 449

Chapter 12 Abusive defamation lawsuit Temporary Civil Injunction November 2016 to stop publication of proofs of corruption of D 15 218

Chapter 13 Two criminal defamation trials for the same ten posts of Soros, Gates September 2021

Found innocent and guilty for the same ten post

Prison sentence for one and a half years

Chapter 14 Appeal May 2022

Was lawyer Eleni Matraki bribed as well?


Chapter 15 Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, and Kyriakos Mitsotakis join the crimes

Emails showing Mitsotakis and Bourla knew about, sanctioned, approved and or carried out the illegal actions of rogue police and prosecutors

Chapter 16 Ursula von der Leyen joins in the crimes in December 2022

Chapter 17 Crimes to hide election fraud June 2023 Murder ultimatum


Chapter 18 Gates, Soros and WHO

Chapter 19 Covid as a criminal scheme

Chapter 20 Soros and the Ukraine Aggressive war for profit




State prosecutor probes in Greece

  • D 15 218 opened in 2015 and the criminal cover ups

  • E 17449 opened in 2017

  • Trials E 17 378, E 17 379

contain all the proofs necessary to arrest, detain, prosecute and convict

  • George and Alex Soros,

  • Bill and Melinda Gates,

  • Warren Buffett

and associates

  • for seeking repeatedly to murder a science reporter who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, and who is recognized by the World Health Organization as a reporter and receives media updates from WHO

  • to prevent informed consent to the covid, Ebola and other epidemic vaccines among other crimes of censorship

No greater mistake would be to think that the proofs in the probes linking the crimes in Greece against an English speaking reporter who has written for Nature and the British Medical Journal to the Soros and Gates families and their Foundations are loose or vague.

On the contrary, the proofs, which show Soros and Gates personally masterminded, and continue to mastermind murder attempts against a reporter, are specific and concrete, including personal knowledge of my reports. They are part of official proceedings, of a probe opened by government prosecutors in May 2015 and given the file number D 15 218.

That is why the Billionaires have gone to such great lengths to hide the proofs, violating due process rules that govern how probe D 15 218 can be handled, and so getting caught.

What these Billionaires Gates and Soros are charged with in the Greek prosecutor probes is not a personal dislike of me, a science reporter who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, the Guardian, The American Prospect among other publications.

The crimes they committed were and are, part of a plan and a design, to eliminate free speech and prevent informed consent being given to experimental jabs like the covid jab as well as provent the public from knowing about the vast number of people who were made sick and who were killed by the jabs as discussed.

My submissions to Swiss Federal Prosecutors who asked me about jurisidction over these proofs in July 2023 is here

The crimes against an experienced science reporter are significant not just because they are attacks on the first Amendment but also because these attacks on free speech occurred in the context of a gigantic medical experiment requiring informed consent to be lawful.

People who took the experimental covid jabs had to sign consent forms saying they had been informed and had voluntarily submitted to the vaccine.

The existence of a plan, of a criminal design nullifies the legal basis for all the emergency measures and justifications.

The existence of a criminal plot, of a plan to stop informed consent, also nullifies all immunity shields given to the manufacturers of covid vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna.

It allows for Pfizer and Moderna executives to be prosecuted for criminal felony offenses including deliberately and intentionally causing mass sickness and death through defective jabs.

Their crimes against me documented in the Greek probes cover a decade, which is why this submission is so long covering the original crimes, cover ups and retalitory actions and documenting the paper trial of corruption linking all the crimes since 2015 back to them.

The ten years of crimes offer the opportunity to bring into focus not just the methods and mechanisms which Gates and Soros use to eliminate a reporter but also their unwavering fixed determinaiton to undermine free speech and informed consent, which culminated in the covid plot and mass vaccine campaign, without informed consent being possible, under the Biden and Harris administration again from 2021.

The battle was in Greece but in practice it was skirmish for their global drive to crush free speech to carry out a crime on a planetary scale.

These probes prove intent, an overarching criminal scheme to silence, intimidate, defame destroy, imprison, kill a reporter, and so that Gates and Soros and associates deliberately and wilfully prepared and planned long in advance a false and deceptive marketing campaign in relation to covid, which is described also in detail in Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer filed in June 2024, to deprive the public of the ability to give their informed consent.

It cannot be a matter of indifference when such influential people as Gates and Soros, who are among the wealthiest people in the world, who spend billions bankrolling media, NGOs, and politicians, including the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and who exercise enormous influence on public policy, especially global health policy, have been caught red handed personally organizing the attempt to murder a reporter in Greece to destroy free speech and then in organizing the corruption to escape trial in order to conceal facts, documents and information showing that epidemic diseases like Ebola and covid are a criminal scheme and the covid jab harms were foreseeable.

An investigation by Politico and Die Welt shows the extent to which the organizations, funded by Gates and with Gates at their core, used their influence to help make life-or-death decisions on the allocation of critical funding, shots and medicines. Together, these organizations form a kind of global health monopoly, health advocates say.”

It must be of concern that the very Billionaire who wields so much power over health policy, who was the driving force behind WHO and its covid response from lock downs to experimental jab mandates, has been caught trying to murder a science reporter in Greece.

It must of concern that caught is a mega donor of the Demcorat party, a family which has huge influence on the Biden, Harris administration allowing them to do the same in the USA.

The crimes in Greece also shed light on Gates and Soros true goals in funding a vast empire of media outlets. That is, to carry out a campaign of false and deceptive marketing and to deprive people of informed consent.

To achieve their aim of total control of the narrative, the Billionaires have devised and carried out a systematic and relentless suppression of all free speech all around the globe on the true facts about Ebola, covid, bird flu and other diseases. This purpose, to obtain total control of the information, was the sole reason why these Billionaires took such an interest in my reports. Standing between the Billionaires and their plans and the vast propaganda machine they had established and employed were just a few lone voices and I was one.

The corruption of the probes sheds light on the Billionaires control of governments and the mechanisms and methods by which they control countries,

For here is the core of the corruption.

