Wednesday 16 October 2024

As Mark Milley calls Trump a fascist to the core, US army should never forget it was Trump , Mattis and Mcmaster gave them and the American people the poison covid jabs working as a seamless unit also in censorship with Biden, Harris

 The enemy is within as Mark Milley has said, and it includes Trump.

A personal war with the Soros family and WEF over who gets to have the best jobs and best placement is not the same as commitment to the interests of America and the American public.

The acid test is the Greek prosecutor probes. No one who claims to serve American interests will ignore these crimes against a reporter warning the American public and military of a criminal scheme ten years before it happened, causing devastation to the US economy and public health.

But Trump and his family not only ignore the probes.. No Kushner, Bannon are actually are part of them. For all we know, there may be emails incriminating Trump himself in ordering the crimes to be carried out using US diplomats in Greece or in personally ordering a smear, slander campaign and censorship.

If the Trump family are innocent and if the Trump family genuinely want to serve the American interests and not their pockets, why are they so silent on the crimes of Soros, Gates against a reporter performing a vital national security function for America?  It does not add up.

Trump, Don and Eric can prove they are innocent  and genuine patriots working for America and not for their pockets easily by publicizing the proofs they have been sent by email. They do not do so.  Total silence reigns. The crimes against me continue to this day showing Soros and Gates do not fear Trump and justice from Trump. If they did fear Trump, if they did think he was the real deal patriot, they would stop their crimes today against me in Greece.

Trump claims to get things done with a phone call, after all. What could be important from the national security perspective than protecting a reporter from WEF Billionaires warning of national security threats on a gigantc scale? If it is not the top of Trumps agenda after all my warnings of the covid jab harms materialized, it is because Trump is not the real deal, a fraud or a total moron.

That is why the Republican base and the Democrats should unite around the rule of law and remove all the culprits in the covid criminal scheme using reason, logic.

If Trump thinks in 2024, he can act the big patriot and order the US military to break the law, he is delusional.  

The US military saw at first hand how dangerous Trump is when he joined Biden in the covid criminal scheme, funding the covid virus GOF in Wuhan, locking down the country, signing the order to produce the covid jabs, and joining in crimes against a reporter in Greece warning the US public.

Biden, Harris simply continued with the fascist plan of Trump, mandating the covid jabs for the military and as many people as they could, covering up the harms etc. They worked together hand in hand. 

The US military know the enemy is, indeed, within and it is also inside the Trump family as much as in the Biden, Harris camp. If Trump tries to use the military in 2024, it may means civil war as who will seriously believe he is a patriot in the military after he sanctioned and approved an illegal experiment on the army using mRNA jabs which not even China gave its people.

Xi knows everything since Greek prosecutor captured his arch enemy Soros trying to murder a reporter in Greece with the help of all of the US governments from 2009! And the crimes continue against me. The Trump family and Javanka is as much an emeny of the free press and the rule of law as Biden, Soros

Then, Trump wonders why China is so strong, why the Chinese military serves President Xi and the USA is so weak and the US military detests him for his fascist and semi moronic nature. Stupidity and fascism go together, it seems. 

You have the impression if Trump is surrounded by beautiful men and women who tell him to kill Milley, even if they come straight from Davos or  fromWEF elite s darling, Elon Musk, he will order Milley to be killed because he is so susceptible to random impulses,bizarre grudges and so lacking in strong reasoning abilities.

He cannot even understand intellectually the lawfare against him or deal with the assassination attempts he seems to be such a moron. If Soros, Gates, Buffett who run the US government feared Trump, they would never dare treat him that way. They would never dare treat Xi or Putin that way for a reason. They have a brain, a capacity for long term reasoning, they promote people who serve their interests and their countries interests and not sycophants.

They pursue rational policies and not personal grudges.

Mark Milley speaks for the US army more than ever in 2024 in condemning Trump s fascist tendencies and his lack of education, and his soft, pampered, luxury loving and weak character, so easy to manipulate by the WEF elite.

It is up the US judges, AGs and every American who puts the Constitution first to put the Billionaires in prison and their politician puppets from Biden to Clinton, Obama to Trump after a due process investigation using as a starting point official state prosecutor probes. 

Milley also has to do his bit to get the rule of law applied in the USA, get the Billionaires put in prison who control both the Dems and the Reps as a Uniparty.

In 2024, time is running out to save America from total economic and debt collapse for which neither Trump nor Harris have a plan.

When Trump does get elected, he has to be kept in check by the Republican base,  judges, Supreme Court, AGs and military or he will destroy them all as his role in the covid criminal scheme showed.

The Constitution and rule of law are all that is left preventing the USA from civil war and collapse in 2024. And it barely functions as my requests to have the law uphold show. Fifty years ago, it would have been a no brainer to put Billionaires and politicians in prison for trying to kill a reporter in Greece for giving the public vital warnings. 

If the US military had taken the rule of law and freedom of the media and Constitution seriously in 2015, the covid jab scam would never have happened.

It was Trump s Generals James Mattis, John Kelly and Henry McMaster   who turned out to be  the biggest pusher of the covid criminal scheme and censorship operation. The enemy is also inside the Pentagon. Some generals like Mattis may not like Trump but a personal beef or turf war  with Trump is not the same as patriotism.

Trump chose Mattis,Kelly and McMaster in the first place and fired lots of other generals because the Billionaires knew these three corrupt generals would carry out whatever orders the WEF elite wanted.

Lloyd Austin, who broke every law to force US soldiers to take the covid jab was appointed on the personal  recommendation of Mattis, his crony from the Marines.

There has to be a revivial in integrity. Personal integrity has to be taken seriously again.

When judges, generals, governors do not uphold the law because they lack personal integrity, the Constittuition and institutions are worthless and the  USA may as well be a lawless banana republic.

That is what the US is in 2024. 

When China and Russia buy up the USA, they willl not be as soft with Soros, Gates, Buffett, Biden, Harris and  Trump and other covid criminals. Xi and Putin know they cannot afford to be. Lawlessness and corruption bring ruin to a country and its leaders .

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