There can be no political freedom without spiritual freedom. There can be no spiritual freedom without faith in Christ. Christ gives us the power and strength to resist tyranny even if it costs us our life.
Freedom is what Christianity is all about. God created us free. We are free to chose good or evil. But we must pay the consequences of our free moral choices.
Anerica is indeed blessed by God because it is the nation on earth which most resembles heaven with respect for human beings, their rights, and freedom, spiritual and ethical freedom.
As Bismarck said, God loves children, drunks and America.
For Trump to come out and say Christianity must be important in America again it should not be a revolutionary act. But it is in 2024.
The sinister presence of Satan and the demons and the reality of hell is hidden by the arch liar, the biggest fraud of all, Satan. Satan hides himself to ensnare his victims more easily like a hunter hides themselves in the foliage to sneak up on their prey and shoot them more easily.
Faith traditions which do not emphasize or ignore altogether the reality of Satan, the demons and hell have been captured by Satan. They censor this vital information to leave people helpless when faced with Satan and the demons, to lull people into a false sense of security when they are selfish and egotistical about the consequences for them.
Tucker Carlson is a typical example of someone who encounters a phenomena he has never heard about and is utterly confused.
The Church Fathers belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church talk a great deal about Satan and the demons as do contemporary saints like St Paisios.
St Paisios exorcized demons and battled with Satan.
During a trial in Athens of a group of Satanists for carrying out a human sacrifice, it emerged that they had sent three of their members to his cell on Mount Athos to kill him. One had a heart attack and died on the way, the other got lost on the way and the third also failed. St Paisios did not even know about their plans until the trial brought them to light....
Satan is real but so is God... Satan serves a function at God s pleasure. He is allowed to act only as far as good comes from it, says St Paisios.
God allows them to shake us up and make us run to him for refuge and find out by experence that Christ is our greatest friend, our biggest fan, our kindest helper in every need.
The notion Satan and the demons are mere symbols of evil is false and an Anti Christian idea. They are very real.
It is easy for every reasonable and logical person to understand that God created the world from observing its design ( for there is no designed thing without a designer as Plato said) and human beings. It is also reasonable and logical to believe that God created other spiritual beings of a higher and more perfect nature, the angels.
It is reasonable and logical that he created them by degrees and not by making vast leaps. It is reasonable to believe that some of these creatures made such poor use of their free will that they revolted against God and became the opposite of God. Where God is all love and serve, they became all egoism and arrogance and the will to power.
It is reasonable to believe that they fell from the glory they enjoyed as angels and God cut off all communication from them. Moreover, it is reasonable to believe the hell they fell to is analogous and an inverted version of the glory and splendour they enjoyed in heaven. It is a place with a certain dreadful grandeur, far, far different from any thing human beings can conceive of.
If we do not accept this explanation that Satan and the demons originated from their free will desire to put their egoistical wishes above God s law, then, it follows, that God created evil, which is plaily wrong.
Second, Jesus Christ says his entire purpose in coming to earth is to destroy evil (1 John 3.8). If there were no evil, why would Jesus Christ come to overthrow it?
Thirdly, pyschological observation shows that we human beings are acted on or influenced by powers outside us which are far better and far more evil. People have far better and far more evil thoughts appear in their minds than they are capable of. How to explain this pyschological phenomena if we do not assume there is God and Satan?
Fourthly, the entire Bible is filled with Satan.
Satan is called a liar, a murderer, a tempter, a dragon, a Beast, compared to a wolf and a lion who seek to ravage and eat people alive. He sows the seeds of evil in the world, makes people blind, deludes them, a demon who can appear as an angel of light and so on.
Whenever people deny the reality of Satan and hell, then they are tempted to deny their moral responsibility for their evil actions. Instead of explaining their evil actions by their free choices, they explain they as merely natural and the impulses of their physical natures. And so end up in the snares of Satan and hell more easily because they have blotted out the reality that their actions have consequences for their future lives.
False prophet and Anti Christ figures crowd the End Times. There is an abundance of them.
