Thursday 15 August 2024




Dear Donald Trump,

As speculation continues about the extent to which the Biden, Harris administration knew about or sanctioned a stand down of the security to allow shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks to attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, I would like to draw your attention to prosecutor probes in Greece which prove beyond any doubt that Alex and George Soros as well as Melinda and Bill Gates hold the Greek state in their hands and use their influence to corrupt government and turn officials into their hired private mercenaries and killers.

Please see a detailed explanation here

The probes show that George and Alex Soros, Bill and Melinda were the brains and authority behind all the crimes committed in Greece against reporter in 2015 investigating matters in the public interest, including potential election fraud organized by Soros in Austria. Crucially, the probes show that they are also behind all the crimes that have branched off from this original crime, specifically, all the corruption to escape justice and to allow acts of retaliation and abusive lawsuits against a reporter.

The corruption organized to hide the proofs against Soros and Gates at the Supreme Court in 2016 could only have been accomplished by the highest political power. The personal knowledge of then Greek PM Alexis Tsipras and then Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann are proven in the probes since 2015. We can also infer with certainty that Billionaires have been aided by Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack Obama, who had dealings with Tsipras and Faymann in office.

Akex and George Soros are mega donors of the Democrat party and almost certainly used their influence on the US government to get the charges suppressed illegally.

The use of lawfare against Trump is, in fact, a hallmark of the Soros and Gates method of eliminating opponents.

The lawfare against me is not an isolated act in Greece There are other cases.

At the end of 2016, ten leading politicians were also subjected to lawfare apparantly intiated by the Biden, Obama administraton. The US government, ultimately controlled by Soros and Gates through their instruments Obama and Biden, paid three witnesses from Novartis about 56 million euros in order that they falsely testify ten politicians had taken bribes. The accusations depended entirely on the credibility of the three anonymus witnesses, and turned out to be false and without any base, but they advanced due to a biased and corrupt prosecutor.

The parallels to the lawfare against Donald Trump are clear.

There is a consensus among legal experts that convicting Trump of 34 felonies and crimes for giving 100,000 USD of hush money to a consenting adult as hush money is disproportionate and possibly completely baseless and bereft even of the basis for civil penalties for book keeping and accountancy offences. Only the corruption of the prosecutors and judges allowed for such an obvious miscarriage of justice. It was and is clearly a political hit job to smear, discredit, imprison and eliminate a political opponent in order to ensure there are no free and fair elections in November which could see Biden, Harris ousted from office, depriving the Billionaires of their power base.

Without control of the government, these Billionaires would not have been able to carry out their covid schemes and other crimes, including the funding of their banking and military industrial complex in the Ukraine and so obtain huge profits.

They would not have the power to obtain immunity from the processes of law.

he crimes and corruption in Greece is a continuation of the crimes and corruption in Austria by the state to give immunity to the Billionaires for their crimes. Greece is not an isolated case. The crimes in Greece are part of a system.

We are talking about a system.

When we ask who is behind the lawfare and the attempt to assassinate Trump, then we must talk about Soros and their influence and capacity to corrupt US government through donations and a criminal network imposed on the government hired to do their bidding.

For neither the lawfar nor the attempt to assassinate Trump were or are possible without the complicity of government officials.

These Billionaires have not run for elected office. But they do not need to. Their vast donations ensure that those who are elected with their help do their bidding and are ready to carry out ordinary sense crimes as part of personal and unofficial actions in office.

This is proven by the probes and corruption in Greece to help the Billionaires escape trial.

These Billionaires fear a free election. They fear that someone will be elected to high office, especially in the USA, who is not under their control, does not misuse the government bureacracy and justice departments to hide their crimes and also to prosecute their opponents through lawfare as is shown in the Greek prosecutor probes.

In 2024, they fear prosecution for their role in luring and coercing Americans into taking defective covid jabs.

Kamala Harris may not have been in on the scheme from the beginning, from 2009 like Obama and Joe Biden. But Harris joined in the scheme when she became Vice President with their support.

As VP, Harris has gone along with their criminal covid scheme and their war against Russia, prosecuted through the Soros controlled Ukraine government.

As soon as Biden was forced to drop out from the election race, Soros and Melinda Gates threw their support behind Kamala Harris.

