Wednesday 16 October 2024

Russia is close to total victory Ukraine orders the evacuation of a strategically vital town Klharkiv faces encirclement, Ukraine could be split into two and Kiev fall

 Russia with its overwhelming military superiority is poised to defeat the Ukraine in a historic, landmark victory.

The Ukraine has ordered the compulsory evacuaation of the  strategically important rail hub of Kupiansk guarding Kharkiv to the west.

The only question now is whether and when the Russians will capture Kharkiv by splitting the country in two with a quick advance along Kharkiv s eastern flank to connect the Russian troops coming from the north and south.

By heavily defending the approach roads to an occurpied road connecting the north and south of eastern Ukraine, Russia can make it impossible for the UAF and the Kharkiv population and industry in the Eastern part  to get vital supplies, forcing a surrender nd positioning Russia to take Kiev.

Physical barriers, drones, drone net protection can help the Russians turn the connecting road into a fortified defense line.

Whatever is going to be left of Ukraine is facing a dire situation with most of its industrial production lost and much of its energy infrastructure destroyed,  huge percentage of its population killed or injured in a war which serves the interests of the WEF elite, but which has ended up exposing their military and economic weakness.

Many Ukrainians  may die of cold and hunger in the upcoming winter because the WEF elite do not seem to have a plan to feed and house the people when the war against Russia is lost. 

The Finnish FM warning of war fatigue in the Western countries,is living in a land of fantasy if she thinks that the defeat of NATO and the Ukraine can be avoided. 

Where has she been for the past two years as NATO  and the Ukraine crumbled due to a lack of ammo, weapons, high tech missiles?  My guess is she has been at Davos listening to the slogans of the Party and reading the medias of the Party like the WSJ, CNN, FT, BBC because Fnland will end up looking like the Ukraine if its WEF government does not stop its warmongering.

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