When he is about to be arrested, when nothing can prevent him being put on trial by his 100s of millions of victims, when he has ensured the broad American public see him as the puppet master behind the lawfare behind Trump and assassination attempts, the attempt to steal the election and overthrow their right to vote his tyrannical tools out of office, tas the co author of he covid jab harms, censorship, , the aggressive war in the Ukraine, Alex Soros still cannot focus his mind on reality.
His latest tweet shows a fantastical lack of relevance to his real world loss of power as well as the loss of power of his Dem and Ukrainian tools.
They may think now that a long time in prison is a terrible option. But there is another option and that is a quick and speedy death or suicide as South Korea s Def Min found out when he was foolish enough as to believe WEF elite Prez Yoon could impose martial law with so little public support in 2024.
Yoon also preferred to live in a fantasy realm and plan fantastical projects.
People s understanding has grown dramatically since the covid jab scam failed, killing millions of Americans and Europeans, possibly as much as ten million Americans if we see the way life expectacny dropped in the USA and make a few back of the envelope calculations on averages.
When the understanding in billions of people has taken root that Soros, Gates, Biden, Harris, Bourla have to go to prison, then the conditions for them to be put into prison are there in the public realm. The change in understanding is manifesting itself in the election of Trump also. Trump has assembled an excellent team which really can make America Great and Safe again. They have no interest in keeping Soros, Gates and 1000 of their enemies out of prison and every interest in placing them behind bars. And that is why God himself helped create the Greek prosecutor probes to remove them elegantly, nealty, using law and reason.
Fantasizing about foreign policy projects he has no power to implement in 2024 is a waste of Alex s last days of freedom.
Soros, Buffett and Gates and Bourla and co have lost their institutional and media power, it is time to take their trillions in fines for their victims.
All Americans will cheer! The Russians will cheer. Xi will cheer. It will unify not just the USA but the globe to remove this tiny, isolated, fantasy filled clique of menaces using the rule of law.
Alex Soros may be in a state of terror, terrified, too terrified to face the hard facts which he himself created which will put him behind bars.
Terror is not a good advisor.
It advises people not to look at the reality they must face and not to deal with the problems they must deal with if they want to survive.
There are a hierarchy to Alex Soros problems. Yet, he cannot identify the most pressing problem and find a realistic solution.
His problems are not geopolitical or political. They, as mentioned, are personal. They attach to his person, his father, George, their Foundation. Arrest warrants will have their personal names on them. Once issued, they will lead inexorably under due process to their trial and conviction and sentencing.
Soros, Gates and their associates should get some therapy to help them get their emotions sufficiently under control to think rationally about how to maximize their chances of surviving in prison for the longest period of time.
The alternative is very stark as the South Korean Def Min found out.
Alex Soros needs to think about that.
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