There have been many visits to the White House by mega donor Alex Soros to the White House and many meetings with top members, including personal meetings with Kamala Harris where unofficial and personal matters can be discussed.

Winning the US elections became the priority of Alex Soros and his Foundation.

OSF staff in Europe were cut back to focus money on the elections.

But how could Biden, Harris win a fair election given their disastrous record in office?

Alex Soros have every motive to seek to kill Trump after the lawfare failed to destroy his reputation.

This lawfare is a part of a system used by Soros to destroy opponents as proven by the Greek prosecutor probes as mentioned. But the probes also prove the intent to kill the reporter and using accomplices in the state. The intent is to murder, kill, namely in Exozee in June, July 2022.

So, there is a precedent for a plan to kill a reporter using criminal accomplices in the state in Greece.

If Soros and Gates are willing to use state officials to carry out murder in Greece, then we can assume they are willing to use them to carry out a murder in the USA.

Killing Trump on July 13 2024 would have made it easier for the Billionaires, Biden and Harris to implement an authoritarian and totalitarian power grab over the US government and avert the election of a political opponent.

This, because Trump had not yet been officially confirmed the candidate of the Republican Party or nominated a Vice President on July 13th 2024. It was only a few days after the failed assassination attempt at the RNC in Milwaukee that Trump became the official candidate and appointed a VP and a ine of succession to ensure a Republican ticket, which the base wanted, was on the ballot in November.

While still in office, still in the White House, Biden, Harris had the authority to use their office to organize a stand down of the Secret Services and other agencies to allow Trump to be assassinate as part of a coup or power grab, a violent overthrow of the electons, to seize power in defiance of the people s will.

Their unofficial and personal network could have enlisted the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks.

The shooter was only able to gain access to a perfect sniper s perch due to negligence on the part of the Secret Services or deliberate design.

When we look at all the failures on J13 there are two hypothesis.

Hypothesis 1 is that they were all random, accidental and coincidental.

Hypothesis 2 is that they were planned, organized and coordinated.

A consideration of the evidence shows that Hypothesis 2 is far, far more likely. We are not talking about one or two errors to allow the shooting.

We are talking about 100s of errors, dozens of warnings ignored, dozens of failures in planning, dozens of suspicious events such as placing police inside the building whose roof the shooter used despite it being technically outside the security zone and the placing of a sniper team on another roof with full view of the shooter for minutes on end who did not fire the single kill shot until after the assassination attempt took place.

We are talking about a twenty year old who had everything he needed for the assassination attempt to succeed in the specific circumstances created by the stand down, a ladder for the specific roof, a range finder, a rifle, a van, explosives, and who was able to move about at will in full sight of the police and security forces and public for up to at least 90 minutes without any action being taken.

All of these failures require organization, planning. They involve the subversion of standard practices and procedures.

It is significant that the shooter appeared in an ad for Blackrock in 2022.

A fellow WEF member, Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock has also demanded the creation of authoritarian governments to serve the "markets". He called democracies messy.

The assassination attempt failed due to a miraculous combination of chance events as is well known. Trump survived.

These are the broad outlines of the case against Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates as the brains and funders behind the attempt to eliminate Trump through lawfare and possibly also assassination.

Can we be more specific?

"Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity," Alexander Soros wrote on X on May 31st 2024,

This tweet shows the high level of interest of Alex Soros in the lawfare against Trump. Is it really possible that Soros failed to notice what so many other Americans noticed, namely, that the justice system was being weaponized to convict and imprison Trump for no crime or none of any public significance?

It is much more likely that Soros sanctioned, approved or actively organized the lawfare as he did and does in Greece to eliminate an obstacle.

To put Trump in prison would be expose the Billionaires and Biden and Harris dictatorial power grab. A figlead must be found. Corrupt prosecutors must be enlisted to give the stamp of formality to a political crime. The label of convicted felon must be pinned on Trump to turn the public against him.

This tweet shows the way Alex Soros issues instructions to the Democrats to brand Trump as a felon. Soros is a mega donor and he knows his money gives weight to his wishes.

And the top Democratic leadership followed those instructions.

Kamala Harris did just what Alex Soros said she should inn her opening campaign statement after Joe Biden dropped out when she called Trump a convicted felon.

The first efforts to eliminate Trump involved lawfare. And it failed.