They are figures who belong to the church. They are dangerous because they are the enemy within. They seek to destory body and souls also by false doctrine. There is a close connection between right doctrine and ethics and getting to heaven and avoiding hell.
The enemy within is always more dangerous than the enemy without in any state, organization, government and family. They surround themselves with all the appearances of genuine Christian but inside they are ravenous wolves. They are the hippocrites, the liars, the pretenders, the fakes.
From the very beginning, counterfeit prophets circulated alongside the genuine prophets called by God in the Old Testament. The genuine prophets are called by God and illuminated by the Holy Spirit. The fake prophets have no such calling. They enter the church for worldly motives.
One group joins the church as a career move, as a lucrative option, as a source of money and power knowing they do not believe.
Another group gets carried away by vanity, and arrogance and the notion they are superior to other people, and seek a cult status.
The way to identify the false prophet is by their fruits. They can be seen by their actions.
Take Theodekti, for example, and the Bishops of Larisa and Volos. They have high positions in the Greek Orthodox Church. They talk about Christ like Christians. They carry out the rituals, ceremonies. But their fruits are indifference, selfishness, crimes, greed, lies as shown by the Greek prosector probes.
Every day they go into a church and pray without repentance, they mock and blaspheme Christ and de facto declare their lack of beleif.
The number of Anti Christs multiplies in the End Times also because the broad public allows them too. People flocked to the false prophets because they tell them what they want to hear like Joel Olsteen who tells people Christianity is basically all about having a huge house and trips to Disneyland and worldly success.
Christianity is about the fight against evil to the death, about being ready to fight evil even when we are threatened with death, slander, poverty, scorn, misery. We must be ready to sacrifice every worldly thing to do the right thing and obey the laws of God.
There is no compromise. We cannot serve Mammon, the world, and God at the same time.
Christians are at war with evil in this world and they must be ready to take up their Cross and fight to the end for goodness. They are able to do this because they know there is no death or hell for them. There is heaven for them if they are killed fighting for Christ, eternal bliss, light, peace, joy, freedom.
We must be ready to give up our physical lives, our money, our reputation, our health, our energies if the chips are down because Satan hides behind the things of this world,money and fame and uses these to ensnare people into evil actions and bring them into his kingdom of hell.
But the reward is beyond our wildest dreams.
Does any one think a Bill and Melinda Gates are ever going to leave hell after they have shown such unrelenting cruelty to their fellow human beings, ready to inject, poison, kill even babies and millions, billions of people on the basis of some fantastical, false idea mass murder will save the planet?
The pair have no idea what they are facing or they would repent, they would beg to go to prison, give all their money to their victims.
Hell is real and it is terrible. But it is the place which harmoizes most with their evil characters
It is their personal capacity for evil which sends them to the place must suited for them. That is hell.
The reason why it is eternal is simple.
Hell is eternal for those who go there because their characters are hardened in villainy and will not change. If they changed their evil characters, they would go to heaven. They refuse every opportunity in this world, here and now, to change their characters.
That is the reason why hell is eternal for souls, who go there. That is the reason why there is no hope in hell. Their fixed, unyielding characters give no hope of change, of a transformation to become benign, kind, good, virtuous.
The Rich Man, who watched Lazarus die from starvation and sickness at his feet, while living in luxury, enjoying every convenience and pleasure, does not ask Abraham to go to heaven in Jesus Parable.
When he sees Abraham across the vast chasm that separates hell from heaven, the Rich Man only asks that his torment in hell may be less, and that Lazarus be sent to him to give him some relief from the tormenting fires.
The reason why the Rich Man does not want to go to heaven is because he has no real desire for the spiritual treasures which heaven brings to those who love, share, care for others.
Even in hell, he has his old character filled with greed,egoism, selfishness and also contempt for Lazarus. He asks Abraham to sent Lazarus to be sent to him like some servant to ease his pain with a few drops of water.
He does not ask for wisdom, for repentance, for a chance to love, share and care again. Even in his hell, his only thoughts, feelings and desires are to have, acquire, consume pleasant things for himself. He wants to escape the pain of hell but not to acquire a virtuous, kind, caring character.
Likewise, the demon exorcized by Jesus in Luke 8 31
does ask to be spared the torment of hell which they know they are facing. The demon asks only to be spared the torment of hell before his time and to be sent into a herd of pigs to delay the inevitable.
The demon knows there is hell, knows he is going there, knows he is going to the limitless, abysss of hell as is appropriate to those who are the most evil. They are held captive in hell by their own desires, their own feelings and thoughts.
At any rate, there will be no place in heaven for them.
Heaven is a free place. There is no pressure, violence, no tyranny, no surveillance. It is a free place for free people, who freely chose to do what is good. It is not a place for people who just want refuge from the pain of hell and who are still filled with every evil. God does not want Satan and his followers and other trouble makers in heaven turning heaven into hell.
It is a place for the healthy and not the sick, as St Nicodemus said.
Hell is a place of external darkness. It is limitless in its dimensions. Not a single ray of spiritual light reaches it or illuminates it because the source of all light is Christ, and those in it have rejected Christ.
Christ is the light of the world, the light of truth.
Christ is the Creator of the physical sun, the physical world and human beings. The world we experience in our physical bodies on eath is His Creation. Those who reject Him also reject his Creation. When Christ cuts off all communication with evil people because they have rejected him and his law of love and service, then those who are in hell are also cut off from life, from peace, from joy, from spiritual light but also from physical sunlight, air and all the beauties of exqusite nature as well.
It is limitless, endless in its depths. Its darkness becomes ever blacker.
St Paisios said hell is so dreadful, people have to hope not even a single bird goes there.
Hell is permeated by the malicious spirit of Satan. Satan and the demons are bullies. They are not contented to watch souls simply lolling around in endless darkness on their own, for egoistical isolationism is the essence of evil, terrible as such a state of lolling around in utter darkness on one s own is for a human soul.
Satan and his demons actively seek to torment, destroy and torture souls. That is how they pass the time. That is the kick they get. That gives them their power rush. That helps them forget their own misery. There are fires in hell, fires not like fires on earth fuelled by oxygen and giving off light, for there is no oxygen and no light. The fires of hell are more like all powerful, all penetrating radiation which grill and tear a soul apart with every fibre filled with pain and torment. Satan and the demons hold their victims over the fires of hell to ensure they suffer the maximum pain.
Ian McCormack said he felt a malicious presence checking him out. Satan is the ever cold, calculating sadist who checks out his victim before deciding on how to inflict the most suffering.
After our bodies turn to dust, our souls continue in another spiritual realm.
The only way out of hell starts on this earth and it is called repentance. Repentance may sound like a dreary thing. But is a dynamic, exciting, refreshing, rejuvenating journey of the restoration of our physical and spiritual health, the expansion of our intellectual powers, the growth of our knowledge, wisdom. It is a journey to a wonderful place, heaven, which starts here on earth, to ever more light and peace.
That is why we find saints like St Paisios are full of joy, peace, power, strength and insight, fun and humour.
Being virtuous and good is our natural state. We are created by God in his image and likeness as glorious, pure and light filled. When we regain our original glory by repentance, we feel relief and an end to the anguish, torment, and uneasiness that comes from a bad conscience.
Repentance means self examination. It means just checking whether our thoughts and feelings and desires are in conformity to the laws of Christ. Are our thoughts filled with good will and sympathy for others or contempt
filled with trying to max out the money and pleasure we can earn to enjoy our lives the most like the Rich Man.
It is not enought to swing the chandelier, sing hymmns. We must do the works of goodness. The fruits must be good actions which help others.
The criteria for judgment is our acts of love, kindness to others.
The evil of some peope is so limitless that they even blame God for their going to hell, arguing God would not be such a monster for keeping them forever in torment. God is the all merciful, loving Father who does everything to give us the chance to shape up in this life or ship out. If we chose to ship out of our free will, to chose evil over and over, then God respects our free will choice.
No one can ultimately force us to be good, to care for others, to take brave and decisive and risky action to protect others under threat of danger. We have to make that choice of our free will.
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