Friday 4 October 2024

Jim Rickards says investors must plan for a successful assassination of Trump by CIA, switch to cash and gold as WW3 fears escalate and West faces economic collapse

Any successful assassination attempt of Trump will accelerate the USA s collapse due primarily due to its record and ever growing debt and interest payments.

Yet, Jim Rickards warns that is on the cards given the vast amount of evidence Ryan Routh worked for or with the CIA and WEF elite to assassinate him.

The CIA do not give up, Rickards says.

Russia and China will end up buying up the USA and putting the WEF elite in the USA and their conspirators in the various states on trial for allowing the covid jab and other crimes, if only to demonstrate to their own public, the BRICS and the world how dangerous its foes were, how far corruption, greed and nepotism had gone.

Trump seems fantastically unreaslistic about his chances of surviving likely because he seems to be easily influenced by psychops and surrounded by crooked lawyers and campaign advisors. 

It looks like a tonne of emails from beautiful women and men would have been enough to persuade him his crooked lawyers were brilliant without him every examining the facts or asking if he was the victim of a pysch op.

Fact is his lawyers never filed any appeal to the May hush money verdict and the entire Trump family never noticed.

On September 6th, 2024, Trump publicly criticized his lawyers, sparking Judge Merchan to delay the prison sentencing based on a irregular verdict.

As for Soros, Gates and the Buffett family, the  CIA and FBI chiefs, Biden, Harris and  Republican State Govs and AGs, they will all go down with Trump. They have betrayed every duty, conspired to permit every crime againt a report and the American people resulting in millions of deaths and injuries and if the Russians and Chinese do not put them on trial, the American people will.

The apparatchiks of the Nazi dictatorship also suddenly found themselves on trial in Nuremberg.

The Russians and Chinese will not allow their number one enemies to escape and regroup.

From media

Routh told the court on Monday, Sept. 16, that he had no material financial assets and owned no property. The court has appointed a public defender to represent Routh. If he has no assets, how was Routh able to afford his move to Hawaii? His travels to Ukraine? How did he finance his recruiting effort while in Ukraine? Where did he get the rifle? How could he afford to travel to Florida to carry out the assassination plan?

It seems clear that Routh has a hidden source of financial support. The CIA typically deals in cash while running covert operations. Was Routh a CIA asset turned loose on a rogue mission with a predictable outcome?

I worked for the CIA for 10 years in various capacities, including special operations. Ukraine has been a CIA outpost since 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union and the creation of the Russian Federation. Ukraine is riddled with CIA operatives, bioweapons labs and forward-deployed assets intended to destabilize Russia.

It’s impossible that a high-profile American like Routh could run around Ukraine recruiting mercenaries without coming to the attention of the CIA and coming in direct contact with CIA assets.

This likely scenario strongly suggests that Routh may have been financed and otherwise assisted by the CIA to carry out his assassination plan. The fact that Routh was using a Russian-designed rifle (which would have been plentiful in Ukraine as Cold War surplus) is another tell.


Saying the assassination attempt failed is not a source of comfort. One is reminded of the IRA’s near assassination of Margaret Thatcher in the Brighton Grand Hotel bombing in 1984. After the bombing, the IRA boasted to Thatcher: “We only have to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.” In other words, the assassination attempts will keep coming.

Investors need to prepare for the eventuality of more assassination attempts on Trump and his possible death on the campaign trail. The CIA doesn’t give up on targets that easily. The White House has done nothing to increase Secret Service assets or to improve Trump’s security detail.

The message to shooters is: “Try your luck.” It’s a good time to reduce stock exposure and increase your allocations to cash and gold.

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