Thursday 8 August 2024

State AG s must act Gates controlled WHO poised to declare Mpox a global emergency to pave way for martial law measures, suspension of US election, mandates for dangerous jabs

When WHO talks about plans for declaring a global emergency over the Mpox, we must talk about Gates plans for declaring an emergency because WHOs emergency epidemic disease arm is controlled by the Gates Foundation.

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday called an "emergency" meeting of international experts amidst growing worries over the mpox virus.

With mpox spreading outside of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tedros said the WHO emergency committee would meet "as soon as possible" to advise him on "whether the outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern."

A public health emergency of international concern is the highest alarm the WHO can sound and allows Tedros to trigger emergency responses under the International Health Regulations.

Covid and recent experience shows that WHO s emergency declaration is designed for one purpose only, and that is, to allow martial law measures to be implemented, human rights to be suspended, jab mandates and people to be subjected to dangerous and uncontrolled experiments using untested jabs, which would be illegal and banned if they were not given under the empty form and official shell of an emergency declaration.

Mrna Mpox jabs have  been tested on mice and monkeys but not on humans in clinical trials.

The Mpox outbreak in the DR Congo comes just as a clinical trial for Mpox jabs has started there.

An Ebola clinical trial (Tekmira) is belived to have caused Ebola to break out in West Africa in 2014.

"Based on the Lancet result, Tekmira raised at least $140 million from military-related funders. This allowed them, around the time of the outbreak, to run a series of Phase I and Phase II clinical trials of different versions of TKM-Ebola.

For instance, on Dec. 13, 2013, Tekmira announced a study in humans and on Jan. 14, 2014, wrote a further press release, titled “Tekmira Doses First Subject in Human Clinical Trial of TKM-Ebola”. As reported by the New York Times in June 2015, at least one phase II trial was definitely conducted in Sierra Leone. Funded by the UK's Wellcome Trust, this one was halted because, according to Tekmira, the drug was “not likely to demonstrate an overall therapeutic benefit”.

This trial was later published in a scientific journal and described as occurring at Port Loko, 190 km northwest of Kenema (Dunning et al., 2016).

From the limited descriptions available, one of these trials fits the timing required for it to have triggered the 2014 Ebola outbreak but none of them fits the location. However, the data is incomplete; for his book, Constantine Nana corresponded with the lead investigator in the Port Loko Phase II trial, Dr. Peter Horby of the University of Oxford."

An investigation by Politico, Die Welt found Bill Gates and his Foundation controls WHO and ran its covid response behind the scenes, including organizing the covid jabs now proven to cause excess deaths around the world by government statistics.


Prosecutor probes in Greece supply the definitive proofs for the arrest of Bill Gates and George Soros today, their trial and sentencing for attempting to murder a science reporter in 2015 for demonstrating epidemic diseases like Ebola and covid are criminal schemes

The definitive proofs of criminal premeditation, wilful intent to harm and corruption by Gates, Soros and their accomplices, WHO contained in the Greek prosecutor probes

  • allow billions in compensation for victims of the covid scheme to be obtained

  • for the pharmaceutical companies to be stripped of immunity

  • and for murder charges to be pressed against the Billionaires and their accomplices for the millions of people who have died from their engineered covid virus and defective vaccine according to WHO s own data

WHO, WHEN, and WHERE: Prosecutors in Greece in 2015 collected all the evidence to put Bill Gates and George Soros on trial and sentence them for being the masterminds of murder attempt on a reporter, who has written for Nature and the British Medical Journal for crimes which include among other things


attempt at false imprisonment

murder threat

bribery of a lawyer

for informing the public that epidemic diseases like Ebola, bird flu, swine flu, covid and the matching vaccines were schemes run by Gates and Soros and WHO for profit

WHAT and HOWProsecutors in Larisa, Greece, collected proof of

personal knowledge of Gates and Soros of the reporter’s articles

Establishing the personal knowledge of Gates, Soros and their Foundations is vital to showing they personally masterminded the crimes against the report and this vital proof of personal knowledge is established very strongly by two separate open source articles in the Tampa Bay Times in 2014 and Project Syndicate in 2015 quoting verbatim from her reports

motive to censor and suppress the reporter s information on her blog showing the methods and mechanics by which Gates and Soros with the help of a complicit WHO were spreading epidemic diseases like Ebola, bird flu, swine flu, covid deliberately to declare global emergencies, usurp democracies and sell defective experimental vaccines for exorbitant profits

means in the form of their networks in Greece

The Billionaires escaped trial and sentencing in 2015, 2016 by corrupting justice, adding to the crimes for which they can be sentenced for in 2023.Their meticulously planned corruption to escape trial and commit more crimes against the reporter supplies the definitive proof of their premeditation and wilful intent to cause harm, scheme and plot to accomplish their objective of keeping the public in the dark about their design.

