Charles Q. Brown, Jr. chairman f the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Dear George Randy, chief of staff of the Army, to be
Dear General David Allvin, chief of staff of the Air Force
Dear Admiral Lisa Franchetti, chief of staff of the Navy,
Dear Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
I am a reporter who has written for Nature, The British Medial Journal
and am writing to inform you Appeals prosecutors in Greece, the second highest state prosecuting authority for crimes in Greece, opened an criminal investigation into Donald Trump and other members of his inner most circle in his first administration in May 2017 for joining in a scheme of Bill Gates and Billionaires to weaponize viruses and cause mass poisoning through jabs (Ebola, covid) which constitutes high treason.
These crimes, documented in official government criminal proceedings, mean that Trump cannot be allowed to become or remain President and Commander of Chief.
Emails from June 2016 with Russian TV producers, who are based inside the Kremlin, are a key part of the evidence in the official criminal proceedings as is my testimony to a judge on how Trump, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon for seeking to use criminal means to arrest a reporter, myself, for publicizing on 15th February 2017 on my since suspended blog, allegations by a Kremlin based journalist that Jared Kushner and other members of Trump s inner circle had helped him obtain visas to come to Greece for an interview for a documentary on a scheme to spread epidemic diseases (Ebola, coronavirus, bird flu etc) deliberately in the USA and use it to justify mass vaccination with toxic jabs under the pretext of an emergency.
A copy of my testimony on Trump on the request of the Appeals prosecutors in 2017 is here.
The fact the Kremlin, and also its ally Beijing, have been fully informed about criminal proceedings since 2016 documenting a disease plot involving Trump and Gates as emails show has had a geopolitical and national security significance.
Copies of my email correspondence with the Kremlin based TV are here
Summaries in English with links to the Greek probe documens are here
Please note the original Greek documents when opened have suddenly sometimes stopped displaying properly for reasons which are not clear but may be linked to an attempt to obscure their content and veracity.
In addition, I have been informed the font of my text has been changed by Gmail to a random often larger fonts of different types.
This email is in standard Times Font 12. If it displays otherwise, it may be due to manipulation or hacking.
Also, a part of the evidence against Trump collected by Appeals Prosecutors in 2017 sare reports I wrote to the FBI in 2009 broadly outlining the covid plot which were sought by the Kremlin based TV as discussed below.
In 2025, we know why Trump went to such extreme lengths to try to silence a reporter for revealing his role in this conspiracy secret, why he immediately triggered an attempt to organize fake criminal charges to have me arrested, imprisoned in Greece the very next day in 2017.
Every phase of the plan discussed with the Kremlin reporters in 2016 has been implemented in covid by Trump, Gates and their associates, causing immense damage to the American military forced to take covid jabs which Trump developed and promoted knowing they were toxic and a part of a criminal scheme.
T find in the proceedings and other evidence vital information and can draw important lessons.
One important lesson which Beijing, for example, drew was ot to give its people or army the mRNA covid vaccines because they were toxic.
That is why China did not activate its contracts for these jabs with Pfizer as expected. Beijing also refused an offer from the EU of free mRNA covid jabs.
The warnings from 2016, 2017, in fact since 2009, have come true, creating an unprecedented crisis.
Action to remove Trump and his team lawfully using the proofs in Greece collected by the highest level state or government prosecutors is all the more urgent because of reports in the WSJ that Trump and Bill Gates have conferred together with their chiefs of staff, Susie Wiles and Larry Cohen, and have, in principle, agreed to advance the same criminal scheme, this time using experimental HIV and AIDS vaccines.
The US military and the national guard were given covid vaccines which Trump developed after a virus which Trump helped engineer was released to scare the people, precisely as the Kremlin based TV producer outlined in emails in June 2016.
The jabs have caused mass sickness and death. Because key databases have not been made public, the exact number of deaths and sickness in the USA is not known.
However, there could be deaths in the realm of several million in the USA alone.
They were enough to lower average life expectancy in the USA by one to two years.
Vitally, the broad public now recognizes they have been the victim of a crime and the many cases of sickness and deaths were deliberately inflicted.
The fact that Trump has joined Billionaires Gates and George Soros in planning and preparing since 2016, 2017 a a crime against the US military which ranks above all other crimes.
Gates revealed in interviews in the WSJ and Independent that he met Trump at Christmas and they seemed to agree on a new round of the same plot using HIV, AIDS jabs, presenting a clear and present danger to the USA.
In military terms, they have carried out a biowarfare attack on the US military which ranks above all other acts of warfare because of the mandate embracing all members of the military and causing significant numbers of deaths and sickness.
A high profile case is Marine Commandant Eric Smith, who had a heart attack after being mandated the covid jab.
This cannot be dismissed as an isolated case.
The massive increase in heart attacks, strokes and cancer following the vaccines has been clearly documented.
There is a clear correlation between the vaccines and the injuries.
The vaccines have even found to be contaminated with large quantities of SV 40 material as I discussed in one of the reports to the FBI in 2009 sought by the Russian journalists.
The Florida State Surgeon General called for an end to the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines precisely because they were found to be contaminated with SV 40 cancer causing fragments, which have no part of the manufacturing process.
I quote from a report I gave to for the FBI from 2009 on the issue of SV 40 contamination which predicts the covid jab contamination.
In 2009, I wrote
Vero cells, a continuous cell line derived from epithelial cells of the African green monkey kidney used to make live polio vaccines and also to promote the spread of AIDS, can be used to grow huge amounts of virus in weeks, so allowing organisations such as WHO and Baxter to grow 72 kilos o bird flu virus rapidly and easily for distribution
Green monkeys are used in medical research.
If contaminated material were added to the 1,200 liter bioreactors, it would replicate and infect the entire batch of vaccine material in the 1,200 liter tank turning a vaccine into a bioweapon," I wrote in 2009 foreshadowing the SV 40 contamination of covid vaccines.
The plan described in 2009 has unfolded.
What makes the crimes undeniable are the huge numbers of deaths and injuries and cancers associated with the covid jabs documented in government statistics, studies.
These crimes were committed when Trump was President and Commander in Chief.
Trump and Gates escaped because rule of law was set aside by Trump and Gates, Soros in Greece as is documented in the massive violations of fair trial guaranees.
An independent judiciary was destroyed and the courts were used as instruments of political and health policy to censor vital warnings about the existence of a scheme to use viruses and injections to seize power and establish dictatorial control over the American people.
Under a recent Supreme Court ruling, Trump does not have immunity for unofficial and private acts as President. It is clear that planning and preparing an epidemic disease plot with Bill Gates to cause mass sickness and death belongs to an unofficial and private act which violates all his presidential duties.
The US military can proceed using military tribunals or civilian courts since Trump is both a President and a Commander in Chief.
I shudder to think what will happen if the military does not step in and fill the vacuum left by complicit politicians, medi and Attorney generals and prosecute Trump for these crimes in Greece along with Bill Gates, George and Alex Soros and their allies in pharmaceutical companies.
Splits have opened in the US society which could lead to civil war .
The American military, national guard and public have the right to resist a criminal and tyrannical government. which has deceived them and given them toxic jabs and is trying to cover up the harms.
A series of executive orders to kickstart the establishment of dictatorial control.
Such regimes use indiscriminate vengeance and killings without trials to gain power.
Trump may seek to destroy what remains of justice in the USA in order to give themselves de facto immunity for their crimes and fair elections to ensure they have permanent power
This opens the door for Trump to take indiscriminate and vengeful action against the US military and government packaged as reform and cuts.
Tellingly, an unelected oligarch Elon Musk has been given a vital role in determining who is fired and sacked.
Please be aware I have sent these Greek state prosecutor proofs to numerous military units, US Attorney Generals and Governors, to Trump and to the Biden, Harris administration.
They have an obligation to act, uphold the law and protect American people. These are official government probes. They are not private civil actions. I am a party to state prosecutor criminal proceedings opened by the government. Trump is in government proceedings.