Alexis Tsipras, then Greek Prime Minister, was also caught in the probes in 2015 with personal knowledge along with Gates and Soros. Essentially, Tsipras was asked to act as judge, jury and executioner into the investigation into him by his own prosecutors. Tsipras misused his office to carry out personal and unofficial acts of corruption to ensure all the proofs against him were suppressed, hidden and concealed as the massive violations show, which always target these proofs. The probes show Tsipras does not serve the interests of the people of Greece, but of the Billionaires. In office, his actions serve their private profit. As the Prime Minister, elected into office, with the help of the Billionaires and their media empire, Tsipras can “hire and fire”whoever he wants in the government buraucracy to ensure a corrupt network obedient to the Billionaires is superimposed on the government.

The corruption is not just aimed at stopping the trial of Soros, Gates and Tsipras. The corruption is organized in such a way as to turn the police and prosecutors in to hired private killers of the Billionaires and Tsipras. Police, prosecutors and Supreme Court judges join in the lawfare, abusive defamation lawsuits to miuse the justice system to retaliate against a reporter they all know is innocent of every crime to allow Gates, Soros and Tsipras to repeat ever more crimes.

We will see how it always the same people, the same lawyers, clergy and police and prosecutor office, behind the retaliatory crimes.

It must be of concern that Soros and Gates have been caught not just corrupting the government of Greece and justice officials to to suppress evidence of crimes, documented in official probes, of Soros and Gates against a reporter challenging the private public mass censorship program of the government working hand in hand with the Billionaires and pharma companies. They have been caught turning them into their private hired mercenaries and killers using the fig leaf of the law and empty forms of the law to imprison the reporter and nearly murder her in June, July 2022, among other crimes, as discussed.

In fact, the scale of the corruption to hide the proofs collected by prosecutors against Gates and Soros and embracing police, justice officials, clergy, lawyers and spanning ten years and two Prime Ministers shows Soros and Gates hold the Greek state in their hands as I will show.

To emphasize, Soros and Gates and their associates have only escaped justice so far by corrupting the Greek justice officials and police. But here is the rub. These very acts of corruption they organized to escape a due process investigation as well as their retalatory actions are all documented in official proceedings of the state prosector probe D 15 218 and other probes, and so offer the ultimate proof they were behind the original crimes as well as all the crimes against me since as I will show.

The claim that Soros, Gates, Tsipras and associates turned police and prosecutors into their hired killers when caught to continue with their plan to exterminate a reporter would be dystopian and unbelievable if it were not proven by the due process violations as I will show.

The attempt to illegally snatch and imprison and murder me in June, July 2022 goes directly back to Gates and Soros and D 15 218 as I show, only this time, Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, is implicated in joining in as discussed.


I have  written reports for US and UK MSM including Nature, The Scientist, The British Medical Journal, Reuters Health, Renewable Energy World, The European Prospect, The American Prospect,among others as can be seen from googling by surname on Google Scholar.
A dual Austrian and Irish citizen born in Switzerland,a  graduate of Edinburgh University in English (MA Hons), with credits in courses in the  philosophy of science and logic, I worked for Springer, one of the world s leading publishers of medical journals, as an editor of Fscientific papers, specifically for Diabetologia in Vienna.
I have long experience in the field of science and medicine and especially in biotechnology and bioweapons. In 2001, I reported on anthrax for The Guardian.
I have also written reports on general subjects for The Guardian, The Observer and other publications as well as current affairs.

WHO acknowledges me as a reporter specializing in epidemic diseases sending me media updates

In their depraved minds, these Billionaires seem to have singled me out, a little science reporter, without any organization behind me, to blame for spreading facts and information contributing to stopping them spread an engineered and lethal Ebola virus throughout the USA and world from 2014 as well as stopping them and their partners in WHO and pharmaceutical companies from implementing a mass vaccine campaign, of the kind now implemented with covid, with Ebola jabs that are actually bioweapons in 2014, 2015.

They even felt the need to have their own Foundations comment on and distort and discredit my fact based reports in a hit piece in the Tampa Bay Times in August 2014, proving, paradoxically their personal knowledge, though more significant proofs of personal knowledge emerged in September 2015, ensuring their trial and conviction if due process had gone ahead.

During the height of the false flag Ebola outbreak in 2014,2015, I provided updates, an analysis of the facts because of a feeling of responsibility for the public health and at my own expense. I received no donations or money of any kind as my bank accounts show. Ready to work for nothing, to use my skills and experience for no pay, I was outside the control of the empire of media funded by Gates and Soros.

I felt I had the experience working for years for mainstream media and some of the top outlets as a science and medical reporter and I felt I had professional responsibility to use my skills to warn the public about the scheme. Unable to publish the information through the outlets I normally used, like the BMJ, I messaged the best I could using social media and blogs, specifically, eugenicsandpandemics wordpress (birdflu666) blog at the time of the crimes and probe D 15 218.

This blog and all my other social media accounts, except one, have been removed, deleted, and suspended as an example of the medical and scientific censorship by Big Tech on reporters, according to the First Amendment to share scientific and medical facts and who have he the obligation under informed consent rules required for experimental vaccines like Ebola and covid to do so as part of a broad scheme of the Billionaires.

What makes these prosecutor probes in Greece significant is that all the crimes from the original crime to the corruption to the abusive defamation senence can be traced directly back to Soros, Gates, Tsipras, Faymann and their associates.

The documents in the prosecutor probes D 15 218 have a file number. The investigation must proceed according to certain rules under the law.There are rules about what the government can and can not do with the investigation. It will be shown how every rule has been broken, how massive violations have been introduced, and how it has always been to stop Soros and Gates, Tsipras, Faymann and their associates from    being prosecuted and sentenced. The Billionaires and politicians    are the beneficiaries of these crimes. They are the beneficiaries of the crimes committed by the lawyers Konstantinos Christopoulos to hide all the proofs against them in the file, and the beneficiaries of replacing those proofs with slanderous statemens by Theodekti.

The Billionaires and politicians are the ones who benefitted from the retaliatory action by instigating Christopoulos and Theodekti using their front man Simos Samaras, joined almost certainly later by another lawyer, Eleni Matriaki, to bring defamation charges against me as soon as the proofs of their crimes on behal of Soros and Gates, Tsipras and Faymann emerged from January 2016. They were the ones behind the abusive litigation. The aim was again to gag a reporter. It was again an attack on the freedom of the media. The public was not to know that Soros, Gates, Tsipras and Faymann had corrupted a state prosecutor probe using police, prosecutors and lawyers.

