Tuesday, 26 November 2024


Sir James Munby the former President of the Family Division of The High Court,  has been highly critical of the bill, focussing the lack of detail in the court procedure and on the incredible strain that judicial involvement will place on the court system if there is to be anything like an investigation into whether a judge is to rubber stamp de facto murder for a series of people chosen for death by corrupted doctor or NHS trust to save money or for other sinsiter reasonss or whether the person requesting suicide has actually done so and  without being coerced.

There are no mechanisms and no means foreseen to investigate whether the system is being abused on a huge scale or not in the bill.

There is no requirement even of informing the person or their relatives before or after the decision to end their lives, opening the door to mass murder hidden from the public.

Now, the lead lawyer in the Harold Shipman inquiry has warned the bil could lead to death clinics in the UK, where hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of patients are euthanased as part of a formally legal procedure drained of all legal protection.

These may include victims of covid jab injuries, the elderly or political opponents of the government.

The checks are so lacking that a scenario by which, for example, Dr John Campbell could be secretly euthanasised, murdered while going to an NHS clinic to take medication or his GP. 

It is  a far fetched scenario but not impossible that selected, corrupted GPs and a corrupted judge sign his euthanasia papers and pass on the order to inject him with a dangerous and lethal drugs as part of a routine cal and do not tell him or his family about it, and even threaten his GP with an investigation if they ask questions.

We saw the scale of threats against GPs during the covid jab campaign if they dared to warn their patients the jabs were experimental which extended to having their licenses withdrawn.

It is a far fetched scenario but it seems to be possible under the fatally flawed, Nazi style bill.

From media

The lead lawyer in the Harold Shipman inquiry has urged MPs to oppose legalising assisted dying in this week’s vote because it could create ‘death clinics’.

The proposed legislation is open to abuse by ruthless GPs, Dame Caroline Swift has warned in an explosive intervention.

Doctors and hospitals could be incentivised by the cost savings of freeing up hospital beds and spending less on drugs, she says. In a letter seen by the MoS that she sent to peer Lord Alton, who has spoken against assisted dying, Dame Caroline writes: ‘Although the safeguards may seem adequate now, they are likely to be eroded over time.

‘I was leading counsel to the Shipman Inquiry, and saw how this had happened with the safeguards for issuing cremation certificates.’

The inquiry investigated the GP, who killed more than 215 patients. Dame Caroline said those safeguards became ‘little more than a “tick-box exercise”, for which the doctor was paid a fee’.

‘I fear that what will happen if the Bill becomes law is that groups of doctors [“death clinics”?] that support assisted dying will emerge and that the safeguards will gradually be eroded in the same way.’

On Friday, MPs will vote on legalising assisted dying, through a Private Members’ Bill proposed by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater.

The Bill would allow terminally ill adults expected to die within six months to get help to end their life. Two doctors and a High Court judge would have to verify that they were eligible and had made their decision voluntarily.

In her eviscerating letter, Dame Caroline says that GP surgeries and hospitals will have a financial incentive to have patients choose assisted deaths. 

‘In hospitals, patients who choose assisted death will free up beds, benefiting the Trust and its staff.


The bill, if passed, will lead to the worst thought-out legal framework on assisted dying seen anywhere in the world. Proponents of a fair and workable system should think twice before voting to pass it.




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