Friday 4 October 2024

Keir Starmer repays 4 tickets to Taylor Swift concert as Labour MPs revolt over systematic corruption and voter betrayal of the WEF elite and their cronies

 Keir Starmer s decision to repay 6000 UKP worth of freebies has fuelled concerns corruption and cronyism has become ingrained in the UK s ruling elite.

MPs have received millions in freebies and gifts, raising questions about conflicts of interests.

Among the gifts Starmer has repaid are 4 tickets to a Taylor Swift concert worth 2,800 pounds.

Starmer has also received thousands of free gifts in the form of glases and clothes and other bling.

He used Lord Allis Penthouse in 2021.

This is the same Lord Alli who gave the McDonagh sisters, an MP and a former top Labour party official and lifetime peer  a 1.2 million loan to buy a house.

The outcry comes as Labour MP Rosie Duffield resigned over the way Starmer casually back tracked on key election pledges to crack down on the poorest sections of the UK

Duffield said Starmers new programme included polices which "are cruel and unnecessary, and affect hundreds of thousands of our poorest, most vulnerable constituents.

This is not what I was elected to do," she added, getting to the heart of the matter.

The heart of the matter is this.

Who do the elected representatives work for? Do they work for the Constituents or for an WEF elite?

Starmer is on record saying he would much rather go to Davos to talk to the WEF elite than carry out parliamentary business.

When backbench MPs no longer go along with a culture of corruption, U turns and broken election pledges which WEF elite politicians casually practise when elected into office, and insist the government does what it said it would do to its voters and presents the programme that serves the people it pledged to do, and not the private interests of the Billionaires WEF elite, then its over for Davos darlings like Starmer.

It has been the silence and complicity of MPs which has left the people vulnerable to policies which serve an elite and destroy the public health, the economy and bring the UK to the edge of WW3 and nuclear annihiliation.

MPs can even organize a backbench majority to overthrow Starmer and pass their own laws, ask for politce investigations.

They are far more powerful than many seem to realize. However, the king of bling Starmer and his tiny circle of corrupt cronies seem to have realized just how powerful MPs are when he returned 6000 pounds worth of his freebies.

That included 2,800 for four tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. reinforcing the notion the WEF elite are  semi retarded and quasi labotamised group whose label of "managerial technocrats" hides the degree of their incompetence.

But the problem is there are a vast number of voters who belong to that category.

200,000 people bought 200 million worth of stuff to attend 4 Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, scheduled to end on 8.8. 2024...

This just after Austrians and Germans experienced the implementation of totalitarian martial law, the suspension of parliament, covid lockdowns, the closure of schools, and vaccine mandates with risky substances which have resulted in soaring Excess Deaths and injuries and as Europe faces economic collapse and WW3....

It is this zombie public which WEF elite like Starmer and PrWilliam rely on to carry out all their crimes.

But they are helped by the silence and passivity of the MPs and elected representatives.

Few and far between is the MP nowadays who takes the intiaitve to investigate matters in the public interest, check facts, raise controversial issues let alone criticizes the PM or Ministers from their party.

Maybe the resignation of Rose Duffield will herald a change.

With the backing of only 20 or 30 corrupt and incompetent MPs, its curtains for Starmer s government.

And if the example of Rose Duffield spreads across Europe, its curtains for Macron, Scholz and Von der Leyen, all of whom rely on a corrupt layer of elected MPs to insulate them from the public and give them de facto immunity.

We need not talk about the USA where an entire generation of politicians, state governors and ags as well as media personalities has been totally corrupted by money also from Pfizer, the BMGF, the OSF, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, resulting in policies which have now brought the US to a historical moment, to the edge of an unprecedented collapse.

If the Americans do not rise up soon and use their weapons to remove a criminal and corrupt network superimposed on their federal and state governments, including Florida, as they are legally entitled to for their role in the covid jab and private central bank looting crimes, the end is now here. 

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