Friday 4 October 2024

Suspected Marburg case in Germany tests negative Did the public reaction to the plandemic force the WEF elite to make a U turn?

After massive hype from the discredited media, after the  unnecessary and theatrical sealing off  of a station by German police with machine guns and frightening pictures of emergency workers in hazmat suits storming onto a train due to an alleged case of "the deadly" Marburg virus, we now suddenly hear the tests on two  passengers  from Rwandashow a negative.

The suspects were taken to Eppendorf University Hospital which speciales in tropical diseases and given some faulty test, if experience is anything to go by, and declared negative.

They were not even kept in isolation for the 21 day period quarantine which is the standard practise if there is a genuine suspicion someone may be incubating Marburg.

Why the sudden deescalation? The most likely explanation  is simple. 

In 2024 is the broad German public, including the police, the army, doctors, judges, many of whom have  also certainly personally suffered from covid jab injuries or know others who have,  if we look at the statistics and Excess Deaths in Germany,  shave ignalled that if machine guns are to be used to control another pandemic, then they will be used against the criminal covid network in the Chancellory and Bundestag in Berlin and their propagandists in the media who carried out the covid criminal scheme this time around.

The suspicion is that if the WEF elite thought they could have gotten away with another plandemic, gotten away with declaring the two passengers Marburg positive, likely using some ill defined and inaccurate test, gotten away with lockdowns and a mass jab campaign with experimental Marburg jabs, they would have.

Why else the theatrical build up of police with machine guns sealing off Hamburg station, high speed trains stopped and passengers removed by emergency workers in Hazmat suits?

Likely, when the very tiny, discredited WEF elite in the German government realized the game is up, they instructed their allies in the hospital to produce a negative test.

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