Thursday, 5 December 2024

Biden s pardon of Fauci, Cheny are not worth the paper they are written on Cannot destroy, trample on the Constitution and then get its protection for their crimes

Biden is mulling preemptive pardons for Fauci and other members of a criminal conspiracy run by Soros, Gates and the WEF elite.

 A President who has misused his office to destroy law and order, the Constitution and attack the American  public and its health, causing possibly millions of deaths, for the profit of Billionaires is in office under false pretences.

Such a president cannot pardon his criminal associates, including Fauci, responsible for the covid virus and the illegal toxic  covid jab mandates,  and Cheney, responsible for covering up the fact J6 was a set up.

Biden, Fauci cannot destroy the Constituton and claim the protection of the Constituton at the same time, especially not when it comes to such massive crimes against the American public.

The WEF elite should stop listening to their advisors, including the Mr Chrrington of the internet, self styled "genius" Alex Jones, and get real about the fact they are facing prison for their crimes. Steve Bannon and Alex Jones may end up on trial with Fauci, Soros, Gates and their other paid up MSM propagandists who lie by ommission as well.

Alex Jones looks and sounds like he is possessed by demons and he sounds as hallucinatory, fantastical as ChatGPT....

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