Monday 7 October 2024

Sisyphus in New York? Hillary Clinton calls for more censorship to not loose " total control" But it was the censorship which caused the WEF elite to lose control in the first place



Circular logic.

WEF elite Hillary Clinton told CNN host Michael Smerconish that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else "we lose total control."

She appears to be confusing  cause and effect. The total, all encompasing censorship of the WEF elite concerning the origins of covid and he covid jab harms has caused them to lose total control.

Censorship caused the Austrian Revolution of 1848. 

Censorship is a disastrous path for any political entity. No regime which relies on tight censorship has survived more than a few deades, and most have collapses in a few years.

As Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels noted propaganda works only until people feel the consequences. A regime can tell as many lies as it wants as long as the people do not find out they are lies the hard way when the damage materializes in their real world lives.

In 2024, people feel the consequences of the covid jab and lockdown. People are sicker and poorer. They see they have been lied to by the governments and WEF elite. 

The covid jab was supposed to make them healthier and save lives. The opposite has happened. The way the injection has made them sicker and killed people is in the government Excess Death statistics. These are the statistics which count. Pfizer s fabuluated statistical models of projected deaths withoout the jab do not count. They are based on assumptions which bear no relation to reality. That is why Pfizer does not publish them

The  public see the censorship was used to hide from them vital information. They can see who is a part of this illegal censorship.  

The public can see Elon Musk and Twitter, X is also a part of the WEF elite secret association and programme of censorship from the way Musk censors information including my Twitter hands.

That will raise questions about Musk s Tesla and Starlink operations and databases...

They can see the WEF elite are trying to kill Trump to stop political opposition from forming.

They can see the war in the Ukraine is lost.

It is amazing to see how Hillary advocates the same old same old recipe which created the disaster for the WEF elite without reflecting on the nature of power, social contracts and governments as the prison cells beckon.

Power has to be used sparingly to achieve results which are possible in order to retain its quality of power.

If power is used to achieve impossible results, utopian, fantastical, fairytale goals, whoever exercises that power is discredited . A powerful entity is diminished, destroyed in the process of trying to push through an impossible agenda.

The plan to mass jab the globe with covid was an impossible agenda after the element of surprise was lost in 2009 and the globe awoke to the existence of an epidemic disease plot through the Baxter bird flu and swine scandals, for example.

The truth is that if the WEF elite had had an open media they would have understood the limits of their power and what was possible for them politically and what not, and so not lost all their power, sparked a global awakening. 

The unprecedented, all encompasing censorship so far has been unable to stop them losing control. In fact, it has contributed to the WEF elite losing control because censorship makes the public aware the elite is hiding something as well as infringing on their first Amendment rights and so creates curiosity and a desire to do research. Plus, people have memories. 

Iy was up to Hillary to tell the WEF elite the truth about their covid jab and Ukraine war plan, tell them it was doomed to fail and prevent their total loss of power and warn them agains t allowing the prosecutor probes in Greece to draw everyone s attention to their plan, who they are, their methods and mechanisms especially the central bank since 2015! The Dem mega donor George Soros was caught. Everyone who was interested could verify it using Open Source materials. And still can.

Yet the same mindset which made her refuse to accept the cold reality of the limits of this tiny elite s power cannot change, it seems.

She must feel like Sisyphus. However much she rolls the censorship stone to the top of the agenda, she has to do it again and again...

An incapacity for abstract thinking so vital for analysis which has manifested as a fatal flaw in ChatGPT design s seems to be the characteristic of the WEF elite.

They are reinforced in their delusion by the controlled alt media figures like Alex Jones, who seem to act their unoffical advisors.

Alex Jones totally overstates the benefit of censorship and understates the dangers.

The WEF not only lack abstract thinking. They do not seem to have memories and to be fixated totally on whatever data point is before their eyes. But the majority of people still have background knowledge to interpret data points which is stored in their memories.

When they intepret the data and realized the governments have lied to them on a massive scale to give them toxic jabs, then no censorship will ever put the lid on this scandal. 

It is over, Hillary, and time to mitigate the damage.

For any wannnabee Satanist used to torturing little kids in a basement, real politics dealing with real people in a fluid, fast changing environment where information is key and analytical thinking vital seems to be a bridge far too far. 

Now the privae central banks cannot print the trillions to allow what some citics may call a group of "semi retarded morons" to dominate the global economic and financial  and political space either because they gave the game away in 2015 by focussing the attention of the globe on the private central banks and Soros!

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