Monday 26 August 2024

Email to Kamala Harris, Trump, RFK Jr, US AGs advising Dems to distance themselves from Alex, George Soros and their "corruption" cash or face prosecution with Billionaires for undermining covid jab informed consent 230 M Americans affected





Dear Kamala Harris,
Dear White House Team,

Last week I sent you, Kamala Harris and the team of the Democrat Vice President and  Presidential candidate, through various White House email channels, a document which establishes key facts about crimes committed against me, science reporter, and one who is recognized as such also by the WHO, as you can see from the email and attachments below, by mega donors of the Democrat Party.

This document describes the proofs captured by state, yes, by government prosecutors, that the donors of the Democrat Party, George and Alex Soros masterminded those crimes personally.
In fact, you can and should use these proofs to prosecute George and Alex Soros today in US courts.

The public, the voters, will expect you to do so, and refuse any more donations you and the Democrat Party receive from them.

 I am ccing in the Swiss Federal Prosecutor who asked me, a Swiss born science reporter, about their jurisdiction over these probes in July 2023 as well as the Trump and RFK Jr and US State Attorney Generals because these crimes of corruption by US citizens George and Alex Soros against a reporter in Greece to prevent informed consent, also by the American public, are not a left or right wing matter, not a Republican or Democrat matter, not a political matter but a criminal matter involving a cash for favours scheme whereby George and Alex Soros buy corrupt favours from politicians in return for cash. 

The evidence in the form of prosecutor probes and the corruption of due process right up to the Supreme Court level in Greece could not be more serious. 

It completely substantiates the claim that major donors of the Democratic Party, Alex and George Soros, people who you also personally meet with in the White House, have been caught  personally masterminding crimes against a reporter to undermine informed consent also in America to covid and other vaccines and, more importantly, in corrupting due process, yes, in corrupting government paid judges and police, to escape trial in Greece and conviction as felons of the most serious crimes.

There is no official court paper from Greece stamping George and Alex Soros as felons for attempting to murder a reporter. But that is only because it is proven they corrupted justice. The legal facts show thre should be such a paper, George and Alex Soros are  guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. In a functioning court of law, they would have multiple life time sentences for their crimes and would be in prison.

Given the criminal political activities of mega donors of the Democrat party which threaten the interests of all Americans, I am sure you will not hesitate to want to distance yourself from the Soros family donations.

You and the rest of the Democrat Party will not want to be under suspicion of also selling cash for favours to the Soros family, of trading government corruption and crimes for donations and positive media coverage from their media empire. You will understand, surely, that you will be under suspicion of doing just that until you do take positive action to distance themselves publicly from the Soros family and their money and stop their corruption.

Just to clarify, the corruption and crimes by Alex and George Soros and their associates is documented in  government proceedings, in official probes opened by the state in a criminal matter in Greece. This is not some legal, private, civil case involving a few private people. George and Alex Soros and Melinda and Bill Gates have been caught buying off and corrupting the highest Supreme Court judges in Greece, the highest politicians.

Furthermore, the core of the matter is  of vital public interestn An attack on a reporter and the free media always is of public interest.

About 230 million Americans took the covid shot while denied informed consent, which they must give, by a criminal schem run by Alex and George Soros and their associates.

So, their crimes do fall within the jurisdiction of US State Attorney Generals.

It will save the US tax payers a great deal of money to use the proofs in Greece to prosecute George and Alex Soros as they enable their prosecution and conviction without further investigation. They can, in fact, be placed in pretrail detention today!

It is important to you and your team to know that a science reporter has been, and continues to be, targetted by your donors simply for being honest and for trying to inform the American, and global public, about the risks of the special class of experimental vaccines to which Ebola, mpox and covid belong, and during the very time when you were encouraging, luring and coercing Americans to take the covid vaccines as VP under Joe Biden.

If you are honest, as I have no doubt you are honest, and if you are committed to upholding the law, to serving the interests of the American people, as you claim to be running for office as President, you will immediately distance yourself from George and Alex Soros and ther donations and help a threatened reporter. It is not an option for you. It is actually an obligation for someone in office, and running for the highest office, to uphold the law and Constitution, the free media and the (public health) interests of all the American people, whether Democrat voters or not.

