Wednesday, 22 January 2025


 When the UKHSA claims the covid vaccines prevented over 100,000 deaths for a virus which had the death rate of the flu at 0.096% , they are lying. They are  using manipulated and fake models to overestimate deaths without the vaccines and so justify fake claims with no scientific basis. which will stand up to scrutiny in courts.

More important, the broad public know it in 2025.

To Steve Baker MP  s question in 2021, PHE said the death rate of covid was 0.096% about the same as the seasonal flu.

27 August 2021

As of 15 July, Public Health England’s modelling group, with the MRC Biostats Unit, estimated that overall infection mortality rate is approximately 0.096%.

It follows that the number of deaths from covid and covid jabs should be about the same as the annual flu all things being equal if the jabs were safe, let alone effective.

In fact, Excess Deaths, heart attacks, cancers, strokes have soared.

The public know they have been lied to, made sick and killed in large numbers. The censorship is the final nail in the coffin of the guilty government as discussed by victims in the UK covid inquiry.

Attempts to portray these jab victims as isolated and rate by the media have failed. The number of people affected in the real world, also in Greece and the USA, is huge.

In Larisa, people can see with their own eyes how young and healthy people have died, got cancer, thrombosis after the jab, how healthy elderly people have suddenly died after the jab, how people with an underlying condition but out of all criticial danger, have died after the jab. People have died and gotten sick in very large numbers leading to record excess deaths  and cases of sickness and massive public  discontent.

The common denominator are the jabs.

The Excess Deaths, clinical studies, all back up what people have seen with their eys.

The fact the deaths are no where in the media has opened people s eye to the malice and criminal nature of their governments.

Everyone can remember how every sngle person who died from covid in January, February 2020 made headlines. Now, thousands have died in Larisa, Thessaly alone from the covid jab shows and there is no mention of it in any media.

The covid jabs are a scandal that cannot be ignored by any goverment if wants to survive.

No government can lawfully try to kill its own citizens using toxic jabs, lies and cover the crimes up.

Immunity can only be stripped fromPfizer and co by proofs of a crime.

Trump can score a huge political win and get trillions from Pfizer, Gates, Soros,, WHO and co by using the Greek prosecutor probes to prove a criminal scheme.

From the media

Counsel for the UKHSA told the inquiry that the vaccines had prevented over 100,000 deaths in the UK alone, while former Health Secretary Matt Hancock said it was only through the rollout of the jabs that the country had been released from lockdown.

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