And whoever thought the Tempe cover up scandal could get any more brazen has been wrong again.
It turns out a fire department report on the Tempe train collision stated that key cameras on train tinnels were not working on the night of the crash.
Here is the rub.
The new 3 videos which have been produced by the train security company Interstar Security come from those cameras, it is claimed.
Plus, the 3 new videos puport to show no illegal, extra container on the freight train as it rattles through the tunnels, contradicting a video from a supermarket and a report from Belgiam
This fact, pointed out by Kostas Lakafosis on ANT 1 TV strongly suggests the three news videos are fakes.
Wrap your mind around that.
These three irrelevant videos also appear to be fakes to discredit the supermarket video and other evidence.
Who has the motive and means to produce elaborate fakes to hide an illegal container?
And who is so mentally challenged as to not remember that there is a fire department report stating key cameras are not working? If someone is going to tell yet another lie about Tempe, they should double check if there is an official report which reveals that lie, should they not?
Well, Mitsotakis and his corrupt prosecutor Sotiris Baikmis may believe they can get away with proclaiming these fakes as real and so dismissing the overwhelming evidence of an illegal container, but no one in the real world does in 2025. So, why do it? Why get caught time after time telling lies, faking evidence by commission and omission?
If they are revealed to be lying agian, bringing fake videos to a prosecutor as they seem to have been already within 24 hours, it is a serious cirminal offence, no?
The question everyone is actually asking is this .Why is the railway company OSE still able to withhold its official video of the freight train two years after the crash from the public prosecutor when it is vital evidence?
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