The way Trump was convicted of 34 felony offenses for, essentially, giving 100,000 USD of his own money to a consenting adult porn star as hush money under massive violations of the rules of law just when he declared he was running for president and his popularity was growing was organized by prosecutors and judges who belong to the government and who are, ultimately, under Biden and Harris and so under Soros and Gates, who bind their tools to their schemes with iron discipline.

The plan was to overthrow free and fair elections by removing the main political opponent by putting Trump in prison.

But the lawfare was so obvious, it sparked a public backlash.

The popularity of Trump surged. Donations soared.

The shooting came after a disastrous debate in which the extent of Biden s mental decline became clear to the public and polls showed voters giving Trump a huge victory in the November elections.

When the lawfare failed, and the debate failed, the next step was a murder attempt.

The Greek prosecutor probes show the same unwavering determination to step up the criminal actions against a reporter from false imprisonment to murder and using criminals in the government.

What other instructions might or might not Harris be following from her mega donor, Alex Soros?

May he have given instructions to kill Trump given not just the political but also the personal animosty which also exists between them.

Trump called Alex Soros a degenerate.

Alex Soros on January 21 2024 published a photo collage with a bullet-ridden glass and dollar bills amounting to 47 USD, which is the number of the next US president. If Trump wins, he would be the 47th president.

The post also noted that the “Open Society Foundation” funds “Antifa.”

This post does not declare boldly that Trump should be killed because such a bold declaration would be a sign of an intent to commit a crime. But its amalgamation of images and numbers signal something which can be interpreted as that.

The post immediately raised eyebrows when it was published.

Why would any one publish such a random series of pictures?

Six months after the post there was an attempted assassination against Trump enabled by a stand down by the security services run by the Biden, Harris administration, which are in the hands of Soros and Gates.

For Alex Soros and Joe or Hunter Biden to shoot Trump in person would be to expose them to charges and unmask their criminal intention. They need to find tools to do their dirty work for them and try and hide as much as possible their role in the crime.

That Geoge and Alex Soros run the Biden administration and use their influence to commit ordinary sense crimes against a reporter in Greece which aims at murder is proven by prosecutor probes. That they use tools also government officials to commit ordinary sense crimes is proven by the probes.

No more investigation is needed to put Soros and Gates in pretrial detention for their crimes against a reporter in Greece along with their accomplicies in office Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Alexis Tsipras.

The US Supreme Court has made it clear that presidents,and we can broadly apply it also to prime ministers of foreign nations, do not enjoy immunity from prosecution for personal and unofficial acts which fall outside their core constitutional compentencies, especially when these acts threaten the core interests and public health of Americans.

We can predict where this will lead if Gates and Soros are allowed to escape justice once more, if the proofs are ignored and they are left free.

We see what that approach has brought when we look at the failure to prosecute them in 2015,2016. It brought more crimes, more censorship, more schemes with lab engineered viruses and toxic jabs marketed using false claims. This time with far more devastating results than Ebola.

Their covid plot has has brought tens of millions of deaths around the world and many more cases of sickness, also in America.

I ask you to please help me get justice in Greece by publicizing these proofs and pressuring the justice officials to act on their basis and arrest Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and close their Foundations, their personal agencies.

The Billionaires attacks on me were, and are, not personal. They were attacks on the free media and everyone s right to information.

This is also clear from probe E 17 449 opened over an attempt to put me prison for a post by their tool for allegations made by a Russian journalist in February 2017 that Steve Bannon among others helped him obtain a visa to research biological warfare. Bannon is an ex Goldman Sachs banker and GoldMan Sachs and Hunter Biden are both linked to funding Metabiota, which is part of a bioweapons programme in the Ukraine. Whether Hunter Biden or Steve Bannon were involved in this crime needs to be investigated. Whether this post of mine played any role in a a fake FBI Russia witch from 2016,2017 hunt needs to be looked at.

The probes show the Billionaires are a menace to freedom, a free media and democracy. No one is safe until they are held to account. I believe no free and fair elections will be possible until they are arrested and placed in pretrial detention along with their accomplices.

The Greek probes allow for this to happen today.

Protecting the freedom of the media is also a a good in itself.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the probe.

My best wishes,

Jane Burgermeister,

Larisa, Greece

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