Friday, 31 January 2025

JD Vance flatters the WEF elite with his IQ of 110 remar as Mitsotakis self demolition on Alpha TV over his Tempe cover up suggests an IQ of 90 might be more accurate


Judge for yourself if JD Vance s comment below could apply to Kyriakos Mitsotakis now facing the end of his political career, army coups over his crimes from the covid jab harms to the Tempe train collision cover up, by watching his disastrous interview on Alpha TV, in which he seems to have told obvious lies.

A  commenary in Greek...

Another video listing some of his lies here

"I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: the problem with Rory and people like him is that he has an IQ of 110 and thinks he has an IQ of 130. This false arrogance drives so much elite failure over the last 40 years," said JD Vance.

Polls show 8 out of 10 Greeks are "disatisfied" with Mitsotakis cover up of Tempe.

8 out of 10!

Yet what does Mitsotakis do? He gives an interview on Alpha TV which demolishes the last shred of his own credibility. Is that intelligent?

After a video from a supermarket emerged showing the freight train involved in the Tempe train collision had a container, a tank among its wagons, Mitsotakis wrapped himself in contradictions and lies trying to explain how such a vital fact could have been hidden from him, his government investigators, and the public for so long.

How he could have made so many false and misleading statements about the freight train s cargo for so long in good faith when he had access to the videos and evidence?

Alas, Mitsotakis continues to project onto the Greek people an IQ of 90 and goes on TV to try to blame Hellenic Train and fire department for hiding the existence of an extra container and tank in the freight train when HE is the one responsible for the investigation of Hellenic Train and for hiding their videos, which must have shown the extra container.

Mitsotakis can be seenvisibly loosing his cool as the Alpha TV anchor confronts him with his earlier statements categorically denyng the existence of extra cargo.

The very fact his right hand in Larisa, Kostas Agorastas, immediately ordered the crash site to be covered in asphalt and earth to be removed shows that Mitsotakis, Agorastas knew that there would be traces of the flammable liquid in earth samples and wanted to hide the true origin of the fire.

His blaming Hellenic Train means its CEO now has to face prosecutors in Larisa for allegedly hiding the information from Mitsotakis....Will he implicate Mitsotakis when he faced with a prison sentence? Will he go to prison for Mitsotakis? Doubt it.

He appears to be suffering from a Monarchy complex. He mistakenly appears to thin he is the King of Greece who is not accountable to his feudal serfs.

He seems to consider Greece his personal estate inherited from his father, another PM, and destined to be handed on to his son, Konstantinos.

Slowly, it seems to be dawning on him he was wrong to believe the public will just forget Tempe if he hides the evidence long enough, forget his failures and crimes, forget his covid jab crimes, and his career is coming to an end.

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