To my regret, I have received no reply from your or your team since I informed you a week ago of this scandal.

This, although Alex and George Sros are continuing to spend hundreds of millions if not billions supporting the Democrat party and your presidential campaign in the run up to the November elections. 

Their ongoing crimes cannot be a matter of indifference to you also for legal reasons.

The violations have been sanctioned, approved of and carried out by corrupted government officials in Greece and the USA, specifically the US ambassadors, during your tenure as Vice President too, exposing you to criminal charges along with others in your administration, including, of course, Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

While  do not for a moment doubt that you are surprised and shocked to learn of these crimes and corruption by your donors, again, I do think you would be well advised to show it by your actions. I do think you, in particular, and the Democrat Party in general, would be advised to distance yourself from your donors publicly.  And to do so quickly. A scandal of this magnitude requires speedy action.

Given their record of crimes in Greece, you surely realize that when you continue to take donations from the Soros family and endoresements Melinda Gates,  it raises questions about whether you too are part of their cash for favours racket whereby you trade government favours and corruption for their donations and endorsements. The only way to allay that suspicion is to refuse to take any more donations and return as much of their donations as you can.

But there ar so many  actions you can, and, indeed, must do,  to distance yourself from a criminal network which the Soros an Gates families have superimposed on the US and Greek and other governments.

You and your team can, for example,  publicize this case of lawfare and persecution by George and Alex Soros against a reporter through your White House and Democrat social media accounts, issue a press releases. You can show that protecting the free media and the American public right to know is a priority for you by the things you do.

Furthermore, you can be seen to take steps to correct  the massive violations of due process in Greece by corrupted judges by publicly ordering the US State Department to pressure the Greek governmnt under Kyriakos Mitsotakis to uphold the law and protect the rights of reporters.  This is supposed to be US policy. Voters will want you to do this.

In addition, you can propose new legislation to make it more difficult for wealthy donors to corrupt politicians and justice in the USA and abroad using personal and unofficial actions.

Moreover, you can start an investigation into how such a scandal was possible, how US citizens and Billionairs who are mega donors of the Democrat Party can be allowed to corrupt justice in Greece with the complicity of the State Deparrtment to undermine informed consent to covid, Ebola and mpox jabs to the disadvantage of all Americans.

As a respected public prosecutor yourself, Ms Harris, you can personally prosecute Soros and Gates for their crimes against a reporter in Greece in US courts or, if you do not have time, you can refer them to the DOJ for prosecution.

To conclude, I do look forward to hearing from you or from your team soon with your plan of how you intend to demonstrate to the American public your independence from donors who are involved in corruption of government in Greece, in trading cash for favours, and about your plan for upholding the law and the freedom of the media.

Vital to know is this. The crimes of the Soros family in Grece against me are ongoing. The threat to my life continues until the violations which your donors, George and Alex Soros, have intrdouced to hide the evidence against them and retaliate against me, using corrupted judges, are corrected. 

Please make it a priority to ensure they are corrected and I am safe from the threat posed to me by your donors simply for being honest and exposing their crimes.

There is an alterantive, of course. The alternative to positve action is for you to resign. You can resign, in fact, today. I am sure the Democrat Party will find a replacement.

Consider this. Considder that if you do not immediately act to distance yourself from the Soros family donations, if you do not correct their crimes of government corruption, and if you do not resign either, then you must realize you expose yourself  to charges of running for office under false pretences and to criminal prosecution as a politician in the pockets of the Soros family, misusing your office to hold your protective hand over them for trying to murder a reporter for warning Americans about a major public health threat from covid, Ebola, bird flu and other experimental vaccines.

This is not a small thing.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the probes. You can also, of course, send officials from the US embassy in Athens to Larisa to review the matter and get all the documents needed to prosecute Soros and Gates family in the USA as the public will expect.

