The mystery deepens as to the cause of death of the 39 year old son of Larisa prosecutor investigating Tempe after a body was found in a remote area in Tempe area on the banks of the Pineos river about 15 kilometres from the place where he vanished without any witnesses or sightings in Larisa s central park on December 30th.
Given the scale of the cover up and lies pushed by Mitsotakis over the cause of the Tempi train collision, which now extend to 3 fake videos, few Greeks will have faith that the police will conduct a proper investigation into the death of the pyschologist and teacher.
From media
The mother of a 39-year-old man who was reported missing over a month ago claims to have identified the clothing found on a corpse in the Tyrnavos area, in the mainland’s mid-east, early Monday as belonging to her son.
Vassilis Kalogirou was reported missing on December 30. His mother is a Prosecutor of the Larissa Court of Appeal.
Emergency police discovered a corpse in the Tyrnavos area early Monday after responding to a call from a witness who claimed to have seen a dead body.
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