Sunday, 15 December 2024

Alex Soros continues to live in fantasy realm as he faces the fate of South Korea s Def Min after his WEF crony Yoon s power grab failed

Alex Soros who twitted out a mysterious collage of bullets in relation to Trump as well as instructions to Dems to call Trump a convicted felon continues to live in fairyland like his WEF elite pal Yoon in the blissful hours before his coup collapsed.

Yoon also thought it was business as usual when he called his Def Min, army chiefs and police chiefs and told them to enforce his martial law.

He soon found out the hard way it was not. His WEF elite partnrs were living in fantasy world to consider such a power grab in 2024.

Now Yoon is facing prison.

Like Alex Soros, a man with the wanted sign all over him in the public s mind. And the public now is gaining the power over the institutions through politicians who represent them and not the WEF elite. 

A man who has left all the proofs to put him, his father in prison today, close his Foundation and expose him and his media as among the most wicked, dangerous threats to the USA ever.

But the penny still has dropped with our Alex judging from his random, irrelevant, doubtful tweets in his twilight days.


Alex Soros (@AlexanderSoros) · X

X (Twitter)

Half of Americans have no confidence in Trump's Cabinet picks: Poll…

Posted on X · 2 days ago

Even if that is true, and Trump s Cabinet is filled with suspect donors and big money, it willl not help Alex Soros when he faces prison.

He and his WEF cronies have totally lost control of the institutions of government. They have no lawyer of protection left between them and prison and even the death penalty along with 1000 of his network.

This is the stark reality facing our Alex and his cronies.

So, why does he waste precious time and use his alegedly limited brain power to tweet about this irrelvant and doubtful poll in December 2024 instead of considering the vital, relevant fact of the  speed with which the S Korea Def Min was put in pirson and tried to commit suicide after Yoon lost institutional power because the public has had enough of the WEF elite. The public has the power.

Does he want to be totally taken by surprise like the Def Min? 

Or does he want to prepare for the inevitable and have a plan B?

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