Monday 7 October 2024

Sue Gray s MP s son also received free tickets to Taylor Swift concert along with Keir Starmer Is there a common denominator?

 Interesting to see which Labour MPs apart from Keir Starmer received free tickets to Taylor Swift concerts.

One MP is the son of Sue Gray linked to the IRA and Northern Ireland.

Taylor Swift, whose Vienna concerts were scheduled to end on 8.8. 2024 (with 88 being a  secret  numerical of the white superemicist for Heil Hitler)  has been accused of Satnnic elements in her show.

Lord Mountbatten s castle in Sligo Classiebawn was also allegedly filled with Satanic sympbols...

Mountbatten is accused of  abusing boys from the care home in Kincora in Northern Ireland.

Keir Starmer was also a top legal official overseeing the activities of the Northern Ireland s police.,opinions%20against%20the%20Iraq%20War.

Is a common denominator a Satanic, padeophile ring  which is run by MI5 and the British Crown and includes IRA double agents or spies?

Labour MPs can oust Starmer as PM by passing a bill and replace him with someone else like Diane Abbot.

All they need is a majoirty in parliament.

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