These Billionaires are the ones who had me sentenced illegally to prison on the basis only of these three very same witnesses, Samaras, Christopoulos, Theodekti, in September 2021 while all the evidence showing these three witnesses had no credibility whatsoever, had been caught in crimes, were tools of Soros and Gates, was systematically and wilfully ignored.

These Billionaires and their associates had me snatched illegally, imprisoned and nearly murdered close to Thessaloniki in June, July 2022 on the basis of their tool Theodekti s false statements from file D 15 218 made in 2015, linking the crime back to them as it shown she has worked as their tool since 2015.

These Billionaires and their associates Mitsotakis and Ursula von der Leyen are the ones who had me illegally evicted from my flat in December 2022 as the illegal notice with no basis was delivered to my flat when I was imprisoned in June, July 2022 close to Thessaloniki and the Billionaires never expected me to escape, as I did, and they wanted a pseudo legal pretext to enter my flat and seize all my computers, documents, belongings.

These Billionaires are almost certainly the ones who organized that I be threatened in June 2023 for reporting on their links to a system of electronic election theft of the Austrian presidential elections in 2016 and Austrian Social Democrat party in 2023 as I discuss.

Every time they are caught, they regroup and continue with their crimes.

For these Billionaires have a sinister agenda which is authoritarian and totalitarian, which involves giving people poisonous jabs, destroying heath and lives, looting economies, impoverishing countries. They have no time for democracy. On the contrary, democracy like the free media is a threat to them. They are enemies of justice for a free, fair and independent justice will put them all in prison.

The prosecutor proofs show how these Billionaires have transformed in Greece    into a tyranny, a dictatorship, under their control. They hold the Greek state in their hands and have totally corrupted it. They have subordinate the police, prosecutors, the judges up to the Supreme Court, the clergy to their criminal goals. Against their opponents, they use the very justice officials who are meant to uphold the law, the rights and freedoms of people. These justice officials are instigated by the Billionaires to commit crime after crime under colour of office for the Billionaire to be able to eliminate an honest reporter exposing their agenda. We are not talking about a few errors here or there. We are talking about a system of abuse, lies, defamation, false accusations transforming justice officials deliberately and knowingly into the Billionaires private killers, gaolers, torturers, looters equalled by anything seen in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or other lawless tyrannies.

Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and their associates want not just to destroy an honest reporter who has committed no crime other than exposing their crimes. They want to label the honest reporters "criminals", "crazy and evil" and put them in prison and kill them using corrupted state employed    officials as the course of the probes show. For there is no question about who directed all these violations and who benefitted from them. It is always Soros and Gates families, embracing their Foundaions and all their main family members and associate Warren Buffett, co chair of the Gates Foundation, who are targetting the proofs collected by prosecutors against them in D 15 218. These are the proofs that always disappear, are hidden, concealed, replaced, the subject of defamation charges and always by the same people they assembled for the original crime and all the crimes branching from the original crime and goal of retaliation, principally Theodekti, Christopoulos,Samara from 2015 until now. This core group is joined as time goes on by other wlling tools, other police and prosecutors ready to carry out favours for cash and promotions Every lawyer I have employed seems to have been corrupted, including Eleni Matraki, who has since been given a position in the Ministry of Justice by the verifiable corrupter of justice Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

And the Billionaires    crimes continue against me today, the schemes, designs, designed to destroy me, drain me of all money and energy. Parallel, their broad epidemic disease scheme continues also carried forward by equally corrupted elements in the health sector of the state who serve the Billionaires interests. Ebola, covid, bird flu and now the Monkey Pox are all criminal schemes which the Billionaires could not carry out if they did not have a crimina network superimposed on the government as proven by D 15 218 and other probes in Greece. This same network can be activated to carry out other crimes.

Their tools in high office, Alexis Tsipras and Kyriakos Mitsotakis, are ready to carry out their orders and instructions and work as a seamless unit with other leaders under their control in Austria, in the USA, in the UK, in Europe. These tools subordinate the government bureacracy to the goals of the Billionaires by hiring and firing civil servants to ensure only the most corrupted are allowed to serve in key positions ready to impose on the people every form of tyranny and cruelty that the Billionaires tell them to.

The media, funded by the Billionaires of their tools in government, serves as their propaganda machine. It is designed not to inform people about the true crimes of Soros and Gates but to inflame harted against reporters or whistleblowers exposing their crimes and warning about the risks of their experimenal Ebola, covid, bird flu and Monkey Pox and othr jabs. These are labelled the conspiracy theorsts, crazy and evil, deserving of prison as Bill Gates and Albert Bourla publicly state to arouse hostility to the very people warning the public about their crimes precisely because Gates and Bourla want the public to support their persecution of those very individuals, those reporters, those whistleblowers who can disclose, assemble and publish the evidence to put Gates, Soros and Bourla on trial for deliberately, knowingly giving billions of people a dangerous jab using false and deceptive marketing.

It is significant that Mitsotakis, Tsipras as leader in opposition, and all the leaders in the USA, Biden, Harris, Obama, have carried out the Billionaires programe in relation to covid jab campaign and censorship working as a seamless unit, marching in lockstep.

They were not acting in good faith. They were not acting randomly, following the science. They were acting as the Billionaires instructed them to act as part of a cash for favours arrangment.

It is Soros, the Democrat mega donor, to whom Biden, Harris and Obama, have to thank for bankrolling their presidencies.

The prosecutor probes show most clearly how the elected leaders of Greece    fulfilled their interests of Soros and Gates    to proceed to corrupt justice and destroy a reporter regardless of consequences for the Greek public. The ultimate victim was the public, deprived of accurate warnings about the covid scheme, the unnecessariness of the covid lockdown and the dangers of the jabs, the existence of safe and effective cures like ivermectin. Mitsotakis did act to carry out his Constitutional responsibilities. He did not serve the people s interests of the law. He knowingly served the criminal interests of the Billionaires. He knowingly ran for election to obtain office to serve their interests and maximize their private profit. He knowingly used his office to carry out personal and unofficial acts to assemble a network of corrupted officials whom he superimposed on the government to serve the goals of the Billionaires regardless of the cost to the Greek people.

In fact, the Greek people must bear all the costs. For they and their work and taxes are the ultimate source of revenue which is used by Mitsotakis to give the Billionaires billions for poisonous jabs, 100s of billions for the Billionaires system of privatized money and privatized central banks as I discuss on my blog, and have discussed since 2009.

