Monday, 24 February 2025

Delusional? Bill Gates claims yet world is not prepared for a pandemic when virtually the entire globe now believes he blongs in prison

 After Albert Bourla was booed at the White House together with Trump, Bill Gates should have gotten the message that the broad public is not going to accept any more fake pandemics, dangerous jabs no matter who is in office in 2025.

But he has not got the message. Gates seems to be stuck in a Disney World bubble wilfully oblivious to the fact he and Bourla are one foot from prison for their covid jab and other crimes documented in criminal proceedings in Greece, which are very widely known despite censorship.

Trump should ensure he never ends up as out of touch as  Bourla, Bill Gates and the WEF elite by surrounding himself with good advisors, accurate information to make good decisions.

He is not well served by corporate lobbyists like Susie Wles at a time of unprecedented crisis, change and public mistrust.

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