Caught red handed handing in 3 videos from cameras which the fire department said were not working on the night of the Tempi train collision, and which the public can, therefore, deduce are fakes, the lawyer for the companyInterstellar Security has made the bold assertion that the cameras always function and claims to the contrary are lies.
Lawyer Vassilis Kapernaros appears to use ambiguous language at least as reported in the Greek media. He is reported as saying in Greek media that there are always cameras at the tunnels. He is not reported as saying the cameras always work. There is a difference.
The key question is whether the cameras were working or not.
Kapernaros statement is clearly designed to leave the impression and be understood to mean the cameras were working and always do (Pantote) and any claim to the contrary, that is by the fire department, is a lie.
But he does not seem to have offered ANY PROOF the cameras were working or tht they always work or that the fire department was lying.
Where is the proof? I could not find any mention of it in Greek media reports as one might expect.
He does not seem to offer a document listing the proofs to the public.
To prove that the cameras are always there and by implication always work and have always been there and working for the past 2 to 3 years may, indeed, be impossible for him to do as it would require a detailed examination of all the records of visual inspections of the tunnel recording the presence of the cameras as well as video feed from the cameras and their verification by independent forensic experts.
After all, it is possible that the cameras were replaced from time to time because of wear and tear.
However, Interstar Security justified producing the 3 videos so late, after nearly two yeas, by saying they had to undertake a special search to find them using remote log downloads.
That strongly suggests they do not have complete records for their cameras at hand.
From media
Offering an explanation as to why these videos had remained undiscovered for so long, Kapernaros reportedly stated that the security company ordered, last November, a thorough search of all computers at the operations center that use remote log downloads with the aim to locate any material related to the Tempe incident that may have previously gone undetected.
In courts of law, there must be proofs, facts, evidence, records not broad claims backed up by nothing or little evidence.
The queston of motive is also central.
The fire department has no motive to have lied about the cameras not working.
By contrast, the lawyer for Inerstar Security has a motive for lying about the cameras now that he has been caught passing off 3 videos from cameras that were recorded in reports as not working according to the fire department.
That motive is to escape prosecution for serious fraud to hide mass murder of 57 young people.
The fraud appears to involve 3 new videos showing no illegal extra container. But from cameras which were not working according to the report of a fire department as reported in ANT 1 and media.
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