Precisely this information, I allege is what Soros fears the most for it is the source of their power.

Of note, the close associate of Soros, one of the world s wealthiest bankers, Nat Rothschild was caught with personal knowledge of my work by blocking me personally on Twitter, X in 2024 when he should not have any knowledge of me and certainly not of when I visit his X feed.

That knowledge was obtained by hacking and continous electronic surveillance of my IP address, I allege, which has been going on for years.

If private and unelected Billionaires run the Greek and other states for their profit, and the elected leaders act as their agents in their criminal schemes, knowingly breaking the law, the Constitution as is shown by the course of the probes in Greece, what does that make the Prime Ministers like Tsipras, Mitsotakis and Faymann?

It makes them ordinary sense criminals who can be arrested and imprisoned today.

A US Supreme Court ruling in 2024 made it clear presidents do not enjoy immunity for personal and unofficial acts which are outside, and of course, do not enjoy immunity for acts which are antithetical and contradictory, to their Constitutional responsibilities. When they commit crimes for private profit, to serve Billionaires criminal schemes,    Mitsotakis, like Biden, Harris, is an ordinry sense criminal like any other criminal.

Naturally, the private Billionaires Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, Albert Bourla as the brains and funders, the masterminds behind the actions of their instruments in office, the organizers    and corrupters of the government policy and administration, working in the shadows, enjoy no immunity whatsoever.

Mitsotakis, like Biden, Harris,is in office under false pretences. But he does not fear elections and the people removing him because, I will show, there are almost certainly no free elections. Vital proofs that the Billionaires steal elections and how they do it are in the probe D 15 218, and that is why I allege they went to the great lengths they went silence me in June 2023 for drawing attention to a system of election fraud. We are not talking about an isolated incident but about a system of election fraud, with implications for elections also in the USA also in November 2024.

The Billionaires have taken over power of the state not by winning free and fair    elections and persuading the public but by subverting free and fair elections and deceiving the public. They use their power over the state not to further the interests of the public but their own, to enrich not the ordinary people but themselves, not to promote freedom but to crush it, not to establish democracy but dictatorships.

They have taken control of government bureacracies through their instruments Tsipras and Mitsotakis in Greece not to offer the people better services but to weaponize the government against the people and impose their tyranny and criminal schemes more effectively on the public.

No greater mistake could be made to think there must have been some reason for these slanderous, defamatory statements against me. There was none whatsoever. An honest reporter was able to go    about their daily business in the monastery for 18 months only with the permission of Theodekti. And she only gave the permission because my conduct was very good. I did my reports to help the public for no money. I helped out with chores in the monastery. I was pleasant and courteous and caused no or little trouble. I was never violent and even when attacked in April 2015 I only defended myself. I gave generously of my money. I am not perfect. Occassionally, I get angry but legitimate anger is allowed and considered normal. It is considered normal to be angry over injustice, cruelty, lies, violence, abuse. That is not a sign of mental illness. Nor is having an occassional drink of alcohol as most adults do.

It is clear that Soros, who had personal knowledge of my reports, sent instructions to Tsipras, Theodekti and Christopoulos with directions for handling the evidence against him anticipating he would be put on trial if the investigation D 15 218 went ahead under due process.

To help in the erasure, removal, destruction of all the evidence of personal knowledge and motive, he needed the help of the lawyer, Christopoulos and he got it.

No greater mistake could be made to think that the abusive lawsuits and prison sentence in September 2021, my snatching, and imprisonment and near murder in June, July 2022 are separate from the corruption of probe D 15 218 by Soros and Gates to hide their role in crime against an honest reporter.

These new and continuing crimes are all an extension of the corruption and all acts of retaliation made possible only by the corruption. They use the very documents and people responsible for that corruption. The prison sentence and imprison are among the most egregious acts of lawfare ever documented in the modern justice system.

Instead of the justice officials addressing the original crimes and filing charges against Soros, Gates and their instruments, Christopoulos and Theodekti, these are all left free and the innocent victim is charged and sentenced to prison using the most egregious violations of due process for reporting on their crimes! Factual reports on their crimes and corruption of D 15 218 become the reason to be sentenced to prison for one and a half years in September 2021!

Of course, it is self evident that all these acts of retaliation are managed by Soros and Gates because they are all about committing the original crime for which they were caught and all about erasing the proofs they were caught in D 15 218 to escape justice and repeat the original crime. These Billionaires do go to the courts in Greece and file the abusive lawsuits themselves because it would be too obvious. They use tools, who can easily be identified as their tools because they always act in such a way as to help Soros, Gates and associates corrupt due process.

Basic to due process is that all the evidence in a file must be given the same number, in this case D 15 218, E 17 449 etc, and must be weighed and considered and investigated

Police and prosecutors removed virtually the entire contents of the file D 15 218 to erase the proofs collected against Soros and Gates. They removed everything which showed the statements of Theodekti to be lies.

The investigation was not carried out to find her guilty. It was carried out to erase all the proofs and so have a reason to accuse me of defamation and sentence me in prison as happened with Theodekti at the forefront of the prison sentence along with Christopoulos and Samaras.

Theodekti and Christopoulos are the only witnesses called to support Samaras in E 379.

The oversight at Larisa court and the Supreme court failed. The police failed, the lawyer failed.

It was a coordinated failure.

But the due process violations have paradoxically caught the Billionaires

As we follow the document trail of D 15 218 and its offshoots in E 17 449 and E 17 378 and E 17 379, the connection to Soros and Gates and their front men could not be clearer.

First and foremost among their tools was, and continues to be, my then lawyer Konstantinos Christopoulos who helped them hide all the proofs against them, including, ironically, the police record of their attempt through Theodekti to bribe him in April 2015 as soon as the charges were filed. The way he handled the probe shows he was bribed by Theodekti, Tsipras, Soros and Gates. He abandoned all his duties to his client, myself. He allowed the Billionaires to remove all the proofs against them in police reports he had handed in. He gave me false updates on the status of the case to hide the crimes as long as possible and deceive me into thinking everything was proceeding in conformity with the law when he was the one working to violate every rule at the same time. He knew he had to deceive me to retain my confidence and control of the file to commit the crimes.

