Lo and behold, Gates went on TV to make a veiled threat about a new pandemic and now his associates in the CDC are hyping a cruise ship outbreak as new pandemic.
The simplest solution to keeping America safe from outbreaks is to put the brains, funders of Ebola, covid, bird flu, swine flu in orange jummpsuits today using the golden standard criminal proceedings in Greece proving crimes of censorship and corruption to hide the personal role of Gates and Soros in trying to murder a reporter.
The public in 2025 knows Gates and Soros are engaged in a dangrous criminal scheme, also funding covid GOF research in Wuhan using USAID money and a massive censorship and propaganda apparatus.
They will not be shocked. They will be relieved to see these menaces behind bars.
The crime is ongoing and so justifies the issuing of immediate arrest warrants, their detention and closure of their Foudnations as a first step.
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