Fact is, the Greek prosecutor probes and Trump s crimes documented in 2017 mean he is now in office illegally and without aurhority, can and should be arrested along with his core team.
The only institution capable of doing this in 2025 is the US miltiary. They can "Yoon" Trump by publicizing the proofs of his crimes against the military and public and unify America and switch out the Republican party leadership for honest people in a legal, non violent coup supported by soldiers and the public and gov employees.
The Pentagon can round up the media who have hidden the proofs from Zerohedge and Infowars to NYT and CNN so well known to the Kremlin since 2016 as enemies of the people and free media and start giving the public true and accurate information officially.
Failure to act to stop the Yoon of the USA may spell utter disaster for America, martial law, dollar collapse civil war, the end.
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