Wednesday 16 October 2024

Trump talks about private Federal Reserve in Bloomberg interview The renationalization of the USA s money supply is the key to solving its debt and economic crisis

Trump destroyed Bloomberg News s editor and, by extension, the false narrative of the MSM pointing out they have been wrong in their predictions about everything also about tariffs.

This is because the MSM memory holes, censors vital information about the private Federal Reserve as does Bilderberg member John Micklethwait during his interview with Trump.

Far more important than tariffs is the question of the issuance of money by the central bank.

Plus tariffs cannot be used as a penalty to stop the end of the dollar as reserve currency. None of the BRICS are much interested in the US market. They have a new market in Asia, south America, Afirca. That is the point of the new BRICS geopolitical alignement. To sideline the US market.  To create a new market. To avoid all US penalties and sanctions. The new market is now a reality, a fact, which cannot be reversed.

China is powered by free money. Free money is not socialism as the private bankers portray it. The private bankers are the real socialists producing nothing and living from the interest on the money they have privatized while producing nothing.

Free money is the sine qua non of economic prosperity for a nation.

If Americans have to pay 10, 20, 50 cents for every dollar they use just to conduct business, then of course, the economy is going to collapse eventually, and the wealth of the country transferred to a parasitic elite who get vast sums just from controlling the issuance of the legal tender.

The 10, 50, 70 cent surchage for using the dollar is hidden in the interest rates, taxes, inflation.

Of course, no American would pay 50 cents to use a private US dollar to pay for their groceries, gas etc if they knew that they were paying for private money. But they do not thanks to the censorship of Bloomberg, but also Zerohedge and co.

The tansfer of all wealth to a parastic elite via interest is what the privatized Federal Reserve means for ordinary Americans.

That is where the debt, high interest, inflation come from.

Whether Americans like it or not, they have to address the private central bank fraud or end up being bought up by Russia and China which have free, efficient, sound money.

The Fed was privatized in 1913 with a law and it can be renationalized with a law easily.

The private Fed has no protection under the Constitution. Trump can issue Executive Orders as well.

Yet Trump refused in the interivew with Bloomberg to commit to taking control of the Fed. Whether this is a tactical silence to reduce the resistance and assassination attempts against him from the WEF elite who are at their core, the private bankers, remains to be seen.

The Trump business depends on loans from private banks like Deutsche Bank, creating a conflict of interest.

One thing is clear. Without reform of the privat Fed, an end to the exponentially rising federal, state, personal, business debt, the USA is doomed to collapse in a year or two not least because its hyperinflatiing currency is being challenged by the BRICS.

The biggest losers will be Soros, Gates, Fink and Page, Charles and William, Obama, Clinton, Macron and Starmer when that happens. The Russians and Chinese know all about their crimes from the Greek prosecutor probes and can use international law to put them on trial before the globe for their covid jab crimes, whose victims include the US military. 

But they also seem to believe their own lies, their own censorship and to be clueless as to what is going on in the real world. In the real world, they could end up not on trial but facing furious covid jab victims seeking justice....

If Trump wants to start a new era, he also has to get real world about information and the rule of law or he will end up in prison with the Billionaires when the US is bought up by the BRICS.

BRICS will have ZERO interest in accessing the US market even if Trump pays them.

Trump s idea he can save the reserve currency by imposing a 100% tariff on those who drop the dollar is delusional.

A Senate report by Roger Marshall has documented how covid, the "China virus" came from Trump s secret bioweapons programme. So, why does Trump lie about not knowing where the covid virus came from when the public knows, when the US military knows? Why lie in 2024?

From media

Trump then roasted the federal reserve, saying "It's the greatest job in government. You show up to the office once a month and say, 'Hmm, let's flip a coin,' and everybody talks about you like you're a god."

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