Saturday, 18 January 2025

Credibility gone? Trump has been identified as controlled opposition by Russian citizens and elite alike, Kremlin has sealed new military co op deal with Iran

 The evisceration of Trump s credibility as a patriot who will protect America s core interest which include peace and prosperity is already having profound effects geopolitically as Russia and Iran sign a new deal for military cooperation ignoring Trump s threats, Xi Jinping declines to go to his inauguration.

Russian citizens also consider Trump just be another WEF wolf in sheep s clothing, window dressing to feign democracy while carrying on the WEF elite s destruction agenda.

The very weak US, UK and Europe have no military, political or even propaganda power to avoid total defeat in the Ukraine.

Fantastical , arbitrary dollar evaluations of  US stocks and funny money assets n media like Zrohedge which claim to show America is still the richest country ignore the hard economic facts that energy, commodities, manufacturing as well as healthy people count and Russia, China and the BRICS have those in abundance plus the new generation of high tech weapons.

From media

Whether it’s Trump or another politician, nothing will change,” said Igor, a 37-year-old engineer, speaking near the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. “Only one person can change things, and we know who that is,” he added, alluding to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If he wants it, it will stop.”

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