The emails of my then lawyer Christopoulos to me assuring me the investigation was progressing under due process and key witness, among other things, Theoktisti would be questioned after his personal arranged, with the police chief of Ajia are among the most cynical acts of deception organized by Soros using his tool Christopoulos. For as the actual probe documents and timeline shows Christopoulos knew very well even when he wrote that email that there was never a plan to question Theoktisti or gather more evidence to charge Theodekti, and ultimately Soros and Gates. There was only a plan to remove all the evidence and repeat the original crime. The timeline of D 15 218 shows this plan went into overdrive after Soros was caught in September 2015 with an unambiguous, clear proof of personal knowledge of which Christopoulos was fully informed by an email.

Almost immediately, the false statements were organized to repeat the original crime and charge me with defamation, both of which happened in 2021,2022 and 2022 respectively as discussed.

The continuity of the new crimes over a period spanning about ten years with the original crimes and corruption in D 15 218 is crystal clear due to the documents and people involved.

When I warned Christopoulos in October 2015 after Soros and Faymann and Tsipras were caught with personal knowledge of my blog that the police charges filed over similar crimes in Austria against the same people, against Faymann s close advisor Lukas Kenner, for a similar motive were remove from the file to prevent the investigation proceeding and the indictment of Kenner and Faymann, Christopoulos replied as if to say that may have happened in Austria, but Greece is different.

Copy of my email communications with Austrian police inspector on the charges here confirming they were filed. But they were suppressed and I was not able to see the file until after I left Vienna and the ECHR and likely then ECP Jean Claude Juncker intervened in 2015.

Then ECP Juncker wrote to me about these very crimes and lawfare in December 2015.

It turned out I was right and he was lying. Tsipras and Faymann used the very same method as had been used in Austria to suppress charges also filed by the police for the same crime to seize a reporter by lightning speed and imprison her using false claims.

When this attempt failed in Austria, Faymann used his power over the judiciary to corrupt judges handling the inheritance of my late father, who died in mysterious circumstances in 2009. Together with a lawyer called Dr Philipp Nierlich, they again used lawfare to try to strip me of my inheritance and put me in prison for being a mentally ill conspiracy theorist. When caught, nothing happened to the corrupt judge and lawyer Nierlich, who is also the lawyer who verified a very suspicious election result in Austria in 2023, which I reported on, triggering a murder threat.

An ordinary sense criminal and corrupter of politicians and justice, George Soros, was given a special award by the Socialist Mayor of Vienna in 2019. He was given Grand Decoration of Honor in Gold for Services to the City of Vienna for his “great commitment to education and human coexistence in Vienna as well as his contribution to the development of Vienna as a scientific and business location.”

The methods used to destroy me in Greece, to deprive me of justice and retaliate are the same as the ones used in Austria because the command centre is the same.

It is Soros and Gates.

The countries change, the Prime Ministers change.

Tsipras goes and Mitsotakis comes. Faymann goes and Kurz and Nehammer comes. But the corruption and crimes remain the same over 16 years.

When caught handing me an empty file with all the police reports and evidence against Soros and Gates, Tsipras and Faymann stripped away in January 2016, it was the very corrupt tools of Soros and Gates, Christopoulos and Theodekti who joined in abusive defamation defamation charges fronted by their associate lawyer Simos Samaras in order to gag me, intimidate me, stop me publishing the evidence of his crimes, and so of the corruption of Soros, for the crimes were always and only to benefit Soros and Gates.

Christopoulos was the first to know about all the police records that should have been in the file, and which were later found by me with the help of the Supreme Court.

He knew Theodekti had been caught trying to bribe him and it was recorded by the policeThe prosecutor at the court had sent him to the police to record the bribery attempt in April 2015 together with me. He gave testimony to the police about the bribery attempt.

But when I asked him for a copy, he refused to give it to me.I allege that he had already then at the police station had decided to join in the bribery scheme.

He decided it was more lucrative for him to assist the criminal scheme of Theodekti, Soros, Gates, Tsipras than to protect the right of a report to due process. But the bribery attempt is recorded in another police report, which he could not keep from me.

It was Christopoulos who translated and handed in my police report in July 2015. It was he who allowed for a key paragraph from my July 2015 police report to be removed pointing at Soros without my knowledge or consent.

He handed in his Greek translation omitting two key pages about Soros and the network of Grigoris Vallianatos, the brother of Theodekti.

On September 29th 2015, I immediately emailed him about the way I had found the proofs of Soros personal knowledge of Project Syndicate report and about the massive hacking of my computer which occurred as I tried to upload the evidence.

Anyone could see my claims were true by comparing Soros Project Syndicate report with my report one day earlier.

The massive hacking forced me to move from cafe to cafe changing my IP address before I was able to post up the evidence, catching one of the most powerful Billionaires in the world, the mega donor of the Democrat party, of then President Obama and Joe Biden with personal knowledge of my blog, stalking it, shadowing it, copying entire multi word phrases from it.

Christopoulos knew about these proofs, knew they should be in the file, knew the July police report and April police report with the record of his bribery should be in the file as well as the statements of Theodekti which he gave me when I fired him in January 2016 at a minimum.

But here is the rub.

He had been successfully bribe and he too had a motive to remove every trace of his crime from the official proceedings and to organize the corruption in such a way as to silence me.

Soros, Gates are among the wealthiest families in the world able to give him large amounts of cash, favours and gifts for his services.

He has never suffered any penalties for his crimes.

Tsipras, Mitsotakis and the corrupt justice officials have held their protective hand over him.

He was a private lawyer who was hired by me and paid by me to represent me.

I had chosen him because I could not speak Greek and I could not find an English speaking lawyer but he spoke German and I did to, so we could communicate.

He was paid to carry out work. He had obligations.

He was my access to the justice system.

He had the file D 15 218, communicated with the prosecutors and police.

He translated and handed in my July 2015 police report.

He had the obligation to give me good legal advice.

He had the obligation to give me accurate updates about the status of my case.

And he did everything to enable and facilitate the Billionaires and Tsipras in hiding the evidence of their crimes in the file.

He made sure the reports were removed without me being notified.

He lied to keep me in the dark.

He coordinated his acts with Theodekti, police and prosecutors to ensure that Soros and Gates and Tsipras had what they wanted in the file.

They wanted only the slanderous statements of the accused in the file? They got it!

They wanted written statements as the basis of false accusations? They got it.

They wanted Theoktisti to be excluded as witness? They got it.

They wanted all exonerating evidence removed? My record as a reporter exposing their crimes removed?

