Monday, 11 November 2024

3,000 UK doctors and nurses send urgent warning that an assisted dying bill could be used for mass euthanasia as a new debate about the death penalty is needed

MPS who vote for assisted dying bill may find themselves the victims at some point of euthanasia if they become sick, have a car crash or suffer covid jab damage like MP Craig MacKinlay who lost four limbs to sepsis after the covid jab.

MP Kim Leadbeater who is pushing a move to make  dangerous Nazi style mass euthanasia  in the UK lawful should be voted out at the next election by constituents. Period.

The waarning that the bill could open the door to mass murder  issued by 3000 Uk doctors and nurses could not be clearer, and the doctors and nurses are the first to know human life has no value for the British government because they see how they and patients are treated.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill" is the Eighth Commandment.

The only exception being the death penalty instituted by God himself in Exodus 21 12

"Whoever strikes a man with a fatal blow must be put to death" (when it is intentional)

Genesis 9 6 says

"Whoever sheds human blood,

    by humans shall their blood be shed;

for in the image of God

    has God made mankind."

God so values human life, so values every human being that the murder of a human being is considered an act worthy of death.

The murdered person cannot be brought back to life. The murder cannot be undone. But other murderers can be deterred.

We see how types like Bill Gates, Soros and Netanyahu have no conscience, no qualms about mass murdering millions of children, women, men for profit and gain.

Only the death penalty will deter them from their cruel, bloodthirsty and evil crimes which have ruined the lives of 100s of millions, if not billions of people.

Young people, in the flower of their life, babies are also deliberately targetted.

Ryan Routh as their apparant instrument also deserves the death penalty, although he did not manage to kill Trump. But he nearly did succeed and was only stopped at the last moment. His intention was clear.

Routh and complicit Harris officials even released a letter offering a de facto bounty of 150 K for killing Trump. That is incitement to murder. The death penalty for Routh will be a more effective deterrent to more assassination attempts than robot dogs.

His conspirators must be found and sentenced to death as well as happened with Lincoln s asassassins. It cannot be a wealthy funder pays assassins, who face the death penalty while they escape the death penalty.

Who was funding Routh and the 150 K bounty Routh offered?

The killing of any person is a heinous crime but the killing of a political opponent fighting tyranny in the USA is an attack on all Americans and on the rule of law and the Constitution.

Eight of the men who conspired to kill Abraham Lincoln were hung. Trump can make a start by asking Judge Aileen Cannon to sentence Routh to death. She may not agree. But the public can hear the arguments on both sides and the Supreme Court can make a final judgment.

To ensure, the death penalty is not imposed on innocent people, extremely rigorous standards are required when it comes to trials. 

I am not advocating for the death penalty for every murder but for mass murderers, for cold, calculating billionaires like Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Larry Page, Warren Buffett and their tools in office, like Mitsotakis in Greece, and for drug and human trafficking cartel leaders, the death penalty cannot come too soon.

It is great to see 3,000 Uk doctors and nurses stand up for the lives and dignity of the British people and oppose so clearly and so eloquently a bill which opens the door to mass euthanasia.

In Canada, young people, young parents injured by the covid jabs are being offered euthanasia by an Anti Christian, riminal ring in government.

From media

As reported by The Telegraph, 2,038 doctors, 905 nurses, and 462 other healthcare workers have signed the letter to Sir Keir Starmer to warn against assisted dying.

Expressing their 'great concern' over the proposals, their letter stated: 'The NHS is broken, with health and social care in disarray.

'Palliative care is woefully underfunded and many lack access to specialist provision.

'The thought of assisted suicide being introduced and managed safely at such a time is remarkably out of touch with the gravity of the current mental health crisis and pressures on staff.'

The letter added that the 'shift from preserving life to taking life is enormous and should not be minimised'.

'Any change would threaten society's ability to safeguard vulnerable patients from abuse; it would undermine the trust the public places in physicians; and it would send a clear message to our frail, elderly and disabled patients about the value that society places on them as people,' it continued.

'As healthcare professionals, we have a legal duty of care for the safety and wellbeing of our patients.

'We, the undersigned, will never take our patients' lives – even at their request.

'But for the sake of us all, and for future generations, we ask do not rush in to hasty legislation but instead fund excellent palliative care.'

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