A limited deployment of the military to protect the Southern Border and remove illegals is welcome but many will be asking why Trump failed to publicize the Greek prosecutor probes from 2015, 2016 when Soros was caught as the brains behind a mass illegal migration scheme, which could have prevented not just the illegal migration crisis engulfing the USA but also covid.
There is to this hour, no action from Trump to uphold his Constitutional pledge and defend the people an drule of law in Greece in relation to Soros, Gates and Mitsotakis.
That must change if Trump wants credibility with the public and military in 2025. The sooner I report the threat to me has ended, the more credibility Trump will have, the more intelligent, honest and sincere in his MAGA he will look also to Russia and China.
They cannot respect a person who stabs the public and military in the back in practise while claiming to be a patriot.
Putin cannot take Trump s threats seriously during negotuations over the Ukraine when Trump cannot even protect a reporter in Greece who accurate warned the mlitary and public about Gates and Soros and their covid jab and illegal migrant scheme in 2025.
Trump looks guilty, he looks like a liar, like someone who fears the public and military when he keeps on joining in the Billionaires crimes by his inaction and omission now he has the power of office and the mandate from the people.
The Americanpublic and miltiary wil not accept WW3 over Ukraine either.
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