Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Panic stricken Mitsotakis warns to his covid jab crony Ursula von der Leyen energy policies are destroying Europe s economy comes far too late to stop Europe, UK being bought up by Russia, China

Mitsotakis has written a letter to his covid jab crony Ursula von der Leyen urging her to find ways to reduce Europe s soarking energy costs.

There is just little problem. There is no inexpensive source of gas left or nuclear power to reduce energy prices in Europe and Greece. It was Mitsotakis and vd Leyen who made sure of that by their Russian sanctions cutting off Russian gas.

The disastrous energy policies of von der Leyen cannot be reversed. The decision to cut off Russian gas has inflicted irreparable damage on Germany s and Europe s  economy. LNG, RE is too expensive, too unstable. 

Typircally, Mitsotakis did not think the problem through. Now on the verge of being arrested for his covid jab crimes, he seems to be panicking. Typically, he has proposed a  fantastical, delusional solution with no relation to the energy landscape of the EU and UK in 2025.

The ship has sunk. Europe s industry and economy cannot be resurrected by Mitsotakis and von der Leyen, responsible for wrecking it by cutting off Russian gas and supporting the Ukraine regime.

There is no industry left to manufacture enough weapons for any WW3 either. Moreover, the weapons stocks of NATO have been depleted.

The broad EU public is in revolt against the covid jab tyrants and wants to see them in prison as do the American public.

As the UK, European economy is set to be bought up by Russia and China, Mitsotakis and v d Leyen will face prison there for their covid censorship crimes so well known to the Kremlin since 2016 if they are not extradited to the USA or hunted through the streets as St Paisios predicted politicians would be.


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