Wednesday 17 July 2024

Could a dirty bomb false flag at the Paris Olympics or in the USA spark a hypersonic nuclear missile strike by Russian and or China?


If the WEF elite try to use a dirty bomb or tactical nuclear bomb to assassinate Trump or other politicans at a high profile event, and then blame it on the Russians, Chinese or Iranians, it may spark a hypersonic nuclear strike against the West made in self defence by the Russians and allies.

With nuclear capable F16s and long range missiles pointed at Russia and also China, a false flag may be interpreted by Russians and the Chinese as a sign the WEF elite are escalating their aggression against them.

Escalating aggression in 2024 means also using nukes, hence the decision by NATO to knock out two of Russian s nuclear early warning stations.

A potential venue for a false flag may be the Paris Olympics.

Given the current security concerns, it is inexplicable why Macron should invite 120 world leaders to the opening of the Paris Olympics on July 26th, including Mitsotakis. 

Why should a Greek PM travel to Paris to attend the Olympics opening ceremony for the first time since 2004 when Greece hosted the Olympic games?

One reason for getting so many world leaders together in one place where a false flag is set to take place would be to instantly concentrate the maximum mainstream global media coverage on the false flag and incite the maximum hostility against Russia etc while declaring an emergency, martial law.

The WEF elite may seek to sow confusion between Russians and Chinese and divide and rule by, say, killing Chinese diplomats attending the opening ceremony and blaming it on the Russians.

Apart from the fact that hardly anyone in the West will believe the attack was a real one by Russia, which has no motive to attack the civilian target of the Paris Olympics or kill Trump, such a false flag may trigger Russia s own self defence plans which the Kremlin has made clear includes tactical nukes potentially to destroy Holland s dams and flood Europe.

Another key target in Europe for a tactical nuke may be the Frankfurt Wiesbaden area where the HQ of the ECB and  key NATO bases are located.

The BIS and Davos in Switzerland may be another prime target for a Russian hypersonic missile strike given the high concentration of the WEF elite inside Switzerland, who perhaps are still under in the delusional belief Switzerland is still considered neutral by Russia and its allies despite the Swiss governments relentless support of Zelensky and the Kiev regime.

Given Russia s hypersonic glide nuclear capacities, a nuclear war could be over in hours and end in the total wipe out of Europe and even America if Biden joins in.

The Russians and Chinese know in grainy detail, who the WEF elite and decision makers of the Western hegemony are, including the Windsors, and their intelligence services will have had plenty of time to find their nuclear bunkers and devise plans to neutralize them.

However, we have all seen the mental state of Biden and his family oligarchy and their never ending miscalculations and acts of self destruction. That means, not even this act of suicide by the WEF elite can be ruled out.

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