Also, I do think it will take you or a member of your team only three minues to tell the Greek government, to tell Kyriakos Mitsotakis, to do whatever it takes to correct the violations documented in the probes and ensure my safety as a reporter and adequate compensation. There is, really, no excuse for any more delay. But if you do have a problem or a question, just email me and we can work together to resolve it.

I have also once more cc d in the Foundations of Soros and Gates. Their stonewalling is unacceptable and you, Ms Harris, and the White House team, can also pick up the phone to your donors today and tell them to take up contact with me immediately so we can together settle the matter in accordinance with the law.

Please keep all your records and communications concerning this matter.

Thank you again so much for your attention!

Kind regards,

Jane Burgermeister,

Larisa, Greece

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jane Burgermeister <>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 at 18:30
Subject: Prosecutor probes catching Bill Gates Foundation in crimes against a reporter implicate WHO
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director, WHO,

The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the Monkey Pox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency.

I am writing to send you a summary of crimes against a reporter, who has written for Nature and the BMJ, to undermine informed consent for the special class of experimental vaccines to which  covid, Ebola, Monkey Pox etc, belong.

The crimes of Bill and Melinda Gates, a key funder of WHO, as well as George and Alex Soros  are documented in official proceedings belonging to probes opened by state prosecutors in Greece.

These crimes and their corruption span about ten years, showing premeditation, intention, a conspiracy by the Gates and Soros family Foundation to murder a reporter as part of an overarching plan also to prevent informed decisions to jabs such as the covid, Ebola and now Monkey Pox jab.

Please review this document carefully and get legal advice before you continue with any plan to carry out lockdowns, and order millions, if not billions of doses of Monkey Pox vaccine within the framework of an emergency declaration given the fact that you are also facing criminal penalties for running a cash for favour racket at WHO.

It cannot be a matter of indifference to you that one of the biggest funders of WHO, the Gates family through their personal agency, their Foundation, with whom you work so closely, are caught as the masterminds, the brains, the architects of a scheme to murder a reporter for exercising her free speech rights and that this is not a conspiracy theory but proven by the prosecutor probes and by the massive violations to stop the Gates and Soros family members going to trial in 2015,2016.

It cannot be a matter of indifference to you that the Swiss Federal Prosecutor contacted me about jurisdiction over these probes in July 2023 because WHO has its HQ in Switzerland.

As mentioned, these ongoing crimes against a Swiss born reporter, proven in legal documents which can be used today in any court of law, carried out by Bill Gates and his Foundation, among others, show a determined effort to undermine informed consent to experimental vaccines, which is required.

Your global emergency declaration means that the people of the world may soon be lured or even compelled to take experiemtal jabs such as Bavarian Nordic a Monkey Pox vaccine.

Please do correct me if I am wrong but the vaccine has been granted under special EUA which does not require it to be shown to be safe or effective. But those who take the vaccine, so I understand, have to give their informed consent and the vaccine can even be mandated despite potential defects and lack of data. How can anyone give informed consent when there is a scheme in the background to murder science reporters for giving facts and information about potential risks as is proven by the probes? It is clear they cannot.

It is your obligation to review the proofs of a crime I am sending you, get legal advice call a meeting with your stakeholders and decide on your next steps. 

One step you can and should take is to put out a press release in which you publicly condemn the crimes of the Gates and Soros Foundation against a reporter and their corruption of justice in Greece. Your silence on this matter may be taken as complicity. Free speech is a value in itself.

WHO has sent me emails as reporter. Please see attachments.

So, there is no reason for WHO not to publicize these crimes in Greece against me.

Bill Gates and Alex Soros and their Foundations refuse to address these proofs in Greece but this is a risky, yes, doomed legal strategy in 2024 if I may give my own opinion.

As the Kansas Attorney Generals lawsuit against Pfizer shows, there may be serious civil and criminal penalties against you if you do not address the fact that ordinary sense crimes are being used to prevent informed decision marking on these vaccines, something which is required.

Please be aware you too, individually and personally, at WHO may be accused of misleading governments and of a false and deceptive marketing campaign if you sell them your vaccines  without informing them fully about the evidence of a system to silence reporters in the documents supplied making informed consent is not possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your attention,

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece

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