They have failed in eight years to do so, so extensive is the corruption of justice This even as the evidence of massive harms mounted in the VAERS database.
That is why the US military is justified in taking over the probes.
The official criminal proceedings in Greece E 17 449 and D 15 218 offer hard facts proving specific crimes. These crimes are ordinary sense crimes to destroy a reporter precisely for warnings.
They are not political crimes. They are crimes recognized as crimes in the US penal code.
In military terms, they constitute treason.
It is better to proceed using the rule of law to remove a criminal network immediately than to risk civil war
When Trump ran for office, he was not acting in good faith.
The public can discriminate between political prosecution and genuine crime with the facts.
Attempts to hide these facts have endangered America.
Just by publicizing the government proofs which the Kremlin and Beijing know will be enough to force Trump out of office so great will be the public outcry especially in his MAGA base.
The mere existence of these criminal proceedings and the crimes they document mean that Trump
> cannot take command of the army,national guard
> cannot issue orders to the army, national guard or defence department
> cannot avail of the protection of the military or of military assets like AirForce 1
Furthermore, it follows Trump cannot remain in office with his team to scheme more crimes against the American military with his associates Gates.
To ensure the public understand his removal is due to his ordinary sense crimes and not a political act, there must be transparency about the probes.
Only total transparency can end the atmosphere of suspicion, hostility and division in the USA. Transparency will expose Trump as
The way the South Korea has Yoon is a model for the way the rule of law can be used to dispose of holders of the highest office who commit treason.
Trump and his associates can be put on trial and given every opportunity to defend themselves and a fair hearing.
This will unite all Americans as the facts become clear.
In 2025, people who ignored the warnings, dismissed them as conspiracy theories, can see they were accurate.
The plan of lockdowns, toxic jabs, mandates has unfolded
Giving the US military and national guard experimental jabs knowing they were toxic is an act of treason.
It must be a top national security priority of the US military to remove this criminal network.
Eric Smith, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, had a heart attack after the vaccines.
This cannot be dismissed as an isolated case.
The massive increase in heart attacks, strokes and cancer is documented.
There is a clear correlation between the vaccines and the injuries.
The dramatic change in Trump s policies just before his inauguration is not accidental.
It is a part of a method of seizing power and establishing dictatorial control
Trump has campaigned on policies to get votes. No sooner is he voted in then he has shown he has no intention of carrying out his promises.
The disclosure of secret talks between Gates to roll out another wave of toxic mRNA jabs has come just 3 days before his inauguration and was made by Gates himself in interviews with the WSJ and The Independent.
“When I went down to see Trump, I wondered if Elon would be there but it ended up being a meeting with just Trump and I and our two staff people,” said Gates, whose forthcoming memoir Source Code will be published next month.
In a separate interview with the Wall Street Journal, Gates said he was “impressed” with Trump’s interest in global health issues during their “long and actually quite intriguing dinner.”
He said they discussed the possibility of developing a cure for HIV, with Gates adding: “He, in the Covid days, accelerated the vaccine innovation. So I was asking him if maybe the same kind of thing could be done here, and we both got, I think, pretty excited about that.”
I felt like he was energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation,” Gates told the Journal. “I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up.”
Robert F Kenndy Jr, who garned huge support from MAGA voters for his stance on the covid jab harms and even for suggesting Bill Gates would go to prison for them, is being sidelined. Key aides of RFK Jr have been fired by Trump for their vaccine stance, including attorney Aaron Siris.
The fact that Trump s policies suddenly align with the interests of Gates and the private bankers who have caused so much damage to America and are the opposite of what he promised the American people is not random. It is a continuity of his deception from his first presidency.
Democracy is democracy only when the candidates who are elected fulfil their promises.
Trump promised to end the wars, bring peace and to let Robert F Kenndy Jr go wild when it came to holding Gates, Pfizer to account for the covid jab harms.