VIOLATIONS—Proven violations which Gates and Soros organised to escape trial in 2015, 2016 for their murder attempt included

stripping away all the evidence against them especially personal knowledge by among others things, hiding, suppressing all the police and prosecutor reports

blocking the Supreme Court in Greece from reopening an investigation


Lawyers can use the Greek prosecutor proofs today

to apply for the arrest and trial of Gates and Soros

to prove covid is a criminal scheme (the probes prove an almost decade long scheme and premeditation, wilful intent to cause harm, anti trust violations, corruption among other things)

start an investigation into WHO which worked seamlessly with Gates, the second biggest funder of WHO, to implement the criminal scheme

strip pharmaceutical companies which are the beneficiaries of the criminal scheme of their immunity shield

The Greek prosecutor probes offer definitive proof that Gates, Soros are the brains and funders behind a premeditated, carefully crafted scheme to use covid to maximise their profits and so in compelling Gates and Soros families to pay compensation.

The Gates and Soros families between them have an estimated 300 billion dollars.

Proofs of a premeditated scheme contained in which WHO and the pharmaceutical companies means that any pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, BioNtech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson Johnson are liable to pay for harms caused by the covid vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies have between them trillions of dollars.

According to excess death data published by WHO, deaths from the covid vaccine number millions. The Greek prosecutor probes prove Gates and Soros are the ordinary sense murderers of these people.

A key component of the Billionaires success is their control of the media empire they fund to the tune of hundreds of millions and the regime of censorship they have instituted. The probes provide the basis to investigate the media they fund and social media for their role in anti trust violations and the false and deceptive marketing campaign disguised as science and news to keep the public in the dark about a dark scheme.

OTHER CRIMES— Russian journalists interviewed the reporter on the proofs against Gates and Soros and their scheme to use diseases to spread fear in June 2016 in Greece.

When the reporter relayed their allegations that Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner had helped these Russian journalists obtain a visa an attempt was made to put the reporter in prison in February 2017 using fake criminal charges,which targeted the publicationof the proofs against Soros and Gates, by lawyer Simos Samaras. This triggered a Greek Appeals prosecutor probe E 17 449 into Samaras, Bannon,Kushner and Trump.

COVIDHaving evaded trial due to their corruption, Soros, Gates continued their crimes and murder attempts against the reporter, continuing through the covid crisis until today, to stop her showing that they were using broadly the same methods and mechanisms to spread covid as they had used to spread Ebola, among other things:

Funding covid gain of function research in Wuhan.

Funding the development of mRNA covid vaccines

Promoting the plan to vaccinate entire populations against covid using completely new, GMO injections, including Operation Warp Speed

Promoting the use of sanctions including restrictions of travel and work to coerce people to take the injections

Funding ostensibly neutral and independent (but not) front organizations to promote the notion that covid was naturally occurring and the hand of God and publish information touting the benefits of the experimental covid vaccines for covid while omitting the information about the risks of the vaccines which were experimental GMO based vaccines and of autoimmune diseases

Paying ostensibly neutral medical experts called “key opinion leaders” who were really manufacturer mouthpieces to publish articles promoting the use of masks and lock downs while omitting the evidence showing these were unnecessary and, or harmful.

Exaggerating the risk of covid which has the fatality rate of the seasonal flu

Downplaying the value of safe and effective drugs to treat covid like ivermectin

The definitive proofs in the Greek prosecutor probes are great news for the victims around the world who desperately need a simple way to prove a criminal scheme involving Gates, Soros, WHO and pharmaceutical companies and media they funded to push their aggressive and false marketing campaign and dangerous and unnecessary vaccines on the globe after engineering and releasing a disease. The victims can finally expect payments to help them with their medical bills, loss of income, funeral and other costs.

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