Friday 11 October 2024

Google CEO Larry Page and execs like David v d Leyen should face prison for deliberately and systematically censoring my accurate warnings of the covid jab harms and of a criminal scheme

 As the " US government is considering seeking the break-up of the world's biggest search engine, Google, which it accuses of causing "pernicious harms" to Americans", it should include the proofs Google, and its execs maliciously censored, removed, altered, constrained by blogs on blogger to prevent the public from knowing the true facts about the covid jab harms, and continue to do so to today.

As a result of this malicious censorship, key blogs like the fourthempire blog spot are not available for the public to see how accurate my warnings were and to crystallize a plan including a plan by Google to censor the crimes of Gates, Soros and co.

Not only should the "useless" monopoly Google be broken up and forced to pay a fine, its CEO Larry Page and executives David von der Leyen should face trial along with Gates and Soros, Harris  for their role in a false and deceptive marketing campaign.

What the US needs is freedom of speech and accurate information.

The tech giants and social media giants monopolies have caused extreme harm to every facet of American life, public health, business, the rule of law and government policies. 

Page, vd Leyen acted as part of a broad conspiracy of censorship and continue to do so, threatening my life.

The lack of publicity about this criminal case is a threat to my life and the right of Americans to have information.

The amount of publicity that my information should have received due to its accuracy and the significance of the criminal charges would have been far higher if it had not been for the censorship by Google of my blogs in conjunction with Twitter, X and other social media.

They have enabled an ongoing crime by Gates, Soros, Buffett and  Bourla against myself and the global public, causing mass deaths and sickness. They have done so knowingly, deliebrately and maliciously.

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