Wednesday 28 August 2024

Trump says God saved him so he can save the world But only his actions will show if he is delusional Why has he not put Soros, Gates behind bars with the God given proofs? Does he recognize miraculous proofs sent to help all people

Six weeks have passed since the WEF elite who run the US government either sanctioned or carried out a stand down to allow for the near assassination of Trump. 

Trump says he escaped by the miracle of God.


But God does not save a person for them to sit around wasting their money, their time, their energy and allowing ruin to come over the USA again because they are either too incompetent, too cynical or too incapable to use the God given proofs in Greece to put the masterminds Soros, Gates in prison today. 

Does Trump think that capturing Soros and Gates with personal knowledge twice was not a 1 in 100 million chance? 

Does he think that proving all their corruption was not a 1 in 100 million chance? 

Does he think that delivering all this to him and the US state ags is not a 1 in billion opportunity to deal with a mutual threat legally, reasonably and quickly? 

Does he think the fact I am alive still today is not a 1 in a trillion chance? No thanks to him, no thanks his efforts to help an honest reporter warning all Americans. Because Trump has made no effort, zero effort to help an honest reporter for helping all Americans. 

Why do Soros and Gates bother trying to kill me?

If he wants to be to blame for more catastrophes, wants to plunge the USA into more chaos, destroy it, wants to squander the second chance given to him by a miraculous intervention, wants to earn the wrath of God, then he should just go ahead and continue to do nothing about the one thing he must do something, must do something for the sake of his family, the sake of America, the sake of the world and put Soros and Gates behind bars using the prosecutor proos today.

Any AG or any lawyer in the USA who wants a future has to split off and start acting or they are going down with the Titanic along with Tucker, Trump and all their families.

They can make a check list of things to do and tick them off.

Print out the summary and discuss the legal angles.

Print out all copies of the Greek originals probes and evidence.

Get certified court translations.

Contact Greek lawyers and courts to certify the authenticity of the documents and obtain documents I have not been able to such as the E 17 378 court decision, innocent.

File the papers at the Fed court asking for an expedited and emergency arrest warrants for US citizens Gates, Soros, Buffett for seeking to murder a reporter to undermine informed consent to covid, Ebola, mpox today.

File the paper work for the application to close their Foundations and seize their assets to prevent more crimes. 

Does Trump want to help all Americans? Does he really want to protect free speech? Does he really want to save tax payers money? Does he really believe in God? Does he really understand the word obligation to act, to protect others?

Only his actions will show. 

If he fails to take the clear, right, legal course, then he will have no one to blame except himself if he ends up under ten feet of earth. 

He may find that Christ will say to him, "I served you everything up on a plate, I saved you from an assassination, I got it all lined up for you, all the proofs were there on a plate to get the arrest warrants, and you ignored them because you were too arrogant, too self absorbed, too egomaniacal, too ungrateful, too mean to acknowledge that I also perform miracles for other people too. See all those people who died in pandemics, wars, debt crisis. 

You could have prevented it simply and easily using these proofs years ago. They have been around since 2015,2016. How easy do you think it is to get Sors, Gates, Tsipras, Faymann in prosecutor probes trying to murder a reporter. That s a 1 billion to one. You want miracles. That was the miracle I performed for you. And what did you do with it? You let the USA be overrun with covid? You allowed the covid jab campaign to go ahead. You are responsible for the deaths of millions of people and of sickness. 

And now I am warning you. If I had not stopped the bullet, you would be dead now with all that on your conscience/

You have a last chance to use the proofs for the sake of all people, for the sake of the reporter too. Doesn t an honest reporter deserve to live? Is her life less valuable than yours? Is all her sacrifice for others nothing in my eyes? Has she not done more for America unpaid than you ever did? 

I have served you everything up on a plate to help others. You want to save America. Do it. Put Soros, Gates and co behind hars. 

Because I know you are so mean, I even arranged that it is at no cost even to you.

You spend a 1000 million on your legal fees for the hush money trial but you would not spent ten dollars on this, would you? Because it is not all about you. It s about America.

Because I know you are so mean, I offered the solution to you free.

It has cost the reporter blood, sweat and tears and all her money and inheritance, her reputation. But the fruits of her labour have cost you nothing. If you won t do this, then don t ever call on me again. I want to see actions that really help others, not intentions.

 Becaue if  you refuse to do this simple thing, it s because you didn t care about America, or your family. You couldn t see what you had to do clearly because you didn t care about others enough. Go away from me,. That way is hell."

The same goes for the State Attorney Generals and Governors.

America is facing ruin because of their cowardice and paralysis.

Their families have no future. Wars, civil wars, conscription, monkey pox jab mandates, debt crisis, sickness, poverty. That is the legacy which Tucker, Trump and this generation of Americans have left their children and grandchildren.

Not so in China where life expectancy is rising and higher than the USA now, where the contracts for mRNA jabs were not activated.

And the CCP aren t even Christians. They don t go on and on like Trump about being saved by a miracle to save the world. 

They just take actions.  Because they are not interested in giving interviews and being a show man.  They are in politics because they have a heart for their people and a brain, not hug the limelight and make money.

Remember in 1976, the first attempt to give Americans an experimental swine flu jab endeded almost as soon as it started with just a few deaths.

Now in 2024, millions  of American have died and become sick from the covid jabs according to Excess death and insurance data despite all the warnings and proofs I laid before the AGs since 2015,2016.

All the American military were given the covid experimental jab.

And still no one is in prison.

Still Soros and Gates are around, free, to commit more crimes, launch another monkey pox scam.

Compare the result of swine flu campaign 1976 and the covid disaster of 2020 and everyne can see how the quality, ethics of the people across the board and especially in positions of power and in the law has declined in the USA. 

There is an objective measure of the way the intellectual, moral, ethical, spiritual standards of the Americans have collapsed in under 50 years.

That is the result.

I am sorry to say you cannot make a quality person over night. Need. objective danger does not make a quality person. A quality person masters need and objective danger.

God has to help us now in the West!

Only God can save us from the shallow, greedy, self satisfied, short sighted, selfish servants of Satan that our Western elite are!


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