Tuesday 15 October 2024

Trump s plan for tariffs, tax cuts, and dollar do not add up Is looming economic collapse why Trump wants the military? But is Trump going to find the US military sees him as the enemy within as much as Harris, Biden?

 Many commentators have noted Trump s plans for tarriffs, tax cuts and the dollar may actually make America s economic, fiscal and financial situation worse

This is because Trump does not address the number one problem facing the US economy, the private Federal Reserve and the exponentially growing federal debt.

Alarm bells should ring among Americans when Trump proposes using the military.

His real purpose may be not just to put his personal enemies in prison but a large swathe of impoverished Americans.


But Trump may find he is not loved by the American army any more than Biden or Harris as he pushed on them the covid experimental jab and lied to them about the harms, also in an interview with Sharyl Attkisson, in which he cited fake Pfizer statistics as a claim the covid jabs were one of his biggest successes.


The average soldier has more logic and reason and can see Pfizer s statistical modeals with arbitrary variables for covid deaths are not worth the paper they are written on, which is why Pfizer does not publish them

The US military is like the rest of the US population in 2024.

Awake to the WEF agenda and awake to their corrupt and lying politicians.

Tellingly, Trump has never responded to the Greek prosecutor probes who describe an enemy of all Americans. Is that silence the act of a patriot?

The State Govs and AGs need to act to put this criminal group in prison. They should not wait for Trump, booed at his own rallies for making false claims about the deadly covid jabs he funded and developed along with the covid virus in Wuhan.


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