Friday 4 October 2024

As Macron says the collapse of Europe is a year or two away, Europeans only hope may be the lawful overthrow of the criminal WEF elite tyrants using weapons


Macron has confirmed in as plain a language as someone in his position can that Europe is heading for total economic and political collapse  and the population of Europe could be massively reduced if not wiped out altogether as a result. 

Macron has said the "very important moment" is here.

"Our former model is over," he sid.

Within two to three years, the end of Europe will be sealed and Europe will be out of the market.

When an entire continent is out of the market suffering from massive unemployment, social unrest, starvation and poverty, it is bought up by more wealthy competitors. That will be Russia and China. They will buy up whatever assets are left in Europe.

However, Macron has no viable plan to prevent the collapse he himself co authored by supporting the very over regulation and under investment, the aggressive war in the Ukraine pushing up energy prices and the covid jab public health disaster.

His banking union, AI, Security plan is a fantastical fairy tale fabuluation that the WEF elite can still keep control of the European public they have looted by an AI powered control grid, financial sanctions and 1984 censorship. They cannot. They cannot get the public to fight for them in any WW3 war with Russia especially when WW3 will not be decided by conscripts and ground troops but by hypersonic missiles and new economic power.

The WEF elite have destroyed their own power base. They have succumbed to delusion after delusion about the impact of their policies. They are now facing the end.

Macron is personally and individually facing prison, disgrace. That is the fate of a criminal, Nazi style leadership when its evil empire finally fails.

What is left for the French and the people of Europe?

They can only now try an uprising against a criminal network in government and to replace the WEF elite with competent people who make radical policy changes.

From media

Washington and Beijing are leaving the European Union lagging behind, French President Emmanuel Macron said in pessimistic remarks.

“Our former model is over. We are overregulating and underinvesting. In the two to three years to come, if we follow our classical agenda, we will be out of the market,” he warned during a panel discussion at the Berlin Global Dialogue meeting on Wednesday.

“The EU could die, we are on a verge of a very important moment,” he added.

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