Tuesday, 7 January 2025

NYT continues to push fake convicted felony label to smear Trump despite the fact their crimes have backfired Official government criminal proceedings in Greece opened by prosecutors in 2015 can put Soros, Gates and 100 Greek judges, prosecutors in prison

It shows how out of touch the NYT is with the public mood and  with reality that it is still ecouraging corrupted Judge Juan  Merchan to continue on his parth to prison by proceeding with the sentencing of Trump for no crime before his inuaguration.  

Of course, no legal worries will follow Trump into his first let alone second term. An honest judge will  soon nullify the fake felony conviction using the rule of law and the Constitution and then the perpetrators of this lawfare will face prison.

Soros, Gates and Biden managed to unite most Americans in sympathy with Trump through their illegal lawfare, meaning the chances of them engineering civil war through fale flags are now virtually zero.

If there are false flag attacks or attempts to assassinate Trump, the arrest warrants will be out for them faster than snow melts at noon on a Pacific island, and the basis will be 100% legal leaving their lawyers with no loophole to escape as documented in the criminal proceeedings opened by state prosecutors against them in 2015 in Greece to which I am a party with the right to damages.

All the corruption in this probe to hide the proofs they collected against Soros and Gates is corruption performed by state prosecutors illegally.

This is not a civil case or a civil lawsuit. It is in government criminal proceedings that Soros, Gates, Tsipras and Faymann were captured in 2015. It is government corruption which allowed them to escape, meaming they have exposed themselves and their corrupted judges, prosecutors and lawyers to the maximum penalty for government officials have no immunity when they commit crimes in office

When a person is convicted as a felon illegally as is the case with Trump, the legal issues follow not Trump but the corrupt prosecutors and judges, namely, Merchan, Bragg, James and their brains and funders, Biden, Harris and their Dem mega donors Soros and Gates caught engaging in even more egregious lawfare in Greece to commit high treason in the USA, also by mandating the covid jabs on the military and national guard.


Far from celebrating that Trump is a convicted felon illegally, the NYT execs should be preparing to go to prison as a part of the criminal association which mislead the public about the nature of the corruption and violations of Trump s rights.

Normalcy bias seems to prevent the Soros, Gates and their allied media from realizing they will soon be the lawfully convicted felons on death row as the public has awakened to their verifiable crimes.


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