Saturday, 25 January 2025

US taxpayers not only had to pay for Gates pal Fauci s covid crimes against them, they also had to pay for his security detail Trump has stopped that

Fauci, Pompeo and Bolton are among the WEF network superimposed on the US government which has carried out the devastating epidemic disease plot of Gates, Bourla and Soros and other crimes.

Not only have they organized that 100s of billions of tax payers money has been funnelled into the pockes of the Billionaires and their pharma croneis for toxic jabs, they organized that their victims, the American people, pay for their security details.

Trump has now stepped in to end this travesty and ended their tax funded security details.

By putting them on ttial using the Greek prosecutor probes, Trump can secure a huge political win and trillions in fines and unite all Americans in understanding why they should support MAGA.

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