Monday, 30 December 2024

Putin and Xi will be smiling as Bill Gates, Soros and their media push the discredited bird flu scam on America yet again but they will stop laughing if Trump puts them in prison

There is one simple way to put an end to a fresh attempt to start an epidemic disease scam by the WEF elite and Biden and that is to arrest Gates, Soros, Buffett, Bourla, Mitsotakis, Tsipras and put them in pretrial detention using golden standard prosecutor proofs in Greece. 

Putin and Xi would do this. 

Trump should do this. Put the well known criminals behind bars where they belong before his inauguration, helping to make him and his family and all America safe again.

If Trump does just put them all in prison, obtain trillions in fines, win the applause of all Americans, Putin and Xi will take Trump and the USA seriously again.

The Russians, and Chinese, know everything about Obama, Gates, Soros, the  Baxter bird flu scam in Austria in 2009, the swine flu scam in Mexico, the Ebola scam in West Africa, the covid scam, the censored and bought media, their crimes, the weaponizatioan of justice, since 2016 and they will be even more amazed than the American public these monsters are still walking around freely after killing milalions of Americans and making millions more sick, including the military.

In 2024, the public knows covid was a scam, know covid came from a lab, knows the jabs have caused mass injury and deaths and is certainly not going to go along with another attempt, de facto, on their lives, on their health, on their businesses by a discredited tiny group and their media arms like Alex Jones.

The huge drop in the willingness to take the fourth covid jab in the public across the West shows the broad public has woken up.

He still cannot find the proofs to put Gates and Soros in prison 8 years after the Kremlin did....

This simple, self evident solution would have been used by Putin and Xi. That is why Putin and Xi do not have a problem on their domestic territory with the WEF elite, why their economies are booming despite a war, why they are the new superpower.

But it requires courage and courage is what Trump has shown he has.

Trump can puncture the bluff, the balloon, the fantasy of Gates, Buffett, Soros and Mitsotakis in 2024 by putting them under arrest using the rule of law because they are caught in the act of trying to murder a reporter in Greece.

All he needs is courage.

A lack of courage has been the cause of the covid disaster to the USA and West.

People like MP Graham Brady are reported to have said that warning people covid is a scam was above his pray grade as MP.

The cowardly and fearful person always finds an excuse (2They are too powerful." "What can I do?" "I am going to be left fighting them all on my own and everyone wll abandon me" " I have to look after my kids" "Who am I to take on such criminals?" "Someone else will do it!" "If I say something, I might lose my job, my reputation."

The sum total of millions of acts of sheer cowardice by millions of Americans has been to leav virtuallye no resistance to the WEF elite and the covid jab scam, which has brought disaster to them all, their family, their kids, their futures.

Fear brings disaster to the individual and to countries this world. But it has become the norm today. 

The fearful person faces hell in the next. The main characteristic in the Book of Revelation of people who are rejected from heaven is cowardice, fearfulness.

An ancient Greek tribe would put every newborn child in front of a viper to see if it made a grab for it or shrunk back to test natural courage. If the baby failed to show natural courage, they abandoned that child.

Courage was and is vitual for individuals and societies to survive. If a society does not produce and nurture people of courae, it is vulnerable to being wiped out by enemies.

Trump start his term with a blockbuster win, win move by having Gates, Soros, Buffett and Bourla all lead away in handcuffs for their crimes against a reporter trying to warn the public.

Because the crimes and corruption are ongoing and pose a threat to my life, today, the basis is there to put them in pretrial detention, close their Foundations, cut off their money and fan out to investigate Biden, Harris, Obama, Mercham, Bragg  today.

All he needs is courage. No one need  fear what are actually a tiny bunch of moronic failures with no public support in 2024,2025. Trump and all Americans can call their bluff , speak out the truth clearly, and nd learn to exercise ourage again. 

Courage will Make America Great Again.

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