They wanted to stop me getting my 96,000 euros in bank transfers to Theodekti back?

No problem, Christopoulos made sure they got it.

They wanted my status to be changed from party to witness to prevent me seeing the file and appealing? They got it.

Through these bribery arrangements, Soros and Gates could gain access to the file and total control over the proceedings.

Christopoulos knowingly and deliberately gave me false information about the status of the case. He told me verbally and in emails the investigation was proceeding according to plan.

He told me Theoktisti would be questioned orally without Theodekti to avoid her influencing Theoktisti.

In fact, Theoktisti was never questioned and he knew it.

He signed off on the plan to withhold a key exonerating witness and all the evidence including the evidence of the first bribery attempt because he had been successfully bribed.

When he was caught, he joined in the abusive defamation lawsuit with Samaras to gag me and stop the proofs of his crimes reaching the public.

Theodekti joined Samaras in the same abusive lawsuit for the same reason. To gag the evidence of her crimes.

But ultimately Samaras was working for Soros and Gates, Tsipras and Faymann.

As the Billionaires tools, who had committed crimes for the Billionaires, they had a stake in ensuring justice was thwarted. They also were the ones who benefited from the removal of all the proofs of evidence of personal knowledge from the file and motive.

They benefited from substituting and replacing all that evidence with the statements of Theodekti to accuse me to pave the way for my prison sentence for defamation.

They benefited from the abusive defamation lawsuits designed to gag and intimidate me.

Christopoulos was involved from the beginning to the end and continues to be so.

He was the witness for Samaras at the trial E 17 379 in 2021 which saw me sentenced to prison for ten posts about this corruption along with Theodekti.

They were the witnesses for Samaras at the Appeal in 2022 and allowed to tell the most brazen lies while all the evidence showing their guilt was excluded by biased and corrupted judges.

This was not a spontaneous or unrelated lawsuit, a sloppy judgement, an error made in good faith. This lawsuit is integral to the crimes of Soros and Gates. Christopoulos was always acting to benefit Soros, Gates, Tsipras and Mitsotakis.

He was an instrument, who gave his services in return for cash and favours.

All the people involved in the lawsuit from Christopoulos, to Theodekti, to Samaras all knew the crimes which they had committed or sanctioned were proven. They all knew the lawsuit was abusive and an attack on the free media. The judges all knew. They joined in the scheme to misuse the law to stop the public from knowing about the way Soros and Gates hold the Greek state in their hand and corrupt justice not just to escape trial but to retaliate against a reporter as part of a some kind of bribery and cash for favours arrangement.

For doing the right thing, for trying to warn the public about their scheme to engineer and release viruses and give the public dangerous jabs using emergency laws, I, an honest reporter, was persecuted with the most egregious corruption and lawfare by judges and prosecutors working as the hired, private mercenaries of the Billionaires under colour of office.

For trying to warn the public as best as I could about a scheme threatening the lives and health of millions, billions, and for no pay, no personal benefit, I have been destroyed by the Billionaires using their familiar tools and criminal methods, which have spanned 16 years and two countries. When I fled Austria to escape them and went to a monastery in Greece, the crimes continued there with the Abbess enlisted.

It was Theodekti and Christopoulos who played a key role in having me sentenced to prison in 2021 for offending the honour of Samaras for they were his witnesses and the only ones included.

Excluded was the proofs Samaras had been investigated in a probe for misusing the very same abusive lawsuit against me designed to gag me over the proofs Soros and Gates had corrupted justice to escape trial. He tried to put me in prison for relaying the allegations of a Russian journalist in February 2017 by the Appeals Prosecutor in a probe with the file E 17 449. He not only was not charged for this attack on a reporter misusing the justice system. He was allowed to repeat the crime in trial E 17 378. This was too much even for the corrupted judges who declared me innocent for that trial but guilty for the next one E 17 379

However, both trials were for the same abusive lawsuit, for the same ten posts concerning Soros, Gates and the corruption of D 15 218 as an examination of the dates shows.

I cannot be found innocent and guilty for the same ten posts at the same time.

I cannot be found innocent and guilty for complying and not complying with an illegal court order for the same ten posts at the same time. Not if due process functions. But the Billionaires have turned Greek justice into a Kafkaesque tool to attack the free media to escape justice for their crimes against the free media.

There are rules in law

The government must act in accordance with legal rules and not contrary to them

Procedural due process ensures fairness and lawful decisions are made by the courts.

Government actors violated due process. They did everything to ensure that the evidence in E 17 449 to show that Samaras is engaged in abusive lawsuits to gag a reporter was excluded.

Samaras is backed up again by Christopoulos and Theodekti as the only witnesses in the trial and all the proofs Theodekti and Christopoulos had carried out crimes helped corrupt justice to allow Soros and Gates, Tsipras and Faymann, to escape trial in D 15 218 were excluded from the trial to find me, the innocent person, technically guilty.

It is a violation of due process to sentence and enforce a prison sentence on someone without giving that person a right to be heard or all the evidence to be admitted that a reporter is a victim of crimes.

Again, the proofs of massive violations are in the trial documents. These violations cannot be denied.

Samaras is the first to know he is a cynical tool of the Billionaires who misuses charges to silence critics and his defence of honour is a farce. But he has the support of the corrupted judges. Samaras tried to have me put in prison for a post completely protected by free speech laws is the clearest proof of their criminal intent and also of the fact they work for Soros and Gates.

I was sentenced to prison for the ten blog posts in early 2016 showing the corruption of Soros and Gates, posts which were completely factual and accurate, sentenced to prison despite no malice or error being shown or even alleged. I was sentenced to prison for one and a half years in September 2021 despite the fact I had complied with the court order to remove ten posts as soon as I was informed by my then lawyer Eleni Matraki as emails to the Supreme Court in November 2016 show, precisely to avoid penalties.

I was sentenced to prison ultimately by Soros and Gates and their co chair Warren Buffett and families because they wanted to destroy me, were determined to put me in prison using whatever means they could, wanted to smear me and portray me, their innocent victim, as a criminal, and they wanted to send a chilling message to reporters and whistle-blowers

Paradoxically, Soros and Gates and their families have been caught by their cynical, unwavering determination to erase every document in a probe illegally.

