Friday, 24 January 2025


The Kremlin has signalled a willingness to talk to Trump about ending the war.

He should pick up the phone and do it today as he promised his voters and be realistic.

Trump seems to be under a delusional idea promoted by the private bankers and neo con war hawsks that Russia is funding the Ukraine war by selling oil and a drop in oil prices will end the war.

Who is telling him this plainly false narrative? The neocon warhwaks who want to string Trump along into continuing a lost war to fill their pockets with lobby money from the armaments industry?

Why does Trump not have good advisors in 2025?

Russia has responded to  Trump s delusional statement and obviously fake news by pointing out what is obvious to everyone on the planet, namely, that the Ukraine war has nothing to do with oil prices. 

Russia trades oil now outside of the orbit of the US and G7 because of the sanctions mostly in return for manufacturing, for products, for stuff.

Whatever the oil price is in the West does not affect Russia. It no longer trades oil with the West. It does not fund the war with sales of energy to the West.

It central bank prints money to fund the war whenever necessary using monetary financing and has done so increasngly since 2022. That is why Western and dollar sanctions did not work against Russia.  Russia no longer uses the private Fed dollar. It has its own state central bank printing rubles.

In 2025, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran and allies have the golden economic triangle of energy, commodities and mnaufacturing in abundance as well as the diamond triangle of free finance, advanced research and education.

They form a  totally self sufficient economic bloc which need pay no attention to the oil price in the West.

The notion China is going to leave this alliance to side with the US, which China knows is trying to destroy it, is also delusional.

The US has no leverage over China and nothing to offer. It is about to collapse, in fact.

It is the US and West which needs to lower the oil price to avoid the total wipeout of what is left of its real world industry, and it can only do so by either returning to trade with Russia or producing far more oil and gas, coal or nuclear energy.

Putin and XI also have public support.

They do not have a public trust crisis in their armies either after the covid jab crimes.

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