That was the platform he ran on. He is under a moral and political obligation to carry out the policies the public voted for.
His dramatic U turns means that Trump will already have lost the support of much of his MAGA base.
There will be no blind support for Trump if the US military does act to remove him for ordinary sense crimes.
By issuing arrest warrants, Trump, Gates and his circle in the Cabinet and in government can be removed legally using non violent means.
An interim government can be appointed to carry out the business of government until an investigation is completed to identify who is responsible for what in both the Republican and Democratic party elite.
Trump and his associates should receive every right granted to them under the Constitution for a fair trial and to present their full defense.
Transparent and fair trials will help restore trust in the political system.
To sum up
I was punished by Trump for telling the truth and warning in 2017 that he was a part of a secret conspiracy with Bill Gates and George Soros to cause mass sickness and death using viruses and toxic jabs known to the Kremlin, and his crimes are documented in Appeals Prosecutor Probe E 17 449.
Trump moved so fast to destroy a reporter warning he was complicit in the scheme because he was anxious to deceive the public about his role in a criminal scheme run by Gates and Soros and other Billionaires.
It is not just a ridiculous and embarrassing state of affairs whn the Kremlin and Beijing know the US presidents, Trump, Biden and Obama, are part of a conspiracy to mass poison the American military and people using weaponized viruses and toxic jabs under a veil of censorship while looting them using the private Federal Reserve.
It is a dangerous state of affairs. It exposes the USA as lawless, rudderless, unstable and heading for collapse due to a public health crisis, a public trust crisis and a dollar crisis. History shows that dictators seek to instigate foreign wars to defect from domestic unpopularity.
Crucially, the Kremlin and their allies in Beijing know that the US army and public has been poisoned deliberately by Trump. They know Trump has joined Biden, Obama, acting together in an overarching scheme run by the Billionaires Gates and Soros and is engaged in high treason.
They know that in every phase, these Billionaires have been helped by a corrupted, complicit or intimidated media.
The failure to disclose and publish these proofs has allowed this scheme to continue.
It has given Russia and China an information advantage. The probes identify the real rulers of the USA and West by name. They include Gates and Soros.
The probes reveal their methods of obtaining power are revealed. These include bribing politicians and eliminating free speech.
Their goals are exposed. These include looting countries using private central banks and giving the looted people toxic jabs and under martial law.
Their weaponization of government bureaucracies to carry out crimes is revealed, including the destruction of justice.
All this information is known to the Kremlin and Beinjing and other countries. But it is not known to the US people because of the media censorship also by social media.
As a result of the virtual elimination of free speech in the West, the Kremlin and Beijing have had a critical information advantage. They have acted on these facts and intelligence and avoided the very jabs which have caused such devastation in the USA, especially among the military.
And, if the scheme does succeed, if the US army and public are given another round of poison jabs by Trump and Gates under a blanket of censorship, then it is on the cards that the already crisis sticken, indebted, socially and politically divided US will collapse from the economic and public health damage, leaving the door open for China and Russia to buy it up.
The existence of these official criminal proceedings in Greece against Trump and Gates, which are still open, and which have been suppressed using illegal methods, means that
No member of the US armed forces can accept any orders from Trump or his team, period, since Trump is guilty of high treason against the US army and public and is occupying his office illegally.
Any member of the armed forces who fails to do their duty of care, fails to obey the law, fails to refuse the orders of a president occupying office illegally exposes themselves to immediate arrest for high treason.
Members of the army cannot accept any orders even from the Commander in Chief or Defence Secetary which violate the law especially the Posse Comitatus Act because these individuals have been identified as carrying out acts of treason against the US army, the people and of trying to overthrow the Constitution and rule of law.
Any general or officer who accepts and implements orders from a President who is verifiably guilty of treason must understand they expose themselves to the severest penalties.
The military penalty for treason includes a potential death sentence
I refer you to paragraph 2381 on Treason and other relevant paragraphs
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
If this is the case, please contact me.
Thank you for your attention,
Jane Burgermeiste
Larisa, Greece
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