That means, they can now be charges with crimes for the past ten years all flowing from the original crime and its corruption documented in D 15 218

Their very desire to hide behind front men has caught them. The trail of evidence, the circle of people, always goes back to them caught in D 16 218. It is certain they gave the orders which were relayed down from from the top to the base of their command pyramid using their tools Tsipras and Faymann in Greece and Austria, respectively.

The probes show how the Billionaires using the politicians they bankroll and support build networks of corruption superimposed on governments which serve the Billionaires private profit and goals.

In this way, the Billionaires have managed to weaponize the government bureaucracy against their opponents and use lawfare against reporters they have identified as an obstacle.

Lawfare is also used against political opponents as the Novartis scandal in Greece from the end of 2016 shows.

It is a system used by the Billionaires.

The origins of this scandal are also in the US government, which is totally under the control of Soros and Gates. It is not too much to say they then ran and still run the US government and its policies through their tools, Biden, Obama and Harris, able even to move US ambassadors around to suit their corrupt purposes as we see with the case of Geoffrey Pyatt.

The US government paid millions to three anonymous witnesses to accuse ten politicians of taking bribes from Novartis and the ten politicians were investigated despite no evidence that the witnesses had told the truth and even evidence they had lied to eliminate political opponents of Tsipras and the Billionaires.

Are we to believe this system is not used by Soros, Gates in the USA?

Are we to believe the billions which George and Alex Soros give to the Democrat party comes without strings attached? The facts show the opposite is the case. Key figures in the Biden cabinet have personal and financial links to Soros.

Logs show Alex Soros frequently visits the White House and has long discussions with key aides and Kamala Harris, giving him plenty of opportunity to organize the personal and unofficial acts to carry out his various schemes.

Is it really plausible that Harris does not know about the crimes of Soros and Gates in Greece? Does not know about the corruption they organized to hide the proofs against them? Does not know about the way they have turned the Greek justice system into their hired, private killers to get an honest and innocent reporter sentenced to prison for exercising their free speech rights to inform the public about their corruption and who works for them? Does not know about the way they organized for the report to me illegally snatched, imprisoned and nearly murdered in June, July 2022 using again corrupted police and prosecutors as their private hired killers? Does not know the document paper trial of D 15 218 always shows these crimes go back to them? Does not know the investigation stopped at the Supreme Court when Geoffrey Pyatt was transferred from the Ukraine to Greece in 2016? Does not know the crimes are continuing today? Does not know that covid was a criminal scheme, the jab harms were a part of that criminal scheme?

Kremlin based TV knew in 2016 and came to interview me on the subject.

If Harris does not know as Vice President and now Presidential candidate, she is negligent in the extreme.

If she does not know that she is accepting cash and favours from some of the cynical corrupt Billionaires who use their influence over the Greek state to turn justice officials into their hired killers, to destroy an honest reporter, to deprive the public of vital information about the origins of covid viruses and the harms of the jabs, she is not fit to run for office.

Is it a coincidence that Biden and Harris have used lawfare to try to destroy their political opponent Donald Trump and that Alex Soros has tweeted the Democrat party should refer to him as convicted felon at every opportunity?

Media is filled with reports showing the influence of George and Alex Soros on the Democrat party

For example,

Alexander Soros, son of liberal mega donor George Soros, posted a picture on Thursday of himself alongside his father and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat.

The picture was posted to Twitter with the caption: "In Pelosi we trust! Was good seeing @SpeakerPelosi this weekend."

The three were standing outside with the 81-year-old House speaker between the two Soros men.

The Soros are among the largest donors to the Democrat Party.

George Soros, the founder and chairman of Open Society Foundations, has been one of the largest donors for Democrats, and he reportedly finances numerous digital media outlets with the group.

Soros has donated at least $1,390,000 to Democrats in 2021, according to data provided by the Federal Election Commission.

This money has gone to the Democratic National Committee, House and Senate campaigns, and PACs supporting liberal causes, FEC data report

The cash buys access and favours.

Alex Soros, the 37-year-old son of George Soros who recently took control of the mammoth multi-billion dollar Open Society Foundations (OSF), has now visited President Biden's White House at least 20 times, records show. 

In late March, Alex attended three meetings with Nina Srivastava, who previously served as an advisor for Biden's former chief of staff, Ron Klain; Amanda Sloat, the National Security Council's senior director for Europe; and Jon Finer, the principal deputy national security adviser, according to recently released visitor logs.

The meetings follow the 17 former visits Alex had with Biden personnel since the administration took power. The objective of the discussions remains unclear. The White House did not answer Fox News Digital's email on the matter.

Harris holds close meeting with Alex Soros.

From media

VP Kamala Harris huddles with George Soros scion ahead of 2024


Josh Christenson

June 6, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris was all smiles Tuesday as she posed for a photo with the son of far-left billionaire George Soros as speculation swirls about her future presidential ambitions.

Harris, 58, greeted Open Society Foundations chair Alexander Soros shortly after flying back to Washington from Philadelphia, where she held an event with the Service Employees International Union.

Great to catch up with Madame Vice President, @KamalaHarris!” Alexander Soros tweeted.

The vice president did not acknowledge the sit-down on her public schedule, and a spokeswoman for her office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The donations of the Soros Foundation are huge

From media

A nonprofit financed by billionaire George Soros quietly donated $140 million to advocacy organizations and ballot initiatives in 2021, plus another $60 million to like-minded charities.

Soros, who personally donated $170 million during the 2022 midterms to Democratic candidates and campaigns on top of that, spread the additional largess through the Open Society Policy Center — a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that falls under the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, according to a copy of its 2021 tax filing, which was obtained by CNBC and is the most recent data available. The Open Society Policy Center also doled out $138 million to advocacy groups and causes in 2020. Two of Soros’ children sit on its board, the tax filings and its website show.

The donations bring Soros’ contributions to political campaigns and causes since January 2020 to roughly half a billion dollars — at the least — most of it steered through dark money nonprofit groups and going largely toward political causes aligned with the Democratic Party.

Soros’ nonprofit donations don’t always go directly to political causes. The funds sometimes flow from one of his nonprofits, then to another, before being spent on the advertising, organizing and social media campaigns that directly reach voters.

Many of the Open Society Policy Center’s 2021 donations weren’t necessarily earmarked to help sway the midterm elections, according to the foundation’s website. At the same time, Tom Watson, an editorial director at the Open Society Foundations, conceded in an email to CNBC that “there are definitely some OSPC grants that went to organizations working to combat voter suppression, support voter registration and expand civic participation.” Those are all core Democratic principles.

Complex network of nonprofits

The foundation network includes several affiliated 501(c)(4) groups, a type of nonprofit under the U.S. tax code that’s allowed to engage in political activities, as well as more traditional 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, its website and tax filing show.

All of the nonprofits fall under Soros’ Open Society Foundations network, which spans the globe. It describes itself as “the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights,” and it has dozens of offices in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

It additionally runs the Open Society University Network, which includes more than two dozen colleges across the world, sponsoring research projects through its Democracy Institute, among other initiatives. While not illegal, the complex network of related nonprofits, research funding and charities financed by Soros obfuscates the original origin of the donations.

Through the network, Soros has donated more than $32 billion over the years, according to its website. It says it gives “thousands of grants every year toward building inclusive and vibrant democracies,” with active projects in more than 120 countries.

Soros joined Albert Bourla and Melinda and Rory Gates for a dinner with Joe and Hunter Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House on 23 May 2024.

This evening, the President and the First Lady of the United States will host His Excellency William Samoei Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya & Her Excellency Rachel Ruto, for a State Dinner.

The following is a complete list of expected guests:

Joe and Hunter Biden

Kamala Harris

Anthony Blinken

Albert Bourla

Alex Soros

Melinda and Rory Gates

Here are the culprits caught corrupting justice in Greece to try to kill a reporter all going together to the White House.

It cannot be a matter of indifference to Harris, if she is honest, that her mega donors and big supporters have been caught in such massive crimes in Greece corrupting justice and governments.

If she is honest, she will not want to have anything to do with the Soros family. She will refuse their cash.

I allege Harris does know about their crimes. She knows enough and is willing enough to join in for Soros and Gates to enthusiastically endorse her and pour billions into her campaign as they poured into the campaign of Biden and Obama.

The massive decline of the mental ability of Joe Biden casts a new light on her influence in the background on the day to day running of the administration.

Another figure who has emerged out of the shadows in Hunter Biden, himself implicated in the Billionaires scheme, through his funding of Metabiota, a partner of the Consortium of scientists funded by Gates and Soros apparently engaged in Ebola GOF research as discussed by me in 2014 and denied by the Gates and Soros Foundation spokespersons commenting on a paragraph lifted straight from my blog in the Tampa Bay Times, as discussed below.

Another funder linked to Metabiota is Goldman Sachs.

Former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon was alleged to have helped the Russian TV crew obtain visas for an interview with me in Larisa on the Billionaires disease plot.

The hidden link to Soros and Gates and Biden may be Bannon. Tellingly, Bannon and his circle of alt media have never reported on the proofs in Greece against Soros and Gates.

Steve Bannon who works with a verifiably corrupted German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, accusing of defrauding the public of 700,000 euros which he solicited for legal action over covid jabs but which he used for "secret salary payments" to himself and his wife instead.!5985903/

Steve Bannon was also accused of defrauding fundraisers in a similar scheme in 2022.

It may have been to hide a link to Hunter and Joe Biden that Samaras used criminal means to try to get that post removed in 2017 triggering probe E 17 449 as discussed.

If Harris is honest, she should immediately refuse all the money of Soros and the endorsement of Gates.

She should publicly distance herself from these ordinary sense criminals. If they have not been stamped as felons and sentenced to prison, it is because they are the worst kind of criminal there is, the kind who corrupts justice and gets the honest and innocent victim sentenced just for exposing their crimes.

A reporter with no criminal record, no medical or psychiatric record, with no debts and no problems of any kind is given a criminal record, two stints in Patricia units, is blacklisted, defamed and ruined financially by the Billionaires merely for exposing their crimes as the probe D 15 218, the corruption of it and the abusive lawsuits branching from it show.

The lawfare is designed to drain me financially and emotionally and also to divert me from reporting on their broader crimes as I have to spend so much time and energy protecting myself from their private killer judges, police, lawyers, proving their crimes.

Not even that is enough. The crimes go ahead despite all the proofs for the Billionaires have given themselves immunity from the rules of law.

The proofs in Greece are enough to put Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Alexis Tsipras and Kyriakos Mitsotakis in prison today.

The proofs can be the starting point into an investigation into what role Joe and Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and Geoffrey Pyatt played in allowing Soros to turn Greece into a de facto subordinate state run by his criminal mafia and weaponized against the Greek people as well as the American people to carry out Ebola and covid schemes.

The proofs can be used to prosecute Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. who joined Bill Gates and George Soros in a criminal scheme in Greece to murder a reporter and whistleblower warning covid was a conspiracy from 2022/

Bourla was informed about prosecutor probes, which captured Gates and Soros as running a criminal covid, Ebola scheme, informed about the corruption and abusive lawsuits, informed about the falsification of evidence to State Attorney Generals and joined in a new attempt to murder the reporter and hide evidence from the State Attorney Generals and law enforcement exploiting the very corruption. At best, Bourla is guilty of negligence in overlooking this information.The moment Bourla and Pfizer received the emails they were obliged to examine them protect the reporter against retaliation and free speech and informed consent.

Bourla and Pfizer can make inquiries if they want a clarification, ask to see documents, examine proofs, discuss the matter with me. They never have done so.

The lawfare shows their crimes continue on and on until today despite my emails asking them to cease and desist.

They are a threat to me as a reporter and to free speech in a vital public health matter.

They refuse to acknowledge their crime or correct their violations or give me compensation or justice because, I allege, they fear a cascade of criminal charges and hope, it seems, that they can get Harris elected into office to quash these.

They want to persist in the fiction and the lie they are not guilty of any crimes and I am the one to blame, the crazy and evil conspiracy theorist harming society and deserve prison, ruin. But the documents in probe D 15 218 prove I am the victim of a premeditated plan to destroy me by the Billionaires precisely for exposing their various criminal schemes, also covid.

Until these Billionaires are put in prison, the Billionaires will not stop their crimes against me, spanning at least ten years in Greece as the paper trial of due process shows, and continuing until today and possibly embracing election theft in Austria and Greece and maybe the USA as part of a system for retaining power, as discussed.

Their crimes against me are crimes against the free media and the public s right to know.

I am just one victim of their criminal system. But in my case the proofs are water tight and can be used immediately by prosecutors.


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