Sunday, 29 December 2024

Discredited CNN, CDC and Bill Gates still believe they can get away with a fake bird flu epidemic in 2025 when they are actually heading for prison, drained of all power and all credibility

 The report by CNN asking if RFK Jr is ready to combat a false flag bird flu epidemic illustrates just why the Gates funded media have so little credibility in the 2024. They still have not learned at CNN that they are top of the list of associates of Gates who are set to go to prison for joining in Gates covid propaganda campaign causing mass sickness, death and trillions in economic damage to the USA.

Trump should bring fantastical Bill Gates down to earth by having him arrested in handcuffs and put in Palm Beach prison using the Greek prosecutor probes which Gates lawyers will find no opening to contest.

Gates and Soros funding of media like CNN can be a part of their trials. CNN s Meg Tirell can be put on trial for her role in the Billionaire s false and deceptive marketing campaign which included organizing personally murder attempts against a science reporter.

Putting Gates in prison when he set foot in Florida is what Putin and Xi would do with their own and their country s number one enemy. Prison is the only way the WEF will learn not to launch any more fake pandemics, no more lawfare, assassination attempts, stock market crashes, attempts to start WW3 at the expense of the American economy and public health. 

Gates and Soros have no more institutional power, no more credibility and can be put in prison on the first day of Trump s inaugruation using golden stanrard prosecutor proofs. That way, no one will be able to accuse Trump of political justice or lawlessness.

As for prison, Gates and his associates can read the Bible there and repent, and possibly end up saved.

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