Dear Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavaniagh,

I am writing to ask you to take action immediately on state criminal proceedings in Greece opened in 2017 which show that Mr Donald J Trump conspired to commit treason against the US military, national guard and public during covid,  as discussed below with the US Chiefs of Staff (please see the email chain fowarded below, also to Mr Trump and his Chief of Staff as you can see.

To administer to Mr Trump the oath of office today is incompatible with your obligations of the Supreme Court s judicial office given these state, government criminal proceedings documenting his ongoing treason.


I refer to criminal proceedings E 17 449 opened against Trump by the Appeals Prosecutors Office in Greece in 2017 for very serious crimes of treason as discussed in summaries.



This criminal probe opened by the state in 2017 against Trump is linked to another one capturing Bill Gates and George Soros as the personal masterminds of crimes against a reporter for warning covid is a scheme and the jabs are dangerous.




I asked Mr Trump to voluntarily decline to take the oath of office yesterday given these official government criminal proceedings in an email forwarded below. He has not replied. It appears that he intends to feign and dissemble the proofs of his acts of treason do not exist when they verifiably do and are widely disseminated among the military, national guard and police in the USA.

I strongly suggest to you this shows Mr Trump s contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution.

It is your duty as the Supreme Court judges to review this evidence and take the appropriate action.

This action may include delaying the oath taking ceremony in order to deliberate on the Constitutional implications of allowing a President proven in criminal proceedings in Greece to have committed treason and be continuing to commit treason through grave crimes against the military, national guard and public, to proceed with the presidential oath

Allowing Mr Trump to take the oath and assume office knowing there verifiable evidence of his treason in office in state criminal probes in Greece since 2017, risks irreparable harm to the USA and Constitution.

It gives Mr Trump the capacity to use his office to carry out more criminal actions also designed to cover up his treason. and crimes, too, in the USA and in Greece, to, destroy oppsition in the justice and the military by purges and by establishing dictatorial control.

Media report Trump intends to sign 200 executive orders today.

Apart from delaying the oath taking ceremony (due to artic weather?), other appropriate action mya include

Administering a slightly altered oath to emphasise a purely formal power has been given to Trump and no administrative or political power until the criminal proceedings are investigated, deliberated on and issue of whether he is advancig to take the oath and assume authority in office lawfully or not is resolved

Ordering an investigation into the crimes

Ordering the detention and arrest of Mr Trump and Mr Gates today in the Capitol for ongoing crimes against the military, national guard and public.

Whichever course you do decide on, I urge you to make it a priority to fully inform the public fully of the facts.

Due to the control of the media and social media of Trump and his constellation of oligarchs, including Mark Zuckerberg, also invited to his inauguration along with Bill gates, the American public have been kept in the dark about these official proceedings showing the treason of Mrs Biden, Obama and Trump despite their being known to the Kremlin since 2016!

It is an embarassing state of affairs when when a Billionaire like Bill Gates known in 2025 by the Russians, Chinese and much of the US public to be the architect and brains behind weaponizing covid, covid lockdowns, of developing and mandating toxic jabs and a vast censorship complex now known to cause mass deaths from government statistics, clinical studies should be allowed to attend the inauguration of Trump and present himself as the power behind the throne.

Dangerous splits are already emerging among the various branches of the US armed services and police,.


A failure to act on these well known proofs could fuel an atmoshere of suspicion, hostility, and polarization in the USA and even civil war as the military and public decie they will not accept an ordinary sense criminal in office when Mr Trump and his Cabinet and his team are clearly preparing a new round of treasonous actions in alignment with the goals of Billionaires Bill Gates and associates.

I can say of Greece that there has been a tectonic shift in public mood since the mass excess deaths (and sickness) appeared clearly caused by the covid jabs as underlined by a study in Cyprus.


A disastrous result of the covid scheme and jabs documented in criminal probes in Greece since 2016 is that

"Greece now has around one birth for every two deaths, and the share of the population aged over 65 is nearly twice that aged 0 to 14."

To clarify, twice as many people are now dying in Greece, and since 2022, than are being born!

A co conspirator of Trump and Gates, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has said the decline in population is an “existential” threat to Greek society, with the country more disposed than most to wider demographic shifts afflicting developed nations.


Mr Mitsotakis who mandated the lockdowns and covid jabs knowing that he was engaged in assisting Mr Tump and Mr Gates in crimes in Greece, himself is so alarmed he has publicly warned of tectonic upheavals in politics as the broad public, including the army and police, realize their own elected politicians have engaged in a plot to kill them and make them sick for personal profit.

"An unprecedented scenario is taking shape, where global economic elements have assumed the role of shaping public opinion in many countries, a phenomenon which, with the assistance of the insatiable consumption of fake news, is laying siege to, I would say, the Western culture of reason and democracy," Mr Mitostakis said just ten days ago


As the Kremlin, Beinjing and the Greek and US public now know in 2025 the real purveyors of fake news to hide their covid jab crimes have been a criminal network in government acting for Billionaires Bill Gates.

Please be aware that if you administer the oath to Donald Trump and JD Vance today, it will be invalid due these proofs of treason contained criminal proceedings in Greece.

It will fuel a geopolitical and national security and public trust crisis.

Thank you for your attention